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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...4-19742,00.html http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/1,9...9-19742,00.html Anyone feel both these articles are very harsh and don't reflect the match well at all? Especially the second one by Mark Hayes. Apart from a 20 minute period we beat Richmond, and yet they write things like..... were they under instructions just to stir the pot even more, drum up more negative media about our club? i found this one quite amusing... colin garland? brief flashes? did he even watch the game?
  2. i'm sure cameron bruce was mentioned in a similar YM signature in 2000!
  3. 16 possessions for foley, so you'd say he was effective... he could become a great tagger, def. has the potential... question is whether he can learn to get the ball himself...
  4. almost kicked a great goal on the run, took the players on, just a little off target...
  5. here's a question... i'm not writing cale off and he will become a great player for the MFC... but if you could go back now to draft day, who do we take at 4? Morton or Palmer?
  6. people aren't saying he's no good and should be dropped till he earns a game again... they're just suggesting that perhaps this is a point in his development where heading back to sandy will be good for his development... find some confidence again, and come back into the side a better player...
  7. lamb managed to hold down full back that year, but he never showed the run, poise or skill that garland has shown of late did he?
  8. some players just take longer than others to develop... salopek from Port is the perfect example...
  9. not sure about every game, but he showed enough today to get at least the next 2 games... like bailey has done with Buckley and with Bode, bring him in and give him a few weeks to find his feet...
  10. think a rising star nomination might be in store for col this week...
  11. thoughts on his game today? i thought he was solid... used the ball well generally... 16 posessions, 8 marks, 3 tackles... quiet in the first half, but definately contributed in the second half...
  12. hence the word possibily if he does get a little more size he could be a fantastic defender... but then he looks like he could play anywhere...
  13. possibly the next Matthew Scarlett? a lot of similarities in his game... not to put pressure on the kid or anything... but great potential there... potential he's starting to realise... top drafting CAC... taken in the 40's...
  14. bode and bartram showing something in the first quarter... something they haven't done all season...
  15. correct, your 3rd tall should be able to use to ball well, and attack off the half back line... eg. milburn for geelong... while carroll has pretty good dash, he's just not up to playing that type of role, can spot up clearly open and free targets, but has trouble finding team mates through any type of traffic...
  16. russian just took a big mark over some poor blokes back... 7 kicks, 10 handballs and 10 marks for the big fella... i doubt any of his kicks have been effective though...
  17. I reckon he'll get 2 weeks for charging ... video looked quite bad ... wasn't anywhere near the marking contest, so decided just to cannon straight into his back. Having said that I don't think it should be a reportable incident ... no real chance of injuring the player, 50 metres should be sufficient...
  18. Shane Valenti just ran all the way from full forward to the wing to chase a tackle... just shows how much this bloke works... i saw him take off, casey were away... heading down the wing, i don't know why he even bothered in the first place, most footballers wouldn't even think about it... but he sprinted 80 metres, the casey player fumbled, he got to the ball, made a contest and won the ball for sandy... Carroll just charged straight into a blokes back as he was taking a mark... stupid!
  19. is whelan playing? only seen carroll and jamar playing of the emergencies...
  20. this isn't a MFC initative... Facebook is a social networking site, where people can start up group pages and invite people to join. Someone who doesn't even barrack for Melbourne started up a group called: I WOULD DONATE $2 TO THE MELBOURNE FOOTBALL CLUB TO HELP THEM OUT which has over 500 members at the moment, with a goal of 500,000 to raise a million dollars... while the target may be a bit far fetched, every little bit in trying to get there helps... they've gotten details off the club on how to donate, and posted them on the group, so people in the group know how to donate... people have already started to donate this afternoon which is great... and as you obviously don't have facebook i'll post the donation details here for you, so you can donate to the club...
  21. exactly, and given we've been able to cut our debt level down while increasing footy department expenditure significantly is important... while he hasn't left the footy club in a fantastic position, and there is still a lot of work to do, he has left the place in a much better position than which he found it... sometimes it is just time for a change, a new fresh enthusiasm and passion... to take us to the next level... Jim Stynes is going to preside over us entering our new home at the Olympic Park Precinct... establish a new training base out at Casey fields... initiatives that will be important to the clubs future, initatives all started by Paul Gardner's board...
  22. if either of you had been paying any attention over the last month you would've seen junior has been playing a lot of footy on the half back flank and in the back pocket... a position where he is wasted and Wheels is much better suited... if it's done to give the kids a better run in the middle, then so be it... but i don't think you should send an all australian midfielder to the backline, where he's not very well suited...
  23. that was simply a truthful, never say never answer... nothing more... to acknowledge that the club is in such a precarious financial position, yet categorically say that there is no possibility whatsoever that melbourne won't relocate or merge would be naive... his plans and goals are to avoid such situations... but he can't say for certainty what will happen in the future... only his intentions for the club, and the vision of where he wants to take it...
  24. you think if he does play saturday he will get dropped? one thing Bailey has shown is that he has given young players a go when he brings them up... rather than giving them one game and dropping them if they don't perform, he gives them 2 or 3 weeks to find some form... we see this with Buckley, I'd imagine Bode this week is in a similar situation... while I wouldn't read much into how the team was named this week, given bailey named CJ as ruck-rover suggests that he's going to be given every chance... i don't understand why CJ is so maligned on these boards... he's a young player who hasn't lived up to expectations, but he's certainly not the only one... i think now is the time where he's going to come good...
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