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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. all will be revealed in the fullness of time that and trade week
  2. price is right ....eh
  3. Nothing more than a gut feeling. Reckon Dew might be the most interested in the role if can be convinced that WH aren't just a bunch of Dheads !!
  4. Quite fascinating reading all of this. These trainers really seem to know their stuff. Am glad the club has found such caliber of help for Tracca. Seems he really understands it also ( CP ) Looking forward to seeing him 'tearing down the house' at training
  5. contract hangover perhaps. Hopefully we see him buiild on this years second half and not repeat the first.
  6. I think Macca has settled well into his role at the Dees and it will now be starting to produce dividends. I think Macca likes the new environment and sees much that he can do without the limelighht and asssociated pressures. Who in their right mind would go to Essendon and it's vulture culture when you have a perfectly good ( and growing ) job already Melbourne is going places...Essendon's going straight to hell...do not pass go !!
  7. A real goer, just a shame he hasnt a few more arrows in his quiver. Good luck mate
  8. Howe, by his own efforts ( or as result of his manager's) has come totally unstuck. His decision making off field isnt much better than on field it would seem. I would imagine the club will have a very frank discussion with him/them. Not nasty just a what-is tete a tete ; clear the air and see what is best path forward. Maybe he stays at Melbourne, maybe he doesn't. Either way he's now currency. Well done Howey...kicking goals...all own-ones !!!
  9. Melksham offer...wada we thinking !!!
  10. so.....Howe low do we go ??
  11. Thats a very good point LDVC. Does add another aspect for sure. One i had completely overlooked
  12. Dangerfield is apparently having lots of fun winding folks up with social media.. a bit of a game to him...just saying
  13. if Watts is traded this year I doubt it will be for a pick...part of a bundle of some description...for a player...just my thinking granted
  14. FA compo is based on any contract going fwd.
  15. this is a bit that actually concerns me. Doesnt the club give any credence to the current WADA appeal.. Do they not understand it
  16. wasnt he on our radar years ago but we couldnt grab him because of our picks etc. And given who we did pick.... Maybe memory playing tricks Definitely worth a look...much more so than that bloke from the Hill
  17. didnt get what they wanted though !!
  18. That and of itself isnt cut and dried id suggest. Theyre not going out of their way to ensure he stays.Sounds like " yeah ..you can go"
  19. In understanding how this sits; and for the moment we'll disregard looming sanctions but ask yourselves the following : Why would we want anyone Essendon didn't want to keep ?
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