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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Are we after a forward though ? I had the impression we were looking to play frost upfield in 16..possibly as the Hogan foil.
  2. No bridge at the station but a miniature railway nearby
  3. It's all in reality bullshlt though. Bout as real as Essendons coaches interviews
  4. i wonder what the formula was previously though
  5. i think you're a tad late for dinner.
  6. Very disappointed the hotel was staying at had no banana in the fruit salad for brekkie. I voiced my disapproval.
  7. Probably not nearly as busy as you remember The Campaspe is still nice
  8. Perhaps as often happens in fishing...the big one....got away !!
  9. Freos window is closing.
  10. not fussed which one
  11. On setious note this week am in Elmore...staying in Bendigo. Drive back late arvo was through a lot of smoke. Whoever starts fires are demented...doubly so when its in ignorance and against advice.
  12. was thinking similarly. . If cheap
  13. Who cares where Bennell goes. He's not coming to us. Good
  14. I also feel Chip reduced his options by his own actions and attitude.Fine by me.
  15. Congrats Col. An admirable attitude. Now go them hell on the field Good luck and well done.
  16. The other side to this coin as I note it is the idea that Cross would want to stick around. I see that in itself as a huge endorsement for us going forward. When player alumni of his order pronounce a belief and act upon it those that respect him will be similarly infected. Bodes well.
  17. Though the notion is splendidly romantic in guise I certainly wouldn't place any certainty on Trenners I he does he does.Not wishing to turn into another Trengove debate/ discussion at all. Just suggesting we really do need to remain focussed on building the wngine room first . We can pinch hit everywhere else if needs be in the interim. Its mids
  18. I often take the plss. I sometimes get things wrong. Can't hide behind others doubt. Must be distantly related to a Mal A.Prop ?
  19. Im not saying there may be no genuine surprise packet from trade week. Im just suggesting we aren't likely to surmount all our list problems in one hit. It's been a process and will continue to be so. I do hope though we make no glaringly obvious mistakes
  20. Folks...we aren't going to solve all our woes in one fowl swoop. We'll get a couple of handy bods perhaps. We might even land a fish.Who knows. Rome wasn't built in a day yet so many are judging how we're travelling by whether we are able land the 'silver bullet or whatever " Hopefully the lust is further weeded and added to. Next year we'll trade up again. No leaps and bounds...incremental improvement only i suggest.
  21. Just read it. Rapt for him and very happy for us. Well done MFC
  22. i concurThis is out of the AFLs hands now ( thankfully ). They can make NO assurances. Will the AFL try to wiggle out needing to be the bad cop ? Absolutely. In the end though the AFL has no choice but to rubber stamp whatever is the outcome of Wadas appeal to CAS. I still think any dealings to do with any of the 34 are just flawed. Im ambivalent towards Milkshake as a player but emphatic in my concerns about importing a player who will inevitably get banned.
  23. me tooIm thinking he ought to bounce back in 16. Weed be crazy to unload a decent mid.
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