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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. More weekends with Bernie.... Well done MFC
  2. We aren't looked upon as 'seconds' here, just eccentric
  3. Whilst I agree in essence to the above sometimes the 'education' IS the dropping. It's a clear lesson 100% or hit the road ( to Casey )
  4. Marshmallows , Turnips.. Who cares EPL fans to other forum maybe
  5. I don't fear anything for James I couldn't give a ...,...
  6. Wayne. There will be those you rest and those probably best not. But rest some, rotate, yes.
  7. 'Sympathy' 'Richmond' Same sentence, whatever will they think of next ?
  8. Or both
  9. It ought to be dead easy to drop whoever. The side to play needs to be the best fit for that game. You select accordingly. It's not that difficult. They should know who's fit, who has niggles, who won't get up in time and the balance required. They seem to be getting it wrong often. Millions of dollars in coaches/selectors.....getting it wrong. Marvelous
  10. All the more reason for fresh legs. A no brainier really. Beggars belief we cokked up again. There's a reason you have horses for courses !!!
  11. It fn annoys me at times as to the ideas of self entitlement some have. In this instance Eddie and his flogs. The opening game belongs to two clubs and two clubs only. The ones that have pioneered the ladies format. That would be our good selves and the Pups. I'd like to hear Jackson come out with that viewpoint and shove McGuire and his delinquents back where they belong. Bloody upstarts !!!
  12. Indifference out Endeavour in
  13. Much lauding and chest puffing about our defence. Little warranted IMHO. Much work still needed here. Watts used to headmy most frustrating list, it's now TMac
  14. Not sure if serious as the selectors plainly got it wrong. It's not the you or I'd of this world highlighting that just the silent spectator called the SCOREBOARD . it's right ALL the time
  15. But we won't make it. I understand the trend already for this year. New sponsor must be Russell ( Yoyos ) Make no mistake Roos caught flat-footed often on game day when push cones to shove. Great holistically.,.... Just game days can best him.( his Sydney premiership team team didn't need a coach !!) There's principle .and there's being the principal ( cause ) Reality check for mine ( chance gone begging also )
  16. Odds are about money wagered, not logic. Some delusional Toiges fans must have cousins from Moorabbin
  17. Not sure.. But a big thank-you to who ever
  18. Hard to fathom; someone not having seen PF
  19. Well done Sir Go you good bloke
  20. Looking in wrong places I reckon
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