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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. He'll a;ways be known for this fine achievement ( his only one )
  2. No one is seriously suggesting he wont be a player, but he's mortal, no god. We've managed ok without him...just saying. So hardly indespensible. Id genuinely like him to stay, and think he will, but there's something not right in Denmark.... He doesnt present as if he's bought into the club, he strikes me as aloof, workmanike ( if that can at all ever be applied in reference to Jesse ) Ive played with guys who were much much better than me, could turn games far more often than I could ever dream of doing and yet it was as if they werent really there at times. This is why I m always wondering where Hogans head space is. He strikes me as a little mercenary. Now nothing wrong with that per se, but I wonder If he stays and commits I think wed see an even better version . more complete and commanding on the field. Again, time will tell. Hes a curious one
  3. wasnt sure where to put this snippet. So here it is. http://www.afl.com.au/sidelines another reference: Big Max building for the future all in all a nice segue . I too like working with wood and appreciate his liking of it
  4. Never DC....never The AFL didn't want Asada/Wada to win either. How'd that go for them again ?
  5. It's not the call of the clubs , the managers Nor the AFL if a player seeks the path of Grievance.Its the player's This is Essendon doing what it does best, spin bullshlt !! I'd just love to see one have the moxy to put Windy Hill flat on its back and walk. Same said player(s) to instruct manager to do this or theyre sacked. Likelihood ? Low. But just maybe
  6. Jackaub I'm not actually stressed. Actually, I'm not even fussed. It's about a team not a player. We're moving on from this lurching from one saviour or another to a team that works as a team and has some capacity for replacement along the way. As with OD. He signs or he's off and we trade. I don't buy the CBA stalling ideas as it's really a furphy and can be accommodated already. He's stalling...and there's a reason. Quite frankly no one is that good to warrant a song and dance. Bit over it personally. Be good if he can buy into the Dees rise. Certainly hasn't yet.
  7. There has to be an element to all of this we arent privy to ( duh ). It cant be that hard to sign if you are of a mind to continue . . His manager must be fielding offers and interest etc but its as though there's a particular catalyst that has yet to play out. I'm with those that think there's something odd about all of this. We'll know soon enough I suppose.
  8. is about the only way I can see us getting back into the draft really.
  9. Strangely , not what came to mind.
  10. A very different draft forum this year. The whole eos trade/draft circus has a complexion quite foreign to us. Might be a relatively quite time save for one or two snags. I don't mind , means we already have much of what we need. No more divining for that magic elixir of 'success' My only ponder as to getting back into the fray is that as some exit the club we might garner some later picks which we again bundle to Giants or Suns for a swapsie. Otherwise...'crickets'
  11. He and Jaegar share similar qualities
  12. There's two aspects for mine. Despite all the chatter I'm not personally convinced Hurley has US in his view. Hibberd yes, Manbun ?? Not so sure. Then look at a possible backend list Tmac, Oscar, Frost, Milkshake , Hibberd, Jetta, Bugg, Harry,Salem, Hunt Wagner... Id quite happily have Hurley at FB. Just starting to think the club isn't that fussed. Will be interested to see our list later in year.
  13. I think it's a very sensible approach. Now we just get back to playing and improving the footy.
  14. I have a funny feeling we're only really trying to land Hibberd. Not sure Hurley ever truly in our sights. Just a gut feeling.
  15. Ah yes, the ol' plausible deniability !! Good to see all parties arrive a sensible outcome. I'll leave all the spin for the bin. The McDonald's must be a very chirpy lot this week. It must be something a bit special to get to share this level of the game with a sibling. I'll trust the FD to follow through on its thinking that these to can form part of a formidable backline. Much work still to be done but congratulations lads. Who wouldn't want to be a Demon, especially now.
  16. Pretty sure Crouch is staying put. OMeara's a bust. And Prestia a conman...must be to suck the Toiges in for that sort of coin. They obviously deserve each other !! Hibberd seems ours apparently..who knows I think there's a Smokey out there.... someone will ask to be traded to us. I don't think we are quite a destination club yet but a smart player would consider us. We're going up
  17. Your point ? Have one.. a real one ? Just interested
  18. Can we just transfuse Max's blood across the team Be amazin'
  19. The AFL just make it all up on the fly. Total joke The shine must be fading on those Premiership Cups. I prescribe brasso/ silvo and a new coach Suck it up Brissie. We did.
  20. Bloody hell... I knew there must have been more than 1 Max....seems to be everywhere , in everything !!
  21. Gus's Kick was as dumb as it gets. Hangers are an invitation to an intercept. There ARE elements to hisgame that do distinctly need ironing out. He's a shadow if last year, but hasn't had a brilliant trot this year. Expect much better in 17 .
  22. Technically 'placebo' irrelevant as only INTENT is required for a penalty.
  23. Thats a very generic response. In reality its had hardly anything to do with the glaring stupidity exhibited by Tom at times. Again..he played to his strengths.. He didnt try to overthink too much...its really not his forte Saty..like it or not
  24. I hardly think he's singled out.Its just that his brainfarts and clangers often cost us goals. Im simply calling it as I saw it. He played a quite good game. It WAS a little different as he didnt stuff it up . He played to his strengths. That he should all the time !!
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