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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Prestia CAN'T have signed anything yet. Easy to walk away from a nod and a handshake.
  2. TU...often we look dangerous in the arc though it seems we often fall in a hole in the last qtr. Is this young legs ? All in all is say the amount of scoreboard pressure is directly affected by whether we're being outplayed or not. Often the answer is the simplest
  3. Reckon a shrink would have worked out in a few mins. He's a raving nutter !!
  4. Cats and Hawks have a lot of silverware this century
  5. Appeal. Snowflakes chance. Will be All but dismissed out of hand. Going nowhere, never was.
  6. It's not often someone arguing a point whips the carpet out from under themselves. Take a bow Hook .... Idiot
  7. It's that these games could have been won. The north game was the closest to a win imho as they were right in it. Had the team not faded at times it was there for the taking. The Hawks game really only needed someone to take it by the scruff and will it over the line. The Weagles game was winnable if someone had decided enough was enough and kicked a bloody goal. All 3 games were lost between the ears.
  8. might be more than 3 games !! lol strangely none of the well put suggestions is the notion that came to my mind. Probably just me ( again )
  9. interesting you lost the accuracy when on the ball.
  10. Gill the dill will at least be able to demonstrate that the League did have protocols in place. Though technically the ultimate responsibility is the league's in practice it is the club, the players' employer who will be called to task. Not sure it will even take those 2 mins. Still, Bomber has shown over time he has little grasp of events.. ironically as senior assistant he ought to be among those directly in the firing Line and he knows this, hence the calculated deflection. Hey everyone, look over there >>>>>>> ?
  11. more than 5... tttt I wouldnt know how many I kicked over all. ah yes....staying in position. I remember one particular game...stood very cold and lonely in the square. We were getting done that day...the FB joined in the merry fray but I was told to stray no further than 10-15 m beyond the square., just wait for the bomb !!. Spent more than half the game leaning against the goalpost chatting with the goal umpire,,,he was just as bored... 1.1 return for the day as I recall. I think we only kicked 3.7 for the game. 5 of them points rushed. We had a different coach the next season
  12. and just how do you reckon you get good at that ?
  13. Im sorry Saty , you continually pick exceptions to the norms . Just about EVERY professional sport I can think of PRACTICES and will do so for not only overall games ability but specifc elements. Great golfers practice every element of their games...Driving. short game...putting.. hours in bunkers etc. Tennis players .. 1000's of serves. Cricket..batting to particular actions etc. Ya reckon Beckam just woke up one day and bent it ??
  14. Bomber also "believes' the Banned players will sue the AFL !! wtf ???? How do idiots like Thompson still get their aim wrong. Suppose it helps with friends like Dumbo Robbo
  15. Bomber is very adroit at rewriting history, especially his own it would appear.. Strikes me as something of a narcissist.
  16. I wish.. was more built like a coathanger than a bullock for most of my footy.( think Morton..lol ) Oddly enough was bigger when playing bball later on. ( always played bball but gave footy away in late 20's , in the main ). About the only parallel is you cant get too fixated on a position...its about the 'play' Footy too fluid. but back to practicing I was I suppose OK for what I was.. ( very amateur) ...but was much better for practice I will use words carfefully.... I had a number of footies. Kept one in new nick..and replaced every year. I also would grease up a ball ( previous year's ) deliberately ( bacon fat if anyone was interested ) This, and would 'wet' balls to simulate adversity...lol Would also go out on rainy days...Just to literally aclimatise.. Yeah...was a footy tragic When you think about it...not practicing is idiotic. Good job pilots do eh !!
  17. a few ( but tbh...useless from beyond about 45-50 m )
  18. My personal observation and experience is training and practicing of kicking ( even of General ) was very needed. I only ever played footy at a fairly lowly amateur level but i took it seriously as such. I played 90℅ of my games as a fwd...and of those about 2/3 as FF. I have some idea of the idea of kicking goals if albeitly at a far less than elite level. Still, the mechanics are the same. So are the expectancies and reliance of team mates. You have the ball , it's down to YOU. I spent countless hours at a park(s) kicking at sticks. Both from a standing run-up as well as throwing ball out in front and just trying to make the best of its bounce or pick up on the fly. I practiced a lot ( probably needed it lol ) . What this was about I suppose was building my zone. I built a headspace that I could go to whether in a game or at a local ( or not ) park . I took this 'zone' to practice (team ) and took it to games. Every game will throw up random events but it's amazing how more able you are ifitsnot quiteso unique because you've made a similar Kick sometime before. It helped me no end ( and I needed it lol ) and I should imagine it has to help anyone at any level. There's a reason the saying exists.. Practice makes Perfect !! ( or as close as you'll ever get )
  19. As such, very much the case. So is it reasonable therefore to think the more a routine is practiced , the more routine and less 'occasion overtured' it might become ? No professional worth their Salt, doesn't practice, in any sport etc. Even Snooker and such. Repetition brings calm and consistency.
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