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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I see the Gat got another over whelming endorsement n the press today Notorious hotel a hotbed of villianary "MORE than 50 serious crimes including rapes, drug dealing, and vicious assaults occurred at the notorious Gatwick Hotel in a six-month period last year."
  2. Wrecker, Hird and his henchmen ran , effectively, a black ops at Windy Hill. Officially the club either weren't privy to all and sundry and/or those that knew looked away. Golden Boy was headhunted to lead the way. Some of the more influential,if nefarious, all but granted him carte blanche !! This isn't by the book, accountable leadership
  3. Given he was warned by the AFL very early in the piece as it was brought to their attention about his interest in many and various exotic 'potions', given it was his connection to the weapon that saw Danks come on board, given it was essentially His idea to create the program, given the texts between parties....yeah......Nah !
  4. James Hird is a despot a narcissist of the Dorian Gray caliber. He is disconnected from reality and a slave to his own very well developed ego. His children deserve compassion.,His children deserve concern, his children I feel for. All of James actions have been about James, even this last effort. Some may say Im deplorable for having this view. Others may share my clarity. James Hird is a victim of self. There are any number of AFL players who are also victims of his self . Not once has he ever taken ownership of his misdoings. He has at times feigned concern and yet all of his actions legal and otherwise were about James. He needs help....for his kids sake He also needs to be life banned from Sport
  5. For this camp to really have lasting effect it needs doing every year. Its conditioning.. needs to be 2nd nature not an aberration.
  6. The benefits ,should they materialise, i would imagine become apparent in clinch games. The ability to dig into reseverves mental and physical, whether there or not, in order to lift and get job done as a team, but from individual commitment.
  7. I wonder what his actual condition is, what the true nature of his illness is . Depression is indeed a nasty passenger. Ill state quite plainly i have no time, no sympathy at all for Hird. As far as im concerned this is all of his making, all his current malaise would be as a result of decisions he has made and indeed thrust upon others all out of ego and maniacal delusion. He had choices. He wears them now. For the sake of his kids i do hope he can get his life back to some place where he can be something of a parent. Only for them would i have a concern. This Saga has come to the place where those who sought to deceive are being trapped in webs of their own mischief. Danks wont be far off
  8. WJ. Do we just disregard that he brought all of this on himself. Now playing the victim card when all things regarded this is the polar opposite of the truth. I have some sympathy on the kiddywinkies who got bamboozled along the way ( but was still theirs to decide ) The Hirds of the world are what stains this game. Sorry Jack i cant abide the kid gloves. I do feel sorry for his kids though.
  9. Lewis strikes me as the catalyst to the epoxy. He'll take us up 'that' notch. Very impressed with his work.....and hasnt kicked a ball in anger wearing the jumper yet. Brilliant pickup. Lucky us. Might try to get down nw if time permits. Sounds like a different team
  10. Its a NQR thread thrown up as though it holds water. The premise is flawed but as the OP hoped some bit. Who ever doesn't make it will be dropped...let go. They become irrelevant. Whoever wants to add to the club will try harder. If they fail, again...let go. The whole thread is arze about. But hey have fun lol
  11. Consider Mr Hird snr is the tree that Mr Hird jnr fell from. One hell of a fall, not much of a tree.
  12. James deserves his own thread. He is a victim after all.... Then close it I wondered how long it would take.
  13. If they get 5g working nbn is officially dead in the water. It was unofficially dead before it started lol
  14. Yes it is.. Never been disallowed. Give them time
  15. I confused the Bickz article with another Herald piece. Lol
  16. probably right.... we've dropped the ball ( sic) on this. Hard enough to get it..best not to lose it.. Whilst it's in OUR 50 the chances of scoring go up...up...and UP !! simples !!
  17. Yes I have...actually it really only evolved around making sure we applied 100% forward defensive pressure..Seems tot hink otherwise we're not so bad. ( my take ) I'd ....actually agree.. we NEED to keep ball inthe 50..best way is not let it out
  18. Drunk I think there are two sides like any coin.. Posiibly the inferences of DC and PF are that the current image/manifestation of Springvale is a bit like a shovel whose handle's been replaced 3 times and blade twice....Still the same shovel eh ? Well yes..in a fashion...and so it might be with the SFC. That said I for one would certainly hope the MFC give the SFC its due recognition. I do agree 100% with you that theres no point ( now ) in having a stand alone. We seem to have adapted/adopted the Hawkers solution. I think that will work fine for us and Casey Go Dees....all of us
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