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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. great story Jack...and yes... a great success is Max. Didnt happen overnight ...but it did happen !!
  2. exactly !!!!! I mean , very much the case
  3. Smith seems an ideal possible candidate for that 3rd tall . Must have impressed Taylor &co to get a Guernsey. . Be interesting to see how the list settles. Would think hed get a chance at NAB.
  4. I see no reason why the AFL couldn't have pulled their 1st roubd pick. Theyve handed out similar sanctions in the past. The game is run by hypocritical floggs though.
  5. Much discussion on another thread I'll leave at that.
  6. There are as many views to football as there are people really but one that often resonates among a fair few is the notion that sport , at the elite level especially , is a game played between the ears. What this suggests is given the vast majority of all playing are similarly fit and able then there must be a particular aspect that separates the winners from the also-rans. This quality is invariably ascribed to all that which goes on in players minds, both in the contest and prior with preparation. A very big part of this mental state is what is colloquially known as the buy-in. It's to do with belief not only in the individuals ability and preparedness to use it 100% but what he/she can contribute, what their fellow players are capable of and belief in them and a commitment to the strategies of the coaches and club in general. When this happens great synergy develop resulting in the sum being greater than its parts. Another thread asks where or what we might achieve in 2017. Whatever that will be will be only and because of the degree of buy-in that occurs. If there's a less than 100% harmonic then the machine doesn't purr at its loudest. I'm noticing , and had this discussion with some ( not all Dees either ) that Melbourne seems to be finally gelling. Players are buying in A very noticeable example is Jesse Hogan. I mad a comment ( numerous times ) through the season that he didn't seem 100% committed out there. His body language, his play and results all spoke to this IMHO.. I had the thinking ( still do ) that if he were to 'switch on' he would become that remarkable beast of a footballer we all wish and hope he can. He's signed, he's become a Demon ( wholeheartedly ) he's come back from his break fit and stronger, physically and more importantly I feel mentally. Petracca realises he'd been stuffing around. He's also back fitter, leaner, and more hungry to show the club, his team mates and the long suffering supporter that he , and the club mean business. The buy-in can come from unexpected sources too. Jordan Lewis surprised the football world with a trade request to....Melbourne. He believes this is the team going somewhere and he wants in. The players , with only an exception or two have returned in excellent shape and demeanor . The coaches have the footies out early. They have bought in too, Bought in to the players abilities finally being at a level to lift the gameplan to 'attack' So when we/you are at the footy, at training of even just listening to interviews etc take note of the attitude than emanates. There seems little "might" around these days and a lot more "WILL" and where there's a will as they say , there's the way. Often when comparing teams ,players etc you wonder why Team X seems to be doing better than Team Y when really the cloth and the cut seem near identical. The difference I suggest will be the degree of buy-in, the difference will be level of commitment to the contest. Players, teams that have bought in go harder, higher, longer.The individual lift becomes infectious and sustaining. This is why that long sought success will finally arrive. From the buy-in. Go Dees
  7. Would have thought ALL training was compulsory lest you had a note !!
  8. A forward recce party was indeed sent. Alas having swept the area twice with no discernible signs of meaningful life the investigation was given away. News did come late to hand that a rumbling in the vales was noted but it turned out to be the reverberations of a snoring sloth. Hope no one disturbed you. Meanwhile back in downtown Cranbourne celebrations are continuing with rumours spreading of the idea of raising filled balloons in the image of that Hades Helmsman Himself in celebratory thanks for rising of the Devil aka...the Demons are coming !!
  9. could add a whole new understanding to the idea of 'service '
  10. Going to be interesting to see how/if these lads can/will step up. Am I correct in thinking their remunerations are sufficient for them to give away work ( in the main ) and concentrate on footy ? That would be a world of difference . I suppose you might still keep your hand in on a part time basis but to wake up a footballer and not a "whatever" playing football should make for very different results. yes ?
  11. I do wonder. This one tanks though... I mean has a wiff...I mean....
  12. That's true we do't Bing. I would further put it does it really matter ? i.e in the great scheme of things that is. Nobody wants to see anyone ill treated or 'un-loved" but quite frankly the club needn't put up with shlt either. Is there a world shatteringly valid reason for his non attendance ? Or is he being the king of aloof ? sorry , my bad....he's a prince Save the need to be at The Hague to address his ilk in the correlations between the loss of his beloved idol and the demise of the Leaping Lesbian Lizard I do wonder if he isnt just a bit full of himself !!
  13. KC have always appreciated your efforts and reports. Ive never quite worked out whether this arrangement is the best option for us ( MFC ) but it is what we have and I sense a new beginnings between the MFC and Scorps occurred last season with Plapp coming on board. I truly think its marvelous that come shopping time we DIDNT overlook our own back yard and smile to think some hard working industrious types with good footy abilities have been given the leg up form Casey to Melbourne. Well done and plaudits all around. Now there's greater harmony re game styles and direction between the two clubs this might result in even greater synergies than we saw in 2016 We once had great times with the Zebbies . I think we may now be embarking on a similar duet with Casey. Good luck in 2017...all in the family as they say
  14. as a bloke , a clubman, would you really want to play with him ? serious question I wouldn't. he may well have issues and more power to the fella to address them , but as a player to another....nuh !!
  15. There may be more truth to that than even you suspect. I for one don't think Harry would be the only candidate !!
  16. probably played his last SENIOR game for anyone now. 10 foot pole......
  17. yep. Doesnt require too much over thinking . Just the overall balance and depth has increased Lewis the cherry on top
  18. I cant see the club standing for his antics. Publicly theyre saying all the right things. Behind doors...well........
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