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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. 3 by 3 ..is indeed the vernacular for a three year firm followed by a three year option. exercised accordingto whatever the two parties agree to. Im sure they could agree on reasonable and relevant citeria to the interest of both parties. did sound a bit like a Lada Niva though didnt it ??
  2. He's not the only one who understands the modern game. He does have legitimate competition. But to suggest he doesnt know which way is up !! well ...thats vaudeville at its best !! :-))
  3. You would have to think that in the manner of accreditations, that he would get 'passes' on many of the tests lined up for the coaching wannabe's . I would expect the interview to be .. Well Kev, thanks for coming along. we understand you have a meeting with Martian Seagull Appreciation Society, so we'll keep this brief. Do you want the parking spot next to mine ? Paul, Steve , gents. Yep, that will do nicely. Cya Monday.
  4. Dont get me wrong.. many here are a tad fed up with any of up to a dozen players. however this thread was/is about Byrone. SO have limited comments to him, that is all. I think ND showed immnese patiencs and faith by offering Byrone a path back into the club. Many woulndt have. has he mad an effort ? for sure. Is it enough ? debatable. Not through lack of intent, just the reality of , is he at the end of his road !! Keep in mind pickett was a big investment by the MFC when manythought it was a misadventure. I certainly thought it had merit at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing !!!!
  5. I appeciate al the sentiments of those that consider that Brad has supposedly had a rough trot. That he needs a bit more time and patience. I simply offer the converse. He really just isnt up to it. He's not that good , well not for a premiership hopeful at AFL level. Sometimes what looks, walks, and flies like a Duck is a Duck. Sometimes what looks and plays like a VFL level player is just that. I have no mission against the bloke. Could only wish him the best, wish he stepped up. But he hasnt, doesnt and i think never will. If he was going to show it dont ya suppose he might have by now ?
  6. I can only assume you mean me. Give him a break ?? lol.. how many does he want. If he's selected, good for him, he better bloody well play!! He hasnt so far. And please forget all the sentimental claptrap. This is big boy footy not a suburban lovefest. he's paid big bickies to perform. That is the ONLY criteria he is to be measured agaisnt. does he provide a returnfor the investment of the club. That goes for ANY player. Again, this is a business, elete professionalism supposedly, not a luvvy duvvy charity-fest. People get far too wrapped up in some imagined personality worshipping. He is there to do a job. If he does it..good, if he cant, move on.
  7. Id give him a 3 by 3 . Nothing anyone does will perrform miracles in a couple of years though by then some indications of direction ought to be apparent. We will need to see the last of the current 'oldies' ( and no real disrespect to the likes of white and Neeta..but what is...iS !! ) retired and the buds of the new bllom coming forth before the NEW MELBOURNE really emerges. 3 by 3 offers some flexibility whilst facilitating longevity should it be needed and warranted.
  8. The interesting ( well to me ) is the liitel thing that Kev obviously wants a crack at the job otherwise he wouldnt bother goinf to see teh club. Its HE who is in the box seat. Now I could be reading this all wrong, but it looks to be a signal from Sheeds to say to the MFC..."well guys...are you serious ...I am !! " and after all he only has to lighten the black to a dark blue :-))))))))))))))))))))
  9. If anything..Im impressed. Would take real understanding of self and quite frankly some guts to say NO. especially after all the hype etc.( without even mentioneing the Silly money probably on offer ) He knows some will call into question his abilities , backboneetc. He is playing the Voss card, for Voss. Good on him !!
  10. No club OWES a player his 200th !! A player owes it to himself to GET it !! Its not a charity!!
  11. When's MFC going to anounce the new coach ? 5 mins after Kevs interview!! lol
  12. Well this years coaching race is a bit like a high stakes poker game. Lots of bluff and counter bluff. Essendon it seems were always going to part with Kev only timing being a contention. They got caught out with other 'resignations' and were forced to anti up needlessly possibly. Vossing folding wasnt expected , its shuffled the deck a bit. The game isnt over by a long shot. This is much more fun than watching the footy !! lol
  13. The chances are with our wretched luck with injuries this year he will get his 200th by defualt. Should he not then he only has to look in the mirror to wonder why. Danners seemed amazingly patient with the bloke. I can only imagine a new coach wil not have Byrone on his priority list... well not to keep anyway !! Its a supposed professional and business world in football ( emthasis on supposed to be )...currently he's getting his sauce foir ghosting , and thats bloody expensive sauce !!!
  14. I think Vossy has made the right choice, especially for himself. It certainly makes all the scenarios curioser and curiouser by far.
  15. Byrone has no one but himself to blame for his present predicament. He also has the ability to solve it. Its down to him. I would hardly call the amazing patience this club has shown him as being "unfair ".
  16. Bruce... I genuinely am. Cant wait for things to start happening. If we get a coach we need, some good picks in the draft it wil lbe a different Dees to take the field next year TFFT !!! :D
  17. I can tell you pretty much that should Sheedy come to Melbourne. it wil be because he wants to , more than the other way around. If he came you can bet his heart and passion would be in it. Yep thats right...Sheeds has no idea of the modern game !!...excuse me whilst i fall around in convulsive laughter. some observers really havent been paying attention to the modern game.. .. Is 2000 recent enough for some ?? and even this year with his share of injuries he's likely to take a team into the finals. He's go no idea at all !!! lol
  18. Theres a phenomenom called the Peter Principle. In a nutshell it purports that people will rise to the level of their incompetence and then plateau. This is almost exactly what Miller has done. He has risen to the level of his ability......... and gone NO further. This is it folks !! Danners hasnt impacted on Miller in the manner of his ability.. Miller either had it or he didnt. I support the latter.
  19. couldnt we accidently turn up to Princess park.. forfeiting it !! lol
  20. would you have placed Rommel in charge of tank maintenace ??
  21. Good luck Kouta. A class player whose skills were a joy to watch. Shame you played for 'them' :-)
  22. where exactly DO they put the use by stamp? this is Soooo cliche without substance....are you age-phobic or something With his years comes experience.. Its unrivalled in the AFL . He doesnt have to kick the bloody thing. the words Young and experienced are often contra to each other... you want experience.. again...read carefully....SHEEDY !!
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