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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. hang on....where are your goalposts now.. ?? you want it viewed in light of a different set of rules ? that in itself is a different thing. But there are rules in place. There is a requirement to play with in them or be dealt a penalty. Llyod stepped over the line, he wil be dealt with.
  2. its irrelevant whterh he was to be hurt or not. that is NOT the criteria of any ajudication of that action. Proper criteria pertain to,was it within acceptable distance to the ball ..and was it in play ? ( no it wasnt, quarter was OVER ) Does it breech any law of the game ? see. previous . just little things like those !!! and as an adjunct to your blinded view on this... had Lloydy not collected Carroll high enough , had Carroll just moved forward enough (After all Carroll was unawre of anyone about to hit him, since the quarter WAS over) then lloydy could have hit in the area of the kidneys.. that might do some harm dont you think ?? Just accept it was a foolish and cowardly act unbecoming of a captain let alone another player. He got knicked !!
  3. just to get clear on this Ash...youre an advocate for cheap shots ?? thats Ok is it? just asking
  4. dont sweat some of the 'ideas' 3001 ....welcome to MFC !! Hey they are trying ideas, thats good. Hope they try more. Shows some lateralness down at the club, thats also good !! Many of us simply consider the membership as a donation at the best of times !!! lol :-)))
  5. I hope the Bomber s do contest it... hell if Rocca can and get his punishment upped...maybe Lloydy can too !! :-)) yep...ess, 3 games for wins totaling 4 points!! still ...credit to them...they won them and didnt lose them by 4 points !! In light of a little chane in heart by tribunal , I look forward to their deliberations .
  6. someone else who saw it for what it was. Good(e) explanations re the vaguerities of the Tribunal as well. spot on Queen
  7. what?? Ash... Llyoyd came in at Carol way after that play had finished... how can it even be looked upon as argy bargy...it was thuggery.....and he was caught out...simple as that !!.. I have no problem with tough footy.. in context.. that had NONE !!
  8. Brocky... Lloyds cheap shot was laid after teh ball had become dea.. it was just a very poorly judged niggle retailation . he can go down. I had some begrudging respect for lloyd before that incident.. showed him to be just an idiot. hardly worthy of wearing a captains mantle.
  9. speaking as one goose !!! YES !!.. ..whether [censored] for tat or otherwise.. it was with no relevance to play.. ..and a might late even.. a real cowards shot!! yes the word is COWARD !!..hope he gets two !!
  10. who knows....could have been far worse without Bodan ?? lol. its not cut and dried is it. Any which way it hasnt been a good year.
  11. pretty stupid thing for their "captain" to do.. Lloyd isnt even worthy of Hirds bootstraps.. . good to see some come uppance for the bloke.
  12. If Fev could do a Cam Mooney* and settle a tad he'd be a look at at best!! But fe'vs far too easily distracted.... he's tainted meat I fear. Stay away , stay away!! footnote... who else noted he(CM ) still finds it hard not to do that after the play niggle thing. Still he has come a long way , credit where it is due.
  13. what ??? Of course Neetas an emotional guy in this context. He practically grew up in AFL with Danners !! It would have been quite strange I feel had he said nothing. Ppl are taking 'word grabs' and trying to run with it. everyone..Its OVER !!!! we all move on....well those that want to. Those that dont will be left behind.
  14. I have no doubt irregardless of who takes up reigns for 2008 that there will be a fire sale this year. There is a certain attractive no nonsense approach that Voss exudes. He he has that particular kind of muted confidence and I like that..Still, like to see who else is on offer or who applies ( could be two quite differing lists..lol ).
  15. something to consider. There will always be some differing of opinions from within or outside the club, thats the very nature of opinions. But today Monday..I dont see a club in damage control. I dont see its sides split and haemoraging. I dont see a media lining up to call for this person or that person's head . I dont see any of it !! I see a club getting on with business. The next few weeks will allow a few sensitvities to abate and clearer visions to focus. I also see that quite a few players will have the jitters. Their little comfort zones dissipated overnight. They should never have been llowed to have one. The clu b as a whole i think has been well controled in its commentary. Players such as Neeta were alwasy going to make sure something was said, he has after all been there all the time with Neale: aspecial bong for those and quite frankly not the best for a football club, just my view. In all reality David was quite measured and cicumspect in his murmurrings, a credit to him. I honestly think anyone thinking the club is in some sort of damage control or 'spin' mode must have the bar set quite low. In the world of AFL this has been something akin to a surgical strike with minimum fallout. If there is fallout.. where is it ?... I dont mean phantom whispers in the corridors, i mean dissent. Not everyone was always going to agee with it all, they never were.
  16. spot on ML If anything it has galvanised the lub. Its all been done with very little collateral dmage. Sure some egos and raw nerves breached, but hey if thats all !!! If there was even the remotest hint or scent of club discontent the media circus would be circling like vultures... but its more a case of "nothing to see, move along !!"
  17. Miller and Pav exist in different galaxies, Frosty will garner us a late 2nd round pick at best unfortunately, or be part of one of those ring-around multi ppl trades. ( but id be happy with that )
  18. so when's Neale starting at windy Ash ?? :D
  19. yes.. one difference between what we've known as MFc and say Pagans mob is that Pagan will dispose of Fev if for the greater good. and not blink !! I for one really think we ought to let some other club savour and enjoy the indioscycracies of one Brendan Fervola, half gun/ half nut !! Pagan is also a wylie , crafty ol salt !!!!! we will have to watch him !!
  20. Without really wanting to go over old ground.. Juice showed more acumen with the pill towards goal and delivering to other forwards in one game than frosty has showed in all of his !!. who are you suggesting to Bring Miller in for ?
  21. tested...untested.. .. I think everyone needs a realkty pill about all this. There is no guarantee that either will deliver, or not deliver a flag. Has Pagan's experience given the Blues a flag...and who would argue he doesnt know what he's on about ? As a Maggie mate of mine pointed out last night.. Malthouse hasnt delivered at Collingwood either ...has he ? For me th ecoach only really brings two aspects to a game.. The actual game plan/tactics and reactionay and rejigging etc. and... the massaging of egos. All other aspects to a team are really done by other staff in conjunction with the coach... You nearly have it right Grooski !! :-)) put simply WE REALLY ARE IN NO POSITION !! that alone sums it up !! :-)
  22. I actually concur here. I wonder if they would. Whilst I applaud the process for thouroughness I hope it doesnt homogenise the result. I very much think its tthe coaches that bring 'diffences' to their game that have the edge.
  23. Many here like myself will remember the debut of a certain gangley youngster, recruited from Ess Grammar...he seemed to kick on and do ok :-)) They all have to grow into th eposition to some degree...the odd towelling will be in that experience mix.. It happens.
  24. It's no coincidence that Voss played under another player ( captain ) who turned coach with no 'experience" and it hasnt hurt any other the clubs he 's been associated with !! I am happy enough to think thet Michael has a good grasp and understanding of what it takes to win flags and how you go about it. I have now decided in light of a few things that Im no longer so concerned with his lack of runs on the board, I'd seriously consider him. Ill also like to see who else applies.
  25. Dare I say it...have been saying this for a while ( that Carroll may not be the man for the job ) ...but I take no kudos nor indeed any joy in it. Its such a key position full back. We all have been looking at the sharp end wondering when Juice, or other players will get a run etc. Wriggle with the dillema of who will be CHF that possibly we have forgotten how pivotal and so necesaary a really top flight full back is. Look how Fletch defines the Bombers, or Scartlett the Cats, the filth are much worse of without Clements and yet really we bumble along full backless every week. when we needed gorilla strngth we look to Holland not Carroll. Again I say if a decent trade can be made using him either directly or indirectly possibly Nathans greatest value to us is the down deposit on a really good full back. Almost every goal stopped is worth nearly two scored. Sort of Melbourne's problem for a long whie is we have had players...who 'nearly' fill the prerequisites of a particular position without nailing it
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