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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. ahhh ....Confucious say.....Sometimes you need to build the house you wish to live in. Not just move into one !! :-)
  2. Id agree....always safer having first choice...your choice than counting on things to fall your way. Kep in mind the Judd year was full of good options..and like options. this year it looks likely teh first two cabs off the rank are the two likely rucks. A sought after commodity
  3. hmmm i wonder if this isnt what Gazza had in mind all along when he suggested Sheedy ought to part with Essendon.. so he could come to us !!!!! :D
  4. be like the master and the apprentice !! only a fool wouldnt back Yoda !! :-)))
  5. well Pequot.. youre a brave one to voice that. Yes you will be berated. dont sweat it. Its a big world with room for more than one view point. Many will rehash the ol...do not ask what your club has done for you, ask what you have done for your club line . Ive never subscribed to it personally. Not these days..its business and they are competing for my money, time as well as loyalties. well the loyalty isnt up for grabs.. but he other two are. Having said that some of what you propse does have merit. I reckon you wouldnt be the only one to returnfromthe woodwork should someone of Sheeds ilk take the reigns. Many people want to invest their energies into somethign that will return them enjoyment. A decently chosen , prepared and instilled Melbourne team would do that. win or lose they would be competitive. Thats sufficient for the most part. Though many question his sanity...no one can argue he doesnt know what he's doing. Quite frankly ...grabbing Sheeds is hardly a punt.. bit like backing the favourite in a two horse race.. you could stil lose.. but the odds are in your favour!! and that my friends is something we havent had for a very long while....43 years I'd suggest!! :-)
  6. yep...he got some infuriating preoccupations hasnt he !! hmm Sheedy ..4 cups !! all Melb coaches in that time...umm....NONE !!! if Sheeds comes...he can do what he likes !! IT WORKS !!
  7. he'll coach rest of season.. good for him....
  8. maybe the Coaches can simplify it all.. Set up a trade fair !!! lol each as own tent...and all the clubs can visit !! This is the most bizzarre year I can remember !!
  9. well the GF has been relegated to a sideshow this year.. the real interest is what happens when the music stops.. and who's where !!!
  10. pagan still had a year.. lol, couldbe wrong but thought Conolly still had a year too all bets are off today !!
  11. youre right Queen... I just banish from memory that day in 2000 !! :-) Am very surprised he simply wasnt recontracted.. Guy deserved better.
  12. He'll be sitting down with a red or ten and having a good long think I reckon !! Im not sure even he recognises the 'game' today !!!!! I think even the wiley old fox was caught a bit off. He did say recently he was keen to keep coaching though. then again...today is today!!
  13. Ash might be in shock for a little while !!!
  14. Puts the methods of the MFC in new light.. yes Danners was probably shown teh writing on the wall, but he left, wasnt sacked. MFC allowed Danners to coach his team one last game !! These guys are uncerremoniously culled. yep Id have Sheeds.
  15. Panic is sweeping the AFL !!!
  16. you're all class Essendon !! Before ppl say...but hey...what about us ...ffs the guy had been there 27 years... given them 3 cups !!!!!!! and they cant let him out at end of season ?? A mongrel act, thought Bomberland above that !!
  17. I can see 36 deck chairs set up.. 18 either half.. with every one just watching the First of 4 bounces !! lol
  18. I anticipate the Dees will trial a new away strip for this game. Predominantly the Deep blue with a small red trim to the neck and a new white MFC logo on the chest...ought to be rather fetching ...
  19. how many rule chnages ought we expect as a result of this game ??
  20. This bodes as one of the funniest games ever in AFL history.. everyone playig out of position.. teams playing kick to kick.. Players handballing ( perfectly ) to the opposition. Everyone playing poison ball..lol. Missed shots from point blank. Will be worth the admission for this one..lol
  21. I think common sense ought to prevail with Neeta still captain.. Brock in understudy mode... Sylvia could definitely be in the leadership group Bate will come good...dont sweat it :-) jamar just isnt there is he.. trade him.. give game time to other Brown..Ward to go .. maybe Keep Gods one more year Biz..a conundrum now..certainly been ok...but hardly a big ask in our team of late.. Delist...make room for youth.
  22. well !!!!! If your a coach in waiting....its certainly the year !!!! lol Season aint over yet either..lol.. who's next ??
  23. yep...a hard year at "demonland".. lots of discussion... some vitriol... lots of frustration.. been damn hard.. Oh..the other Demonland !! :-)
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