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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. fortunately that was then and this is now
  2. I must admit this is indeed intriguing. A few of us we re discussing this a few years back on this forum. funny thing was most thought it a joke.. but its not. I dont know who it is ( from MFC ) thats reading all this.. but you're more than welcome to continue to nick our ideas !! hehehe. I still reckon there is somethig to be had with a sort of "International" membership. All sorts of things you could include. A sshowbag of sorts. The usual stuff..( probably made in China...lol ) Scarf / Hat.. that sort of thing. maybe even a cheapy ball.?? Give them a voucher for one or two home games should they get to our shores. Give them a decent discount on some Offical goodies.. Seats, tops...trackies etc. . This needs to be aimed at the new markets...These being China.. Japan ( never a wackier sporting nation to be had !! ). Africa needs to be looked at.. but in a more sponsoring manner. There are only 21 Million in Oz...there are f'n Billions out there !!!!. The internet can bring target audiences and potential markets to your doorstep. Melbourne has a Unique Brand.... we are Melbourne ))))))) no one else ever can be. This is our leverage going forward. With the Melbourne consortium coming online its really looking exciting. love to know what the club is cooking up. Keep up the efforts MFC !!
  3. Congrats Jonesy... ya didnt get the choccies but at least some due recognition. Thanks and look forward to a stellar 2008
  4. going to be very interesting to see what the total football dept line up will look like for 08
  5. well..... you can be. As it happens Ive had a shoulder reconstruction. albeit Ive never played any sport at an eleite level I still play at a very physical level, if only a gerry !! lol. .I sense its as good as it ever was.. though I always know it feels a little different tfrom the other. ( make sense ? ). I dont favour it. Id be inclined to think with proepr recovery and management this type of injury is the least to caus eongoing.. say compared to hammies..and groind.. ( with or withour OP )
  6. well its the 64 dollar question really.. is more like ... who's coming into the field ? bit hard to answer without knowing who might be available. i'l lget back to this after a better look around
  7. i agreee..Sampi is a headache in the making
  8. im not sure what figure re trade is valid. But given our almost ineptness lastt year Id settle for one or two. Actually I dont think we are that far off a very competitive team for next year..and the following year with more tweaking...well.. look out Its not the number of gaps in our line up..just the importance of a couple. For mine the only two roles we can fil one way or another at a top AFL level are our Ruck..and fullback.. they to me is where we trade and draft. . If we give up an on baller here.. a mid fileder there.. etc etc. then so be it..we can probably cover them.
  9. Its always amused me..and many others no doubt, that some just dont ( or wont ) grasp the idea of trading. Whether its lollies, swap cards or players..you have to GIVE in order to GET !!.. The very nature of trade is you are offering something you are prepared to do without in order to get somethng you need. Some seem to forget this basic premise.. What dont we want. we dont want players who for one reason or another cant fulfil their promise or potential. we need players who can fill roles we are undermanned in. its not rocket science. but too many will then attach sentimentality to it all. they will waffel on about loyalty and this bloke gives his heart for the jumper... yada yada yada..Blah blah BLAHHHH !! To them.. please take note.. it doesnt matter !! its all about balance. Its all about 'compelteness' of a team.There..Ive said it..TEAM !! its good that X Y or Z plays with passion and attachment , but at the end of the day, its a job. They will do it for another club, they will do it in order to continue plying their trade and being involved in a competition they enjoy. If you can trade a half useful somethig together with a 'please stand in queue here number' for another but more useful player..well why wouldnt you??
  10. unfortunately for Beamer his true value may never be realised due to his niggling OP.. Theres a reasonable argument to be had that he's worth trading. Some wont like it.. such is life
  11. I know we say it at the end of every season..especially the ones where we feel we've undreachieved that wqe can't wait for the next season. In some ways its been a cliche born out of the optimism of the unknown. But with the goings on at the MFC and the announcements of out new leaders I genuinely feel an air of change, for the better. Hopefully we will pick up one or two in the drafts and trades to compliment and strengthen the list. Congratulations Gardner Harris and Co .. many of us harboured doubts that we would get a 'good' result but I think the MFC have done very well out of a professionally run process. Goals and objectives were set. The process was managed well and transparently with an outcome beyond even possibly that which the club had hoped for. This bodes well. Cant wait for season 08.. whens the office open for next years memberships !! :) I really think the change has started... ( either that or my knee is just acting up for nothing lol ) GO DEES !! exciting isnt it
  12. welcome home Chris !! well there we have it folks.. The Bald and the Bountiful !!
  13. if nothing else it shows that Bailey wants 'things' to happen.. and no time like the present.. Talk about hitting the ground running Im neither this way nor that with Connolly being footy manager.. but given the interest in him around to do this role his must have some ability. I just really like the can do approach of this bloke
  14. CAC has proved his ability to find a smokey... me thinks Gardner just joined those ranks !! Sounds like a totally diferent beast to Neale in many respects. Am looking very much forward to seeing some of his work. The NAB cup will be a 1000 times more interesting for a change. The coming draft and psd will be also and wil give a hint as to any new directions he may be taking us. its going to be quite a different look and feel to the team next year I sense. TFFT :D
  15. nice try..Riewoldt..etc.. Riewoldt can actually kick.. he has the yips now and then.. Bruces kicking abilities has been in steadi decline . It is not a good analogy, but nice defelction. Nick is a foward who can play up.. Bruce is never a forward, he's an on baller..
  16. why on earth would you place one of the clubs worst kicks for goal as a permanent forwrd.. i.e Bruce. Bruces place is on the ball..or on another player.
  17. to be quite frank Neville struggles to struggle !!..not all his doing.. but he has to own it in the end. DELIST Isaac... wil probably get another chance to improve next year...but he would want to start "showing' by then, bit of an enigma..he has it..we just dont see it. Neaves.. keep and develop...fast-track !! Ought to be getting some time in red and blue come 2008..even if to just gauge how he's travelling. Hughes and Hayes.. well not taking up space.. both in the 'watch this space' category
  18. Mods, might want to make this a sticky for a little while... ( edit this post out then..lol )
  19. well done Nathan.. a deserved win. Not the classiest nor silkiest of players.. but his work effort and sheer determination to be effective on the ground is brilliant. A gem whose quality will only better as time goes on. congrats
  20. missed the first 15 mins.D'oh !! any gems of insight ? any indications ? Just me or is there always a lot of background noise on SENS interviews...bloody hard to follow at times
  21. I am not interested in what you CAN do...just in what you DO do !! Potential is wonderful, does nothing to the scoreboard just drains the walletand takes up space on the fileld. Dont want a team of couldabeens!!
  22. Bailey strikes me as a no nonsense type. Neales what pretty straight up...but I think we have a tougher bloke in Bailey now. A very simple talk is needed with Col. goes like this. "Son...you could be a champ, for yourself and your team. You have what it needs, but do you have what it takes!! 2008 is the year for you son. but it comes with some boundaries. No silly sh!t. First time your out drinking and your in the ressies for 5. 2nd time and your off the seniors list and out the door...period!! Do you want to play footy...or play the fool.. your choice.."
  23. why is anyone going to trade 'for' White.. he has no currency. There is no value going forward for any other club to pick him up. We're stuck with him guys . He will again put in a typical White year in 2008 and hopefully another will take over the 31 rucking role during year. I think CJ will be different under a 'no [censored]' coach that and its just take s some guys a season or two to get going and settle. CJ has shown the signs...just not the consistency. He's ok..wel lfor another look see season at any rate. Can we please now get rid of Frosty...please...please.. I think our options re trade week will bve driven mainly from who else is going to be out there and what deals might be had. I reckon Bailey's idea of a blueprint for a successful team is going to be quite different from Neales, and he has shown he can rejig and reshape teams. I sense a few newsih type roles for a few current Dees to be backed up with some new gusto in a at least 2 KP's. Dean wil know that sdespite some ability to be had from draft and trade we can only do possibly half the 'real' job in the coming months. The real change to be had at the end of next year. I think far too little is remebererd of some of the good talent ( established and coming through ) that we have still to come back form injury. This in itself has its own problem as I unfortuynately think a couple of our gems will NEVER reach potential because of niggles and possibly THEY ought to be ther real 'bait' come trade week. Some will see it as disloyal etc..I couldnt give a fig. I wont a fit team with minimum injuies that can play at their highest potential all year; not another year of ''Oh if only!!" Any talk of well its everyone bar Neeta ..etc is hilarious.. like who would take him anyway..and he'd retire on the spot at any whiff.. its a redundant notion. Essentially any one who has any currency who may not be teh 'best' fit for the new-Demons is up for grabs..and that includes ..Everyone. Before yo can idly dismiss anyting out of hand you need to know what the "DEAL" is on offer and then consider it on its merits..not its emotion!! We're really not that far from a very good team.. ( when fit) Im quite happy to look at any deals..whether they are for Bruce, Yze, Brocky..Beamer..Greeny etc.. I'd look....doesnt mean Id take.. but who knows what might come out of trade week ..you have to be open..otherwise you get NOTHING !!
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