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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. beelzebub


    was it written by his MUM ???
  2. keep in mind Perth is the most remote city on earth... might get a little clustrophobic for some !! Dunno why he (TJ ) wont go west...dunno why it was even mooted that he would in first place....this is eaglespeak.. Not us !!
  3. beelzebub


    yes...in true MacAvaney speak... he's "Specccccialllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !! "
  4. beelzebub


    thats a good point...the bet was actually quite early in teh week...just didnt surface for a day or two.. was days after that that all the "firmness' for Judd started to appear.. Seems to be based upon sommething entirely different. All we need is Caro to ccome out and say he 'definitely not coming"..and it will be sealed !!! lol
  5. beelzebub


    it does beggar disbeleif that all of ..BT.. SEN 3aw..Hutchy etc etc..would stick their collective necks out on the basis of a mystery bet !! somethings afoot for sure....whether we get over the line is anyones guess still. ( well exept for Chris...he's not guessing..lol )
  6. are they final 8 odds ?? cant find them on their site...only premierships odds . ta
  7. beelzebub


    ooh look....someones finally figured it all out !!! Well done you win the prize !! lol
  8. according to the 'informed' westies.. Trapper wont go west...apparantly he might go somewhere...lol.. just not west. Ah ...got to love speculation Gunna be one hell lof a busy trade week for a change...lol
  9. a little thing called home ground advantage...Only vic team that has it !!
  10. what is this ......RUSH HOUR 4 ???
  11. Pretty much what Hirem says !! Practically all that could be stitched up is a deal with what we do have plus what we might get..etc. Trade week hasn't started (offically, well and truly started already for mine..lol ) so until trades are firmed up who knows what really will be exchanged? Let's balance this out: What do we know ?? umm....hmmm....ummm... well ...nah!! lol oh...Judd is coming to town...and thats it Not much is it !!! lol What don't we know ?? everything else !!! lol
  12. beelzebub


    out of any of al lthat I will only conced that for the moment Collingwod have beet facilities. Where were the wobblies last year ? we had injuries this year. On paper it seems the Filth are better off, but we al lknow the danger of calling a game based upon 'paper'. There are the intangibles. Whatever Bails said to him hit home, far more it seems than shiny apparatus or expensive lunches. As they say it aint over til its over !!
  13. funniest thing Ive read in a long whiles !! thanks
  14. you would have to think that if he loves and respects his folks as much as he seems then of course he is going to talk over some elements of the thing with them.. He's not Methuselah !! he's 24 !!
  15. exactly...which I was wondering when they first surface !!
  16. Should Judd come.. and with a few other moves and shifts id love to know what they will offer for us in the top 8.... might be easiest money ever made. for those more into this.,... when do they normally start taking money on the 8 for next year ? cheers
  17. Oh ...very much so.. .. A very interesting article, in so much as it identifies the mystery man ( well was to me ..lol ) . Not just development..but green development. Judd must be beaming !! hehehe this club really is starting to get with it !!
  18. interestingly showing $1.70 and 33hrs and 30 mins left as i write this .. ineresting time frame
  19. Power and i think the captain will come up for the day....Tredrae
  20. It might turn out getting Bailey was the best thing.. as he might have got Judd
  21. I can live with that...and you summise Trappers position correctly for mine. Inspirational or just f'n annoying. !! ( still he's not alone is he ) I sense Bails if far more pragmatic...I think more that a few might be a tad toey right now.. ( and rightly so!! )
  22. well so far its beers on coxy and madness?? lol
  23. where did I say i wrote him off ?? I didnt I just am bemused at the method and descision to pick him. It just flew in the face of their stated agenda. That plus one of the most surprised people about Matty Knights appointment is............ Matty Knights !! so they are either chasing an AFL Premiership contender coach or.... something very diferrent !! we'll just call it inspired for the moment
  24. It just struck me...as quick !! Here we have the essendon management saying one thing... they will go after a certain type..Thats on the record. Then their "star" choices fal lby the wayside out of professionalsim or disinterest ( matters not ) and then they make a 5 min appointment of someone who hasnt coached in any capacity at AFL level !! Actually...hasnt had much of any success coaching at all really..hasnt failed.. hasnt succeeded.. So you tell me...just how inspired is this selection.. just seems to me Windy Hill has gone from one stuff up to others all year.. Just an observation...Not malicious !!
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