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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Chris Judd quite simply can please himself. He doesnt have to agree to anything. Its a supply demand thing.. One of him.. versus many clubs salivating at the prospect. WCE either agree to let him go to where he likes and make some sort of fist of it...or lose entirely. Wouldnt that be a real shame hehehehhe
  2. Now I know I shouldnt talk out of school... but is it just me or has Jaded seemingly usurped and relegated to third in the entertainment stakes, is now going all out in the Avatar contest. Your efforts havent gone un-noticed !!! lol The mind boggle as to what others will do.. the beast is loosed !! My god Jarka...youve opened Pandora's Box.....then again , possibly an appropriate thing for Devil worshippers
  3. strangely enough that sums it up perfectly !! lol
  4. waiting for Juddman.. brilliant...bravo...bravo !! Its all sadly...a little too true !! hehehe B)
  5. Well Hodge played outside of the middle.. .didnt help their cause . The Roos won because they seemed to better understand the occasion, played the ball not the man, played more a team game. Now I have no idea whether that was inpsired by the "Shinboner" or coincendental..lol I actually thought some of Laidleys match ups were either , maverick, inspired or plain lucky...whichever they worked. those ol' Shinboners Archer and Hervey... worthy of the mantle
  6. Coming third in a popularity contest ?? does that make you Miss Congeniality or something ?? lol
  7. The other aspect to this..is. Whether its real in a 'real ' sense is irrelevant as it certainly seems to work for the Kangas in a 'mythical ' sense. Its an intangible. Its something they hang their jumpers on and draw upon. The kangas know that they will be judges as to having meet this criteria or not. its almost like a 'conscience'. Wish we had something similar.
  8. The grand final ought to be just that GRAND.. its do or die on the day!! Extra time for me !! Then we'll see some extraordinary play perhaps as bodies pick themselves up for one last glorious hurrah !! Stuff coming back the next week.. only suits the AFL.
  9. Ive always interpreted the Shinboner Spirit to simply mean..they never give up. They are like a rotten little terrier that will continue coming back to annoy you. They dont give up. I would say for the most part its quite true. North are one team you can never relax against. You may have beaten them for them most of the game, you notch back a gear.... and youre going to get beaten. Id say the original posting is no more and no less their interpretation on this and possibly last night shows that its not all cut and dried as some would think
  10. Good job you don't use cliches !! and only stick the facts !! lol My understanding is an uncontracted player walks into the PSD with no compensation to the previous club. is this wrong ?
  11. Spose thats the 64 dollar question. What represents the 'season; in his current contract. Would have thought it meant the 22 home and away games as well as any finals resulting from it. Possibly not otherwise how would WCE get anything. Always perplexed me that !! lol
  12. If Judd is UNCONTRACTED why would Weagles get anything ??
  13. One player is NOT going to be the panacea for all that ails Melbourne at present. Not unless you're going to clone him and have about 5 of him running around!!! Is he going to play first ruck ? Full back ?? Half back ? Please explain anyone how one player is going to magically fix everything, especially when same said "one person " is not a guaranteed start in all games? Apparently we are supposed to conveniently forget his groin/op condition. Well can't be too bad.. ITS ONLY PUTING HIM OUT OF FINALS !! Can not some of you see what is plain before your faces that he is more a potential liability than a you beaut fixes all asset. What guarantee would you have he would be even playing beyond one year? And he would need to be to warrant all the money, the loss of OTHER opportunities. But no, please run off and do the first thing that comes to mind all clammer for Judd. Judd IS good , when 100% fit but only so because of the supporting cast, the likes of which we don't presently have. I don't see to many answerig this dillemma.. Just let's get Judd!!! I'm going to suggest investment in a "whole " team as distinct from one Messiah running around. Also better facilities , better and more support staff will reap more and longer lasting dividends. I don't offer distorted arguments.. just common bloody sense, not dreamworld !! In case you hadn't noticed we already have a handful of groin realted concerns without going into hock for another !!
  14. explain oh wise one ..exactly what I dont get!! glib remarks mean nothing if unsubstantiated and all you offer is get Judd get Judd get Judd. Nothing about how you fund it. Nothing about his less than 100% fitness going forward. , nothing about how he is not alone in his football, in fact you offer NOTHING as an argument..just cliches !!
  15. some just dont get it .. Judd is good.. but he's part of a team. he has a little help from time to time from the likes of Kerr.. Cousins.. he's fed by Seaby's, Cox's etc. .not to mention the Lynch's Hunter hanson of this world... its not JUST him !! Where our rucks ?? 5 Million.. ...returned in membership..say 150 a pop.. that would be ...oh ...let me think.. a bit over 30000 ...!! what kind of stupidity is this. Yes you reap by investment, but at last look we didnt have 5 million to spend on a SINGLE player. We have to be alot more inventive and resourceful . To conjur up a fortune to throw at someone and thenpresto instant preniership.. honestly ...your either fools or intellectually challenged !! It just doesnt work that way. Judd isnt alone in this universe.. there are others..
  16. Makes such wonderful sense.. we're a struggling club, but lets put all of 5 Million plus into one dodgy basket !!! I seriously question the grey matter of some people !!
  17. please do...lol... thankyou.. hehehe edit...MUCH BETTER !!! LOL
  18. Keep in mind not much happened at all last year. this year we have new coaches galore.. new ideas etc etcetc. I fully expect quite a bit from trade week ( relatively that is )wouldnt surprise me if a dozen or move get moved around.
  19. hmmmm.. the thick plottens !!!! I hope Ratten and Riley will be very happy together.. ..like anyone really cares..lol its a good outcome for Melbourne...thats what matters!!
  20. Is it just me or should the words 'mighty magpies' be banned from this site ?? lol At least WA makes a decent red.. so has a use.. the Filth have none. You sandgropers get over it.. This is Melbourne and we HATE Collingwood...all things come second to that !! :D
  21. Some sage words Occo.. youre not alone in not wanting Judd. Thats not to say i wouldnt mid a player of his calibre ( when fit 0 . But its just bullsh!t ,all this rubbish about trades etc.. . 1) were not even in the hunt and 2) he'd simply be the wrong choice as he is. So for mine many need to get their realities reset and look to obtainable outcomes. Judd isnt it..and Im sick to death of it all to be frank. Youre also correct about beamer.. a hard choice looms. Thats a reality. Too many folk get lost in the romance etc of this player or that player that they lose sight of the inadequacies f theteam as a whole and seem capable of forgiving all the tresspasses of one fellow whilst castigating another. We got a ways to go , and Judd aint it!!!
  22. I doubt it too...but there are options.. Should always be at least open to offers.
  23. by all accounts the Dees are the victims..( just defending themselves ) hardly the same situation as Sylvia..is it !!
  24. just pull their pigtails ...theyll scream like little piggies !! lol Now..Erik...there's a Viking !!! pmsl !!
  25. Iraq and Afghanistan might be the destinations of choice soon !!!
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