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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. dunno...did he smack the bastards good and proper ??
  2. this might be a very sound way to get an instant effect for a draft pick... Maybe pick 4 and 21 for someone like Ebert and the Crows pick ..is 10 ?
  3. and so I go back to the point. If he's injured..or carrying an ijury that persists.. what is his true value going forward.. thats he's position, and that also of the club..going FORWRD. A primary forward needs to kick 3-4 a game, a seconday around 2-3.. so which was he? I concede he is still an excellent player when fit. I would still happily grant him a 2 year deal ( if he is appraised as a low injury risk going forward ) He just seems very inconsistent on the 2nd efforts.. but that may wel lbe a result of fitness as opposed to endeavour and effort .. same result though isnt it !
  4. wasnt injured all year.. and Yes..when inured.. he is not full value, how can he be. If fully fit he ought to be capable of 50-60 goals a year..is 2-3 a game too much to ask for the 2nd up forward.. does he do that ?
  5. Jaded.. I fully understand this sentiment .. however I wil suggest this is exactly what we DONT want. its time teh players had a very rude awakening to what is NOW.. its time for them to awaken to a New Order.. and the less of the old thats around I feel the better. They need to all earn their bikkies. The less 'familiarity " the better for mine.
  6. to put it in a nutshell. Robbo when fit..is brilliant Robbo when injured is next to useless !! Put all the rosey coloured glasses away folks.. What WILL he be going forward.. not what WAS he in review !!! Thats the question
  7. Pretty much what occured to me also !! I wish Neale all the best where ever he goes.. he's given and deserves a warm welcome whenver he likes ( socially ) . In this vein ( just in case you were wondering where I was going with this... you were werent you !! lol ) I see Riley also. To me he's a Danniher ver 2.1b. Riley and Danniher are like "Windows" to a club. ( all shiny shiny , bells and whilstles.. and constantly disapponts when you rely on it ) I want something more like a "Linux" and thats what Bailey and whoever he brings in will be I feel. Nothing quite so glamourous and shiny .. but something that works !! I dont think it did with Mark. Personally he would have earnt far more brownie points if he had coached us to a better draft selction.. but thats by and by now. what ever Riley was bringing to the equation it just wasnt quite right. If he stays ..he stays.. If he goes Im happy for new eyes and thinking to take up the slack. I'm pretty sure Mark will move on..and like Neale.. I wish him all the best and thanks for the effort
  8. Id be very surprised if Riley remains there. After many years at Deeland Im sure he may want to find fresh pastures. it can never be easy to remain and work under someone who has beaten you for a position, esp now he has tasted coaching at the top level. Now I suppose the same may be leveled at Connolly but he will have an important role to fulfil in the footy dept.. Riley is a bit like a spare shag on a rock right now. I just feel Riley still represents an era that was soft/wrong.. and Im happy enough for him to move on. you know what they say...3's a crwod !!
  9. hardly any REAL reason to keep a "coach". Coaches need to be effective. Just knowing who x y or Z is hardly commands the bikkies !! I have a suspiscion that Bailey has already built a far more realistic appreciation of most of the ( to be retained ) players than many people who should know better. Nupp.. let Riley go is he wants... no big loss...That was then...this is now
  10. This is exactly the point. We have to be careful we make a deal going forward that is realistic upon realisable expectations and that we dont slide back into the abyss of past romantic style negotiations. Ftr I like Robbo. He brings many elements toa game , first he can kick goals( well at least its provern ) he will command a decent defender and he can be elctric...all good stuff !!! on the counter balance as described above by Rhino its probable his best days are behind him ( well on any consistent basis ) I am really getting edgy with players prone to injury and any reliance in team set up on them only to have then dissappear. By all means give him 2 as that will probably see out his useful career. otherwise bring on the trades. Im sure should Bailey and Co sit down with him and talk "Reailty" all things will smooth over. An indication of how hard nosed this team is going to be from now on will ( to me ) be demonstrated by how we tackle our own team, let alone the opposition
  11. true JJC.. they may not put much on after 21.. and as you allude will vary from person to person... but if the lad is only 17...he's still growing !!
  12. every chance he'd make 2m plus .. ya dont stop growing as a guy til approx 23-25
  13. It would be unusual in any field to be overlooked for a position and remain under the incumbant. You 'd have to think he will move on. Still time will tell
  14. I wonder how many of the remaining have sat up and noticed ?? Must have a couple of them gulping with anticipation !! lol. How much better in 2008 I dont know, but we're going to be a differently "mindsetted" team A few mind be feeling a bit ansy come trade week ..hehehe and about bloody time !!!!!
  15. Keep in mind some are being kept as possible trade fodder
  16. Unfortunately you only have to equate a name with the notion of tradability and some will come running at a gait with foot in mouth lambasting anyone who suggest more than a handful might be tradebait.. As DA suggests..youre simply tagging them ( whomever is looked upon as tradable ) as a "POSSIBILITY" as opposed to some others who you may not want to put onto the table. I tagged more than a dozen...They're just possibilities. In reality ANYONE is for the right deal.
  17. strangely the only comment I can come up with is... I'm surprised that Neaves is delsited. I await further rumblings...More must be to come in some fashion...surely thats only the entre !!
  18. The thing is you wont get rid of that many...as there simply wont be that many deals to go around. But the point is...they are there to be traded. All things on their merits There wil lbe opportunities for th eclub to deal at various levels of ability and experience. It will just depend on the direction this club wants to go> as an afterthought...Id change everyone if it would contribute to a Premiership...i really dont care who plays..who wears the jumper..its irrelevent to me. So whether 5 go..10 go..Im not concerned No ones going to convince me we have 44 at present who will win us a flag.
  19. absolutely QC..with probably only one exception The idea that its always really open slather just doesnt sit well with some.. but youre dead right
  20. Clint Bartram... Keep, but assess injuries going forward Matthew Bate ...Keep Daniel Bell.... Keep Simon Buckley.. Keep ( for moment ) Nathan Carroll... Retain but trade if viable return Aaron Davey.. . Retain, evaulate at years end.. possiblke trade going forward Lynden Dunn.. Keep James Frawley.. Keep Colin Garland... Keep ( evaulate for trade in year if not up to scratch..or good fit for us ) Simon Godfrey.. I year..then delist Brad Green.. Keep..or trade Ben Holland... Keep I year Mark Jamar Trade Paul A. Johnson Trade Nathan Jones Keep James McDonald Keep Brock McLean Keep Brent Moloney Trade David Neitz nothing to say ...lol Michael Newton Keep Ricky Petterd Keep Jared Rivers Keep Colin Sylvia Keep ( evaulate maturity at years end ) Isaac Weetra Keep...for now Matthew Whelan Trade, or I year Adem Yze ... Trade, keep if cant Daniel Ward Trade, delist Matthew Warnock Keep Ryan Ferguson Trade Heath Neville delist Cameron Bruce.. Trade or keep Chris A. Johnson... Keep Travis Johnstone... Trade or Keep Brad Miller Trade Russell Robertson Trade or keep Paul Wheatley Keep Jeff White Trade or Keep ( unlikely to be able to be traded as reaoity though ) Rookies Jace Bode... not overly impressed. ..leave as rookie if no one to take place Daniel Hughes .. leave as rookie, delist if better replacement Shane Neaves.. promote to list Daniel Hayes..delist
  21. In a nutshell the club just needs to be almost brutally realistic. As any business will , you will stocktake your assetts and make some hard calls on their real values, not the heartfelt perceived ones and if required effect a massive write-down. Wheels would be a case in point for sure. May I suggest not too far behind is Beamer ( heresy I hear the calls.. clear headedness I'd retort!! ) The ol' grey mare aint what she used to be...and neither are some of the colts. its just reality. Im all for a fire sale and clear the decks. Yes Wheels mightn't fetch much in trade.. but better that than nothing going forward. Somer might accuse me of rounding up the injures and putting them in frontof the firing squad. I can understand the sentiment. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news, no one wants to be 'unthnankful" ..being un-matey etc...all i can utter is the argument of TEAM versus individuals. Its brutal.. Its needed.
  22. possibly...some are just nom de plumes Id suggest..but conced your point. ( please place ''' ,,, and ; and (caps) to suit !! ) lol
  23. lol... got to agree.. love the turmoil he brings to trade/draft weeks.. cant wait..got my chair , pie and esky al ready !! so thats 3 Chilliboy 2 to Demonland... those epics deserve something...lol 1 appiece to Rhino And Jaded....they can share.. lol. bout the only thing they would ...likely...hehehe...gotta love an opinion !! many special mentions could be had.. ( but I wont).. and for the challenged.... here's a package of punctuation; feel free to use ad lib : ...... '''''''' """""" and some ((( )))) there that ought to do
  24. someone correct me if I'm wrong ( what am I saying..they'll be lining up !! ) A player can stil lbe traded inside the first 12 months ..IF...IF!!!! They agree to it ?
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