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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. You know I think Ive just figured it out. Weve all been really really bad in a previous life and all been sent to Hell. Hell, where Demons live and thrive...all too bloody obvious now !! Well seems like a living hell baracking for this lot.
  2. Print it out and sign 'em up !! Works for me, but I wont hold breath though.
  3. For mine a lot of AFL players just cant kick. It amazes me tha tsurely a foundation skill of the game is notoriously missing from many who play it at its highest level. Some players you can teach to kick better...but they invariably have the makings already, just some bad habits. Others , to be blunt just cant kick for sh!t and never will !! Barty strikes me as the latter Barty's best work is as a tagger.. that shis one trick.
  4. If Eade can convince Gaz...i'll accept him. He has doubts...and well founded.. He has ability.. but theres a horrible trend of "nearly" Im tired of NEARLY !!
  5. Well..they cant show you a picture of 2012 players can they. So thery use current. They're within rights to utilise alll imagery as they see fit. I take more out of the textual component of that email than the pics. I do understand Old what youre saying. hence my suggestion ealier there is possibly some ground thats less black and white than grey. But as no one can ( or wants to ) categorically say anythiing other than allowing impressions to pervade then they simply use what they have. Could be naughty, could be nice, at the end of season we'll check our list twice !!
  6. There are two realities though....one portrayed...and another behind the scenes. Its the golden nugget of marleting...sell the dream !! As alluded in my reply to which you adress, yes they are indeed all current Melbourne players.
  7. Devils advocate here: How so...if one is to tow the line that nothng is made up ( re minds) then all pictured are simply Melbourne players who represent a potential going forward. Its all a bit grey though in reality...lol
  8. as to the first .... I actually wonder ..lol the second.. yes they do...but its the pretext ! the latter. In this instance I wont. I think its a bit rich. As to other solicitations and other events, they'll be judged on their merits also.
  9. well understood and put
  10. lol.. By this stance I assume youre laying clain to some infered high moral ground ? The argument..or shall we say discussion is centered ( or ought to be ) on the contextual nature and direction this sledge was laid. No one here would < i supect support the vilificatoin of women , nor of any particualr group. I supect also that no one here would ordinarily advocate that rape or any other heinous crime. I doubt any would support the threatening of lives either. But its not actually about that. No woman was spoken to, no person was directly threatened , except ironically enough McGinnity. It was all chest puffing..name calling .. In your head stuff. And it didnt even really work. Unless Im wrong.. even the AFL who is a card carrying PC member didnt suspend the player.. or attempt to. McGinnity obvoiouslyy isnt the sharpest tool in the shed., and dare i say it his comments were blunt, but it was a pure exercise in neanderthal gamesmanship....One he failed in. thats about it
  11. Have bit my tongue on this....but it hurts so i willstop. It does bemuse me somewhat that the club is putting it on us as members to support the notion that we're to supplement the coffers to ensure some of these guys are secured. Maybe when 100% of the team put in 100% of efforts to claim their 100% of their wages that this might fly a little better. Quite frankly its a bit much in some respects.Is this club ever going to have an effective business model by which it , as opposed to us, will pay its way and that of its employees ? Club make more money etc etc etc They thought we'd all ( MFC members and supporters ) had all been touched up sufficiently by now. Anyone would think this is some sort of perpetual charity. Maybe some of the players who're only running on 75-80-90 % might refund the monies not earnt. That'd pay for all of this !! Sorry Jim...not impressed
  12. why include Colin.. ?? its imagery..thats all Neither have stood up...both equivocate
  13. You dont need to tackle as much if YOUVE got the ball !! B)
  14. your talking about one thing.,... and yet it was another that occured.. i;e Distinction Nothing was said to a woman. People are now trying to drag inferences and differing circumstances to validate stances which in reality have none. What is...is that Mcginninty is an idiot..everyones got that bit right.
  15. quite so Macdonald !!
  16. it wasnt the female goal umpire being spoken to. Some clearly dont understand distinctions.
  17. this ^ Not only is it the only logical option, its the only available one that retains all parties ethics.
  18. do I smell the air of desperation ?
  19. 2 picks and 3 mill saved look good huh !!
  20. It sttil lconfounds me how many dont see the intent of the incident. Since this game , or any game was invented there is as much a mind wrestle as a physical one. From the simplistic utterance of a 7 yo of "Chewy on ya boot" to more offensive and descriptive commetnts the sole desire of the instigator is to get inside the listeners head and put him off his task.. Its called Sledging. Is the suggestion as uttered by the Weagle meant as a serious threat? Of course not. . Is it clever, is it appropriate, is it disgusting ? The PC brigade are of course up in arms. How dare anyone vilify a woman. The right or wrong of vilification are all but irrelevant in this instance as that was purely not the intent, nor was it directed to the mother. Was it moronic of McGinnity ? probably. Was it effective ? Doesnt look like it. Thats probably where it ought to be left.
  21. they already GET match payments
  22. its actually really only affected ( if indeed thats the cause ) a selected few. Strange is it not that the youngens seem relatively unaffected. Again to comparisons. .it was way back in early 2000's that Geelong needed to sort its sh!t out.. not 2010.. That was just changing train sby comparison
  23. Probably one of the more interesting aspects... the Greg-Gerard connection. Not sure what weight to give it, but its an interesting observation. Im not really sure what anyone would expect Mickey Mouse to come out and say just now. He would surely be foucssed on picking up the two in a row. Hed happily spruik the company line in so far as it affects him and on he goes. The moment the siren blasts to end the 2011 GF it might be a very different noise we hear from the Malthouse camp. we werent supposed to get a carbon tax either.. things change
  24. A subtle distinction but one worth making.. Now if he could only translate one into the other !!!!
  25. This ^ This club is in many ways upside down.
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