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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. the latter
  2. Entitrely all too plausible. Somehwat mirrors my thinking also
  3. and then the thread to a jolt to the silly side
  4. Prime example of why this is such a bogus argument. Demons re-sign This is typical of how the jumpers present in media... Oh yes..that logo is totally obscured !! Hardly recognisable at all. what a load of crap !! Congrats to the Club on its successes last night btw
  5. You have a decent point. Something akin to grandstanding.. look at moi. I know something you dont..etc etc. blah blah fair call OMR
  6. boom - boom !!! seems a point still lost on a lot
  7. Thanks Jack.. Hope we as a club can return the faith. Seems a likely sort to take on the mantle
  8. thanks.. but i really like the hat I wonder if anything wil be announced at teh dinner tonight..yo know...like, all hush hush , nudge nudge stuff ..
  9. Few have been as consistent as him. He should poll well
  10. Theres still a little reading between lines that can be done but these reviews are far far more real and circumspect.. Good to see ( and read ). Id stop botheringwith them prior as were just total fiction. Slowly the Titanic turns ??
  11. Thre was a window in Oct 2010 to sign.
  12. I dont need to tell you ...do I ??
  13. my bad.. how long ?
  14. Dont get too cute.. there al lthe same.. different divisions.. same parent. . I said BOM is Wesptpac.....and it is Forgive me if I failed to add banking Corporation. Its a subsidiary.
  15. I would have thought after 8 seasons he ought to be , if not offically, leading by example on the ground. I agree, hes not alone, but were talking about Colin in this instant.. I concur..there all crap. Interesting you raise size and experience as these ought to be demonstrative in how he goes about it all but he seems to sit back on his hgeels in some games and really thats just not acceptable. Would you agree ? Theres no point hanging on to someone if all youre hanging your hat on is that theyre a senior player. That in itself at Melbourne seems to count for nothing, its wrong !
  16. Anything to do with Tom is speculative by its nature. We can see how Murphy progressed. I simply supposed it would be good if Tom followed suit in that regard. Hardly crystal -ball gazing. Just commentary.. That is all
  17. You realise BOM is Westpac
  18. Garland..when fit..has been far more influential and pivotal that Colin has. Trengove's has had a couple of verry ordinary games this year by his standard but keeps at it.. Hes in the play..unlike McKenzie is a terrier...he doesnt let up Colin on good days..invariably agaisnt the teams we beat, looks the goods.. , but then so do many of or players. on other days...welll....
  19. Actually that rings a bell.. .. might look into that
  20. Maybe if you had read the thread youd be conversant as to why , and indeed how, some would disagree with you. Why is an inconsistent , goes walkabout player important at this stage....which also goes to how is his presence, or lack of, a serious loss ?
  21. I dunno.. he picked up the AFLPA first year award.. that would eclipse Scully to date. He certainly damaged the scoreboard more in those earlier years as comparison. It was suggested Murphy got even better...which he has. Was put maybe Scully will imporve.. to which I thought..hope he does.
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