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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. wasting your breath
  2. So ?? It has Col there too.. he hasnt Stood up for us...let alone signed so your point ?
  3. A bit of lucid thinking. totally out of whack with this thread Where Geelong came from to go into 2010..and where we are ( or going in immediate foreseeable future ) couldnt be further apart.
  4. Why is this even a question... NO
  5. Suzanna I do respect all Mums , but this is a different sphere. Its acalled a football field.. but it could be a boxing ring.. or any other filed of combative endeavour where one side seeks a mental edge over the other. Ricky didnt dob thi sbloke in..he just moved on..as he should. He didnt give it any credence by repsonding really other than to get on with the game. This nullifies the 'nasty' jibe. This may seem to be splitting hairs , but in all honesty theres a lot of things said on a field that would make your toes curl. Agree with those that suggest political correctness gone mad.. Also add meddlng Umpire.
  6. You missed the point. Watts is happy enough to stay at the Club..and always was. Trengove is making it his mission , it all but seems, to become a pillar of the club and encourage others to take up arms with him. Weve seen some do exactly that. others..well....
  7. This games getting way too soft.. cant do a decent hip /shoulder anymore.. got to watch how you tackle , even if correctly. And a few choice words.. my goodness gracious me. Some of the games stalwarts must be choking on ttheir Weeties. Cudos to Ricky for just getting on with it...and thats al lthat was needed. Stupid maggot !! Got to involve themselves all the time
  8. Good..As I dont want to pay for anyone who cant back themselves to play off their own bat..or is more than likely to spend more time watching than playing..fine by me
  9. i'll take your stfu and raise you a go and get.. What many here are suggesting is that there is no logical impediment to signing with melb, if indeed the ideal is to stay with melb. What ...hes waiting to know the offer s?..Thats a furphy. Hes waiting to see the result of the fall out form the Bailey saga ? well .. Is Sculy in charge of coaching all of a sudden ? If so cant wait for the benefit of all his time in the box. . If not..then again. Hes not wagging the dog I would presume so why is he any different to the Likes of Trengove, Tappscott, Gawn.to name but recent and such as Watts and others who have faith that th eclub wil lprovide and maybe its their job to just get on with it. Everyone throws up...well he said !! What hasnt bloody changed since then ??And who is he ? Someone who can decide in 5 mins flat apparently..?? I dont think so. He far more a thinker and calculator regarding how he goes about things, I'll give him that. Hes no bunny...not for a moment. Weve been over this time and time again. It only makes sense...as opposed to romantic hogwash that hes waiting til seasons end to announce he'll be on his way. The only real interest is in the back story as to what really went on. Who was complicit... and who beneffits and how. Occam's Razor id suggest
  10. of course he get his contractual entitlements.. but if they are a combination od base residual and payment for matches played then guesswhat einstein.. !! Its been reported variously over teh last year or so that Melbourne is amongst a number of clubs moving more and more towards a remuneratin model based upon a core of entitlements plus bonuses and match dependent clauses. This is of course a double edged sword as there are TPP and cap issues withthis but this is the way its going. . Part of Sylvias current negotiating niggle is these same performance and match paying conditions. Yep..all in the wind mate..tryi listeniing to it instead of retorting with empty bruhahas !! Might sound good to others...but empty is empty
  11. Getting illogical in your old age are you.. Match payment are just that. Payment for playing.. No play...no pay. Residual base contracted pay only
  12. I suggest you try teh afl's ladder predictor..Punch in what you consider your appraisal of outcomes. Are we in ?
  13. What doesnt ? Vlocity have signed probably the most unique client the game has seen since.. well..whenever. Scully is the #1 pick. He immediately enters a draft allocation to a club. But whos to say he stays at that club after the 2 year period, or as I call it the incubation. For if he does goe to GWS after his stint at MFc weve been nothing more than baby sitters. He was always going to be in GWS's sights from teh moment he was the #1 pick. ergo Vlocity have on their books a unique assett, in just a unique situation. Why would he not possibly require a special handling or circumstance ? Seeems a natural extension of things.
  14. Theres no riddle there e25..which bit have you not understood ?
  15. Not really...no more silly to suggest he is as he isnt. Given that he was the #1 pick going into the 2 year incubation period and likely to be extremely sought after...then I might think hes not the average bear ?
  16. just playing devils here e25... do you know for certain what the management cut is with Scully ? Any management has bonuses and incetives.. but who knows the criteria. That could be equally leveled against my own reservations.
  17. Jaded, youre wasting your breath. Some seem to think that any game in the finals is character building. Not all realise character is a multidirectional result. But youre right ...we wont make it anyway so much of al lthis is moot.
  18. Unusual clarity on this forum
  19. To ask the obvious... If he HAD / HAS signed on , then there in no impediment what so ever in announcing it...is there ?
  20. youre hardly a troll simply for not being so subservient to some ridiculous ideal that all MFC are beyond reproach or question
  21. It would beg the question then Tweed..or anyone.. How far into say a 5year Million dollar a year deal does he start being worth the pay ? It all becomes a deal needing very careful thinking..
  22. Dear Maurie...did you catch the bit a little earlier where I said..in answer.. If hes still contracted then he remains so ? Ans if so he'll only get his base contractual salary..as obviously theres no match payments.. Stil lin lieu al lhis meds are catered to.
  23. All well and good but we are NOT a beneficial society. Some calls have to be made. Its all very well for players to uyp and go..but hey..bugger a club if it looks out for itself. Im sure the club will work out the most workable solution...for the club
  24. quite sage.. However it will worry me if a coach is really the answer for good ol' Col. On the face of it ..theres a logic, but for me if you cant find the where withall within to aspire to be your best in a filed your priviledged enough to do and be wel lrecompensed for then ..well.. you really ought not be there.
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