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71 Molloy

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Everything posted by 71 Molloy

  1. Will be interesting to see how much difference a genuine line breaking back flanker makes to us at Docklands this Sunday.
  2. Hahaha........played his best footy running around on his own on a wing cause no one cared if he got the ball as he just doesn't hurt you. Can't defend, can't kick over 30 meters and first instinct is to go backwards. Pass.
  3. Loved in the last when WATSON was banging on about the young Hawks. Queue graphic with average games played, approx. 120 to 60......
  4. Correct. Wouldn't have bruised a grape.
  5. That Gunston like role panning out as expected.
  6. The iron triangle of coach, lethal and captain. If your on the outer there's no way back. Case in point, Jed Adcock.
  7. Taylor's barely had 5 kicks for the year, can't get out of the place quick enough. Not a happy camp up in Brisbane.
  8. So, tell us SEQ not big enough market to support two teams, 10 million in the hole, no training base and then go out and sign players for a team that doesn't yet or may not exist. AFL need to come in and clean up this rabble.
  9. Would have settled for a free kick on the day.
  10. What the get tackled, drop the ball, ball hits ground, throw a boot at and connect is play on rule?
  11. Stinks of nepotism.* *thats my type of funk!
  12. Isn't he now a rookie? Can we actually promote him at this stage of the year?
  13. Anyone see the open mike with Simon black last week? Very reminiscent of the Mick Martin hit in the 99 prelim that fractured Blacks eye socket. Dog act. Hope the MRP go hard and set a precedent.
  14. How does someone serving a drug ban get a regular gig?
  15. Let's face it, the Darwin games are hideous slopfests. They are so bad if Melbourne were not playing I'd turn over to the other Saturday night game. Not to mention the fact we seem to struggle to recover for the week or two post game. Sooner we can get the hell out of there the better. Port or Essendon can have it.
  16. Doesn't she have form?
  17. A least we shouldn't have to shut down half the ground to save cash. What's the break even figure at Docklands? With a bit of form we may actually be able to turn a few $ as opposed to hosting GWS or GCS.
  18. Snapchat photo sold by a mate for big $$$'s. With friends like that......
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