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Everything posted by layzie

  1. You should have to do something if you get invited and poll 0 votes. Like a shoey.
  2. Mr Wolfturdo! How nice to grace us with your presence.
  3. No idea, but I’d find it hard to believe there was a few thousand spare seats in the MCC. I was there for the Geelong v Richmond qualifying final last year and it was packed to the rafters 45 mins before the start. A few hundred would make sense but not a few thousand.
  4. That’d be right. Another one of Wolf’s ruses.
  5. Hopefully he doesn’t have to raise the award above his head..
  6. Was there something good on 360 or something?
  7. layzie


    Absolute cannon of an arm.
  8. layzie


    Sorry I meant great leader like Russell not dual threat. But can definitely move around in the pocket and get those extra yards. I’m a big rap for Wilson btw, love that guy. Yeah Winston surely has to come back in so never know. I’m waiting for some clown from Deadspin or something to suggest Kaepernick ?
  9. layzie


    TU that is exactly right, it’s been a very rough 4 days. Actually had no idea you were a Niners fan excuse my ignorance! At least we can grieve together. The NFL was nicely poised to be a good distraction from the heartbreak but it wasn’t to be. It’s a massive loss. This is a very complicated offense and if Jimmy had another season of getting it down then we could have added a few more pieces in free agency and had a serious tilt next season. I agree. Beathard has shown a little but he strikes me as someone who will only ever be a solid backup QB. Has a decent arm but needs a clear lane to throw, struggles with over the defender throw. Needs to be playing in rhythm. The Eagles also had a brilliant line whereas ours is still developing. Sigh.
  10. Have to Play hardball with Freo. If they want him enough they have to pay up.
  11. I’m sure there are many who aren’t surprised.
  12. layzie


    Yeah it's unlikely and honestly for his sake it would be good to see him get a shot at being a franchise guy, he deserves it. Never know, Fitzpatrick might be available after today :p Dual-threat QBs can be good but they need something extra to be great. Russell Wilson is a great leader and I think Wentz will be the same.
  13. layzie


    Yeah totally with you here. It's just way too risky to put the QB in those situations. Mahomes has exceeded expectations so far. They seem to run a lot of read option though so you hope he doesn't cop a big hit.
  14. layzie


    There is. It's the tried and true way. It's a passing league and if you can get a guy to stand in the pocket and throw darts you're usually sitting pretty. A few years back we went through the wave of 'dual-threat guys' like Kaepernick, RG3, Newton, Vick, Wilson who got a lot of people giddy but I think you really need to be able to throw from the pocket and go through read progressions. These days I want a pocket passer who can move a little bit if need be. Whether that's movement in the pocket to evade (Like Wilson or Rodgers) or to pick up a few improvised scramble yards and slide or SAFELY get out of bounds.
  15. layzie


    Would happily have Foles right now. Shanahan's offense isn't something you can learn in a day but he would easily pick up enough to get by. Plus Philly's offense wasn't exactly simple. It just sucks. I didn't think we'd win the Superbowl, hell I even said last week 8-8 would be a good result. But to miss a season of Garropolo really getting the playbook down and building synergy with the receivers. It just stinks. Not to mention just seeing progression and giving hope for future seasons. So tired of ACLs! It's the most deflating injury. I left Etihad this year feeling queasy after Lever went down. Give me a broken bone or torn hamstring any day. It's done now, end rant.
  16. Midfielder and top 4 award. What else is new? I was actually glad to see Paddy Cripps poll so well. He had a great season in a tire fire of a side.
  17. How about the run by Brayshaw! Could have had 2nd if Sidearse didn’t pinch 3 in the last.
  18. layzie


    Man I’m so gutted right now. Can’t even watch any other games I’m too ticked off. Maybe tomorrow after I’ve slept on this. Yeah it’s unfortunately a very annoying thing about this sport but it does happen unfortunately. I remember the 2013 Rodgers one pretty well, Flynn did a good job till he came back but it hurt the Packers a lot that year. Beathard isn’t too bad, he’ll get the gig. He’s definitely limited but he’s at least got a decent understanding of the playbook already.
  19. layzie


    Whoops, there goes the season.
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