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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Who would have thought this thread would be 3 pages as opposed to the regular 2 posts.
  2. Building a backline with plenty of dash. Would say that they are still 2 years off finals but then they will probably come out and make top 4.
  3. Definitely OD, wluld be hoping for a trip to Uluru for sure.
  4. It's the modern day Timezone arcade and as long as the kids keep pumping in the $2 coins it's all good!
  5. It's definitely the experience and seeing our country in a different way than we're used to, I'm really keen! Will definitely be relying on help from the DA! Always someone who has great knowledge of the city we're playing in. My bro's brother in law also has a burrito truck and he works at this game every year, I've been saying I'll come to try his burritos for too long now! Needless to say this day is VERY good business for him.
  6. Well done @Dee Zephyr and @roy11 that's some good work there. Let's keep the trivia coming! The third place playoff works perfectly for the World Cup. Should definitely be seen like winning a Bronze medal in the Olympics. We saw how happy our guys were in the Basketball last year after that!
  7. I would have thought this too but in a much more derogatory way in that it's such a low rent event that barely qualifies as AFL round standard. They would need to play each other again to make up for it 😛
  8. If I'm getting one interstate footy trip next year I'd rather put my resources into doing a red centre trip. Maybe even stay 3 or 4 days and see everything that this place has to offer that most people don't get a chance to see. Give me this over winging on to Adelaide for a pee wee interschool sports carnival atmosphere.
  9. In my book everyone on DL gets one thread/topic where they go unnecessarily over the top with negativity and this one is mine 😉
  10. Collingwood in the graveyard time slot on Sun night, they will love that!
  11. Hoping for a 2023 visit DeeZone. My brother's in laws are from Alice so would have some local insight! Would definitely do all the tours.
  12. layzie


    Vikings, Eagles, Chiefs
  13. Look full credit for getting creating with the name and not being generic but it reminds me of trite company office speak and 'gathering round' for stand up meetings and that sort of rubbish.
  14. Agree, Duffy will easily get another team.
  15. I don't know either but the fact is we are 😛
  16. They could bring back the Footy Show or League teams!
  17. Brilliant people manager!
  18. Reasonable side, will win their share of games. Need to see how Kingsley wants them to play, need to stay healthy.
  19. Correct Dante, I believe he'd just won the flag with Myrtleford and got the call to come down and train with Melb during their Mad Monday. His response was something like "Sure, why not!"
  20. Ok, let's go with quarter final stage
  21. I'm loving watching this Morocco team at the moment, their side is very well balanced with some great flair. With a bit of luck they could make the final!
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