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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Good thing the Bowls club is big-This night is gonna be great. Drinks at 1858 prices!! Bring me Booze now Haha
  2. Interest Repayments would have a lot to do with our debt. Just gets Bigger & Bigger. That's why we all have to continually raise money over a few years at least. This is a long termer and we must Hang in
  3. Told my Boss 20 Years ago if (when) Melbourne win the Flag it was her responsibility to fill in my leave form. 2 weeks of Hard Partying. Booze Women whatever else, I would sober up to watch a DVD of the game Sporadically. Probably Hire a Limo like Jeff Lebowski and drink many Beverages in the Back. I am sure we will all meet somewhere, but i doubt i could spell for a while so my computer skills would be very simple!
  4. To get Stynesy down there would be superb. A great way for us to know exactly how to best Raise funds for the future, events like this need to be reguliar. wherever they are held. Great stuff 45.
  5. Why not contact the club and try and get our new prez down to the bowls club. You can only ask. and i am sure he would love to know of any Fundraising for the club..
  6. Yes the Media were disgusting at the Hospital entrance-Hang your heads in Shame. Vultures circling the dead. I worked in a newsroom and got out-i had enough of it
  7. Let's us not Forget, our previous Board appointed Bailley Unanaimously. Hopefully it was there greatest Legacy to the club.
  8. I have always been a quiet Miller Fan-more that i really wanted him to succeed and play for us & not get traded. Yes he has played some shockers we all know that. But after that Final in 2006 against the Shockers i knew he could do it. It's great to see him Kicking the Ball. * more Games to shine in this year Brad-Go for it.
  9. Have a G.S.T. (M.F.C) Tax on everything sold that night. No excuses Pay up or else. All Taxes and Donations straight to the club. This Debt must be wiped & Fast
  10. Thats a great idea!! Love to meet some of you guys. Raise some money for the club. I live in elwood so that's easy to make. Great Idea
  11. I have no doubt Bailey is a Good and Hopefully GREAT Coach. Patience Grasshoppers
  12. I would be happy with Jack "Charlie" Watts for sure. Naita would be nice but i bet he would get Homesick in 2 years and go back to warmer weather. Watts or Rich could be 10 year players. 1 Player does not make a club. I still believe winning a few games is not so bad for this club right now. All will be revealed within 8 weeks
  13. Wow 800 off 30,000 would be so good to hit that Mark for the year. Wouldn't be hard to sell a few more after yesterday. Winning Culture is the only way to get a stable club.
  14. That's Great another Lifelong Supporter & Member! Go Demons. Norm Smith would have lost his voice upstairs yesterday!
  15. We must Remember one thing. Right Now this Club is almost starting again so we are going to have the crap Fixture schedule and small crowds. But we now have Good People. I was always an ND Fan, I think he did a Mighty job with the Resources he had. But i have a lot of Faith in DB. Not once has he Flinched this year. He Knows where he wants to go. If Stynesy can get this Debt initiative going next week, and the playing group keeps playing exciting Footy like Sunday- The Crowds will come. Just get as many Friends or Relatives to the games in the next 8 weeks. I am actually a happy Supporter this year. I can see Big Changes actually Happening, & not just Band aids like Before. Lets Go
  16. We need to start Winning games and getting smart with Marketing Strategies. Gotta wipe that debt. Imagine the Interest Payments on $4.5 mill. No wonder we dont make any Gameday profits. I think our list will be ok and i think Dean Bailey is going to be a great coach. He certainly seems to keep his cool well. it would be very easy to start Berating Players at the After-match Press Conference this year, but he hasn't. And you can see improvement in players.We just don't have the key position players at present. We as Supporters Must kill that debt. I am going to ring the club tomorrow and see if any initiatives have been set up. I like the idea of a $1 or $2 direct debit. each week. Its a cup of coffee. I don't want AFL Social Security. We should be a power club.
  17. I Totally Agree. The Big Red Demon is what we need!!
  18. Absolutely Brad Miller is a gun-he just needs to believe in himself. I want to see him succeed at Melbourne for a long time. he is getting that physical element back into his game which is great
  19. What a sad little man Cornesy is. Very easy to be big headed in a 2 team country town. I feel sorry for him. I hope Stynesy reads it and files it away. Bad Karma Graeme
  20. Logo's are important and they do get noticed. Bring back the demon, and leave the writing off the bumper stickers. I threw mine out this year cause they looked embarrassing. Why change something that already works. Wish the rules committee would heed the same philosophy!
  21. Lets just hope he gets the team playing Hard and tough on Consecutive weeks. Sunday's Game against Richmond is Vital. No use being Pumped up one week and weak as the next. Richmond are going to hit us hard. Bailey must be ready for this. I wish him well. i want him to succeed.
  22. He plays close to the edge-always prone to be injured. He will be back. Stay around the club Beamer, you're a good example for those rookies...
  23. Sure get him down to training, check him out. This club has got to be pro active at all times, from now on. He just might be a winner
  24. That's good!!!! Made me laugh big time
  25. Hey there RR Thats a really cool website-Thanks for putting that up-I've saved it, will answer many arguements!!
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