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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Is it any wonder that we haven't been a power since Norm Smith was Sacked. He took the Heart & Soul with him when he left the Building.
  2. Adem Yze was a beautiful kick at the Height of his career-That Final against Adelaide in 2002.
  3. Michael Long was indeed a Thug on that Day. He knew exactly what he was doing & had time to change his mind. His apology was an open letter to "the Age" as i recall. Despicable man. Don't think he played against us again (always had a sore hammy i think) I know why too!
  4. You will live! Get out & smell the Flowers a bit more...
  5. That's all good & in most aspects i totally agree. (Series 1 & 2 of the Simpsons is pure Genius to me!!) So i get where you are coming from! My Biggest Problem of the Game now is that is So much more defensive than it was. I suppose the whole Tanking issue is somewhere in there too. If Teams are way of the pace by Round 12 they shut up shop & wait for the draft. It was once the ultimate shame to be given the spoon-now certain people look forward to it. I still think the Team who finishes 9th should be given incentive. That arguement will start again in july!! Australian Rules to me was (is) an attacking Game, yes defence was always important but only so your team could get the ball back & attack. Right Now it is a possession game, and i can see why i just don't find it that interesting! Wish i did, but i don't. So i wait for an attacking coach i suppose that has success. Maybe i am over reacting but all the games i have seen this year have been Rubbish. Bring on Round 1 & lets see if the 50 metre stays empty!!
  6. This situation would be ok at present, build slowly & don't forget the MCC situation which is going to be very usefull in years to come if it all comes through. It's more important this year to give value for money for any sponsors we have. I do like the idea of multiple sponsors, particularly as the markets are dodgy for the next few years.
  7. But that's the Problem it isn't being left alone. Ever since the interchange was bought in & then expanded from 2-4 The game has changed to something almost unrecognizable to what i grew up with. Soccer may be a bit dull at times but at least it is still soccer.
  8. Fair enough i was waiting for a younger supporter to answer like that. Just one question though. Does a completely empty forward line not bother you?
  9. I expect nothing less than a premiership cup next year. Why else did i give the club lots of $$ for a membership. The Team has been training since October, while other teams were lying on beaches in Thailand. Our players are supposedly professional. If a coach cannot get his game plan across something is wrong. But I think DB is ok. He will do alright this year, maybe suprise. Big Bad Barry was kept goalless last weekend. That is a good effort. Our Mid fielders have been around a good few years now-no excuse. Flag all the way.
  10. Exactly. The AFL is not looking at a fair competition-never has since 1987. The AFL wants to Maximize dividends QED. The weaker clubs are put on a drip feed so the the Core supporters don't get totally dissilusioned & go and do something else. (with all these rule changes that is getting more relevent)
  11. Good one i totally agree with that one as well. In past years tired players would sit in the forward pockets to get a breather. It would be fascinating to watch the Game now with the 19 & 20th man rule in place. Once you were off that was your day done. Fresh man comes on. Maybe we need something close to this to slow the game down that 10 %. Hey Formula One are doing just that to save the sport.
  12. A very observant young man you are!! I am at work & got a top laugh out of that one. Roughie is rather good at Hands in the Back isn't he. Certainly cost us some coin last weekend. Bugger it.
  13. I Reckon That's the Problem. Too many people have too much time to work out strategies which has diluted the game. I know its only NAB cup at this stage but that Essendon Fitzroy game the other night was unwatchable. I Turned it off. It's a bad advertisement for the AFL to be having that on at prime time. It Totally Stunk. But i do know that Vlad would find it hard to admit that he & The AFL were "WRONG" about the game. I worry that the Forward line as i know it has gone. The Art of Being a class CHF is no more.
  14. 3 is not the Maximum in the 50 but is the Minimum that should be allowed.
  15. The Football i have Watched over the Last 3 Weeks has really worried me. Not Just Melbourne But the Game in General. Mid Fielders Storming through the Center Bouncing the Ball about to kick the Ball Forward...But the 50 Metre Arc is empty!! No one there. So the ball is chipped. Crap Game. Totally not what i grew up with in all manner. I believe there is only one way to fix this....3 Forwards & 3 Backman should remain in the 50 metre Arc at all times. No exceptions. There are more than enough umps to make sure this is adheared to. If the game is played in the manner i have watched over the last few weeks, i doubt i will support it. I want to But i just find it dull to watch without Forwards. 3 on 3 in the 50 is all i ask. Thoughts?
  16. As Long as the Trad Logo is with it. Top of the neck at the Back would be ok
  17. TAC & Dan Murphy's....The True Juxtaposition!!
  18. You bet I Hate Judd for the stance he Took. A Melbourne Supporter all his life Before the Draft, Had a real opportunity to help the MFC Fill the Grandstands of the MCG & climb back to our rightful position. Fear not the Extra $$$$ would have Rolled in. But no He chose to Go to the Perrennial Cheats. So He will be forever LOATHED. Carlton haven't made the Top 4 Yet.
  19. Yes i am with you on this one. Nathan Had that Bad year. I hope he has learnt over the last 4-5 months how to negate those tags for effectively. Jones is Tough & Hard. We need him Firing if we are to rise up the ladder.
  20. That's the whole thing in one sentence. In years to come other clubs may envy our position if this signature comes off.
  21. Martin Flanagan is a piece of gold. He is a good journalist who knows how to write-His pen takes the reader to alll the necessary places. His writing shows flair & passion. I didn't realize he was "Assigned" to us until now. That is great news. Good One MFC....
  22. The Media will only give us High Rotation exposure if we start winning games or Start to really disintergrate. Unlike Collingwood where by if Dale Thomas blows his nose its Back page of the Hun, they don't care when Melbourne players blow there nose at present. We must win games to get Bums on seats.
  23. A lot of clubs will struggle this year, really struggle. Port Adelaide I believe could be a real Basket Case. Time will tell. We will be under the pump no doubt but our alliance with the MCC may be our best assett. I Hope so. What i do object to is the AFL starting up new Franchaises up while Founding Clubs are in Trouble. "Clean up the Back yard before Buying another"
  24. I shall always treasure the moment of The Western Oval Round 22 1987....i was there. Hello September!
  25. Yes I would have a Huge Problem with it. Coming 2nd or 3rd is not something to aim for. We have Done that. Had a Taste & then got let Down. Freo is the last team i would be modelling ourselves on. Schwabb did a good job off field not withstanding. But on field Walk away. Don't want to finish near the top-no one remembers that.
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