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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Colin Sylvia will Give us Nothing More Than Headaches in the Future. I Now Doubt he is a top line Player. Time is rapidly Fading For Colin.
  2. I managed to Turn on SEN During the second quarter. Colin Sylvia Made about 5 errors within 6-7 minutes of me listening. Then of course missed the Goal in the last Q. We all know the Final Results. Bought Back those Hideous Memories of 87 Prelim Final Day at Waverly. Younger Posters on here will maybe not recall that day but i sure did. I Felt Sick. Sorry But Coliin Sylvia is no better than Simon Eishold & will never win us a flag. Until This Club gets Ruthless & learns to win, we will be laughed at and treated like CRAP. 33 points up WE Should Have WON-No EXCUSES!! Hawthorn Had Half a side Playing. Now we Head off to the BUSH for 3 weeks. No TV Exposure & still no sponsor. We Blew a chance to gain just a little Respect AGAIN. I Hope those Players are REALLY HURTING. I DID. I wonder if Colin Sylvia is really Hurting???
  3. I Could never Barrack Against the Zebra's. I just will not do it. I am so against this bloody AFL?VFL Allianment it Bloody STINKS!!!
  4. Excuse me....When has Colin Sylvia Kicked A Gag playing for melbourne??? In your dreams so far i think!!! Potential & execution are two very Different things.
  5. Brock is Much Better Than Ordinary. Cast your mind back to the 2006 Semi Final v St.Kilda. The Boy can play.
  6. Sylvia is a Top 10 Player if Colin Sylvia wants to be a Top 10 Player. He is yet to prove that worth at this Stage. As i said This coming season will bring us the answers 2009.
  7. My Brother Follows St.kilda & i can say from first hand experience that the old "Animal enclosure" at Morabbin was a TOTALLY EVIL Place to be. I refused to wear my scarfe in there, it was unsafe for my Health & Quality of on going life.!!
  8. 2009 is The year that Sylvia will tell us what he is made of. Ime very confident Col will answer us either way this season.
  9. I actually HATE Carlton just that little bit more than the Filth (If that's possible!!) Those Cheating Bastards.
  10. I would personally prefer the season to be longer to lessen the Awfull bias the Draw each year has become. Ime sure the players love it but the International game means nothing to me. After its over i forget it quickly in the same vein as one day cricket. Interesting Idea though. The clubs would never risk players throughout the season for international rules-Too much Time & Money Invested. Tony Hall Knee Injury in 1989 changed all that thinking.
  11. The Bottom Line in all this Fiasco is that Right Now Adrian Anderson looks like a complete Idiot. This will be fascinating to see what happens next week. Stay Tunes.
  12. I drove past the Sandringham Footy Ground Today. I Have supported that great club all my life. This allignment stuff is hard work. I was really sad today when i saw that ground. Our involvement with springvale is purely business to me. Part of my heart will always be a Zebra. I realized that today....BRING BACK THE TWO'S ANDERSON YA TWIRP!!!!
  13. The Bulldogs Have Just Built that Huge Facility out at Westie Park. Of course the AFL will push their cause. Don't Forget Mr A.D. said publicly last year that The MFC stands for nothing. To the AFL we are the pits. Making up numbers nothing else. If we survive this Hurdle the Club will have to do it with Help from the supporters. All money must be directed towards the Football dept where possible. We must win games to gain cred.
  14. Which ads to my point. The only way to we as a club are going to reverse this downward spiral is to win games. Winners get more TV exposure. Our "sunday" Draw is just garbage for marketing.
  15. Ha Ha Love your Passion Mate! Drink your tea and take it easy-still about 6 weeks till Round 1.
  16. Point Taken & i Agree but i also put Western Sydney in the same Category (Romance not Included!!) Who would want to live out there by choice. Will be interesting to see how this all unfolds over the next few years.
  17. Hope you are right But personally i wouldn't put anything past the AFL these days. Why would a young kid want to be moved to western sydney. Money Talks....
  18. I Have to say I didn't see the game & have only seen stills in the paper of the incident so i am not making a judgement either way. BUT...I just love the fact that the Brand new Collingwood Captain, His First game in that position is Reported for breaking an opposition players Jaw. Its Just so....collingwood!! And its why we Hate Them. And yes i do remember Malthouse making strong remarks about looking after the head region last year.
  19. I hope you enjoy the Melbourne jumper without a sponsors logo(s) on it because it won't be around for long if it stays that way. Yes we all love the Jumper of the 1950's when we were kings but sadly that was almost 60 years ago - a lot has changed. If i see a jumper without a sponsor on it come round 1 i will be feeling a strong unfriendly chill down my spine. And yes the sun will rise if we don't get a sponsor but the demons may be based in either Tassie or west sydney aswell. We have to pay the Bills & be a competitive business otherwise we will be confined to the highlight reels of yesterday.
  20. R Refuse to accept our traditional jumper clashes with Adelaide or Brisbane (or Fitzroy for that matter) Its AFL driven rubbish that if said enough people will start to believe. Changing Jumpers only makes it easier for teams to be moved to different places. That is the long term agenda. I can always pick a Demon Jumper and my eyesight has never been Perfect....
  21. Ime Totally with You Jack. I too have been Following the Demons for about 40 years so yes i have felt those bumps to. This time though i think we are in Huge trouble (fitzroy style) if we cannot get our Finances sorted real quick. I Have a lot of Faith in Jim & Cameron Schwabb But i Certainly did not expect us to be still looking for a sponsor at this point. I am yet to read the Red Fox (was Hoping to score it for christmas, but alas it didn't arrive!! My next Book For sure. I Bleed red & Blue Like you Jack. I went through School in the 70's getting laughed at for following melbourne. (what's changed?) If we don't start winning games & making Money for ourselves we are finished. The AFL have made it clear by the Fact they want 2 new Teams in the Comp. If Victorian Clubs Fall over-Too Bad.. I disagree but what can we do. Demetrio & His AFL cronies are Just the Usual Corporate Junkies of the modern world. So the Demons have to fend for ourselves. Winning & only Winning Will Bring Sponsors. Do you Know that most of the Interstate Clubs have Sponsor waiting Lists?? This is what we are up against....
  22. 30 Mill a year. That was a while ago. The interstate clubs are turning over 50 Mill These days. No sponsor & a Terrible Draw for exposure is only going to make this Gulf larger. I am not trying to be Dark & Negative here-just the Bare Truth. If we do not win games this year we are in Big Trouble. The AFL dont care. Demetrio has already stated that "We stand for nothing" Sponsorship is worth far more than just the initial payment. Bumpy ride ahead Jack-Fasten your seat belt!
  23. Pity we do not have a Sponsorship to pay for all this optimism!! I predict a rather scary Ride..
  24. Totally agree This situation is getting to the Ridiculous Stage. We want the MCG to be "our Home" can't even Put a sponsors name around the Ground!! We are delusional if we believe we can survive this. Bumpy Ride is coming on-Severe turbulence!...
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