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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. glad you clarified that. yes, i've noticed how expensive a reserved seat is for just a one-off game
  2. just another case of the filth asking the afl for special favours just because they are arrogant and think they are entitled after all the afl only exists due to the filth and they built the mcg
  3. the problem is that all reserved seat options for home or home/away members includes a mandatory gfg cost of around an additional $200 (for kids too), so a family of 4 is up for an extra $800 just for the gfg component. so, it is quite a bit more than 10%. In fact for some memberships it is greater than the base membership itself.
  4. or more pertinently the infamous "heart balm" carefully fully constructed during a weekly liquid afternoon at the pub
  5. medication, dz! make sure you are taking the correct dose and on time. be patient, it is curable.
  6. I too watched the replay on monday and in light of some viney bashing here on 'land i paid particular attention to viney. I thought his game was ok, not starring but, and his delivery was relatively good taking into account pressure etc. My conclusion was the criticism was unfair. I'll trust my eyes over any cherry picked stats however. I suggest those critics watch the replay and reconsider
  7. by the way people behaved, i don't think windy hill had any toilets
  8. gee, one of his brothers (i presume) is a big lump of a lad. i wonder if he's a prospect?
  9. you never got slammed down on the cricket pitch (excluding wet days)?
  10. we already knew you were cool. layzie, no need to do a kane cornes 😂
  11. even if we decide on caulfield today we wouldn't be there before 2025 anyway
  12. i'm warming towards caulfield and an added bonus is i'm only 10 minutes away
  13. just a few curiosity questions where do you find such a big space? must be costly, how do you fund the banners? do the club provide the graphics and the printing of them? how long does a banner take? how do you transport banner when interstate? lots more questions but that'll do for now
  14. if you get another dog please call it 'deefer'
  15. was 42+k pretty decent up against grand prix
  16. i don't get the fuss. the ump was only following orders to get the baggers over the line
  17. well i can assure you it is not stuie
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