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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. just look at the photos at ground level. the back of the white painted line is exactly in line with the back of the padding on the posts. it may not be explicitly defined in the written rules but that is where they have drawn and adjudicated it. we could argue till the cows come home as whether this the fairest solution or not, but the decision has been made. which ever way you choose creates its own problems the afl should update their written rules and try to educate the public better. but i suspect the afl likes controversy more than education because that means more clicks
  2. hating essendon is a natural inherent human instinct, just like the fight/flight instinct or the need to procreate. only aberrant humans or mentally impaired humans support essendon
  3. well at least there should be plenty of world class vets close by at caulfield
  4. no question it was touched behind the goal line but it was also touched before goal line end p.s. the goal line is set at the back of the padding (see other photos which clearly show painted line on ground)
  5. in injury speak it means it will be very very painful during child birth. people with pelvic injuries are advised to avoid pregnancies until it heals
  6. should have been rubbed out for games just for being so incredibly stupid to post that muck on the web once on the web, forever on the web
  7. agree. maybe it was because the hawk just bounced back up straight away still the potential for serious damage looked worse in rohan's case so what is it afl?, the lucky outcome or the potential for head injury - no consistency
  8. well he can't be accused of bringing the club into disrepute it would be impossible to bring the filth into any more disrepute than they currently have
  9. i'm calling for a recount richmond and hawthorn should be further down and who tf did port upset?
  10. and you try telling that to young ones today
  11. and walking around in a very tight circle might get the poor old gps confused
  12. jack, I think you'd be surprised at how much time they are moving at <6km/hr
  13. i'd cut rotations down to 60 with 3 interchange players
  14. depends whether they upgrade it for potential harm that puts us into the realm of afl mysticism and lets face it the afl want the brownbaggers in the finals
  15. the wet weather forecast just brings back pleasant memories of when we blitzed the ferals in early 2021 and i knew we had arrived
  16. hey i don't make the rules or the interpretations. besides, i only pointed out the rules don't even define goal/point lines precisely anyway if you include padding it was touched, if you don't it was a goal. And you also have to take into account those situations where the ball has the faintest of touches on the padding, sometimes only picked up on the audio graph. it has been my observation over the last few years that they do include the padding when determining "over the line" whether the official rules say so or not
  17. yes, but it also doesn't define the "goal line" in any detail (padding or otherwise) but it's the afl you know
  18. yeah, nah alir towers over him edit" and where was buddy?
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