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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. must be something in the air in Canberra.....hmmmmm
  2. A Tassy tribute to one of the greatest ever (he originally signed with MFC) Too fat and unfit
  3. That really is sad. The incomparable 'Mr Magic'..............RIP
  4. You're right, IF it comes down to coin GWS would blow us out of the water. MFC could however still make Tom a very attractive offer and after say 3 more years he is still very young and probably still very marketable. Committing himself at this stage to a club that will struggle for a few years on and off the field seems pointless and unneccesary. At least to me, I hope he doesn't see it differently. I'll still be nervous until he signs (with us).
  5. Plucking the strings beautifully there WJ
  6. They can tale 1 per club with no questions asked and no penalty to GWS They can then take extras if they do a deal with the club (via draft) as GC did with Brisbane. They have a lot of extra options to do deals, so effectively they can get multiples (of out of contract players) from any one club.
  7. Truly. I think that is a given, old dee
  8. Your boy gets a mill a year pocket money???
  9. You're right we are stuck with him for another season. And, I don't really want to persecute him I reacted to posters pumping his tyres and using the "faith in FD" defence argument. And, you ARE deluded
  10. I give up! I can't believe I'm having an argument with a bunch of guys defending the retention of a 7 year recruit whose never looked like making it and looks lost and disinterested most of the time whilst denying someone else with talent an opportunity I'm sorry but I thought this was the age of professional sport My last comment on Newton (for the time being at least)
  11. (Edited to avoid anbiguity of re-signs} All good logical points Jack, but I'll only really relax when he re-signs.
  12. I'm sure everyone here has the same hopes DD DDC. My only concern is that GWS decide to get him at any cost. Throw in the left-field thinking of Sheeds and it gets scarey I know at lot of what is being thrown up doesn't make a lot of sense but I feel I am going to be very uneasy about this situation for the next 9 months.
  13. Another cheap shot Bob? Most people criticise me because I generally see things in grey, not black and white, but you seem to know better. That is just such an illogical argument, which I felt I addressed in previous post. Now who's being black and white? Well, I'm very happy for you Bob Don't forget to raise this subject again at the end of the season and we will see who's opinion rates then
  14. You are entitled to your opinion No I don't think the FD is deluded I think they do a very good job. That was a cheap shot Bob and you are deluded if you think that any FD never ever makes a mistake. If we are always going to back the FD no matter what we may as well shut down the site and set up a fantasy site for the non-critical, brain-dead.
  15. You are plainly deluded if you believe all that. Everything you state is wrong He can't pinch hit in the ruck any better than my grandmother He is not cheap. He is being paid more than a typical rookie He is holding a place that could have been offered to someone with more potential If he doesn't (he won't) come good we have lost another year of developing someone else As I said originally this is his 7th year FCS
  16. You make some good points adc even if it is a tu quoque argument My point about the age limit for uncontracted players was more to do with it not being very logical for building a new club (in a reasonable manner) I thought the draft concessions (17YOs and preference picks) was about giving GWS a lift for youth and future development, wheras the uncontracted player concession was to give GWS a means to get some good experienced mature players initially. To set no age limit on the uncontracted player concession just allows them to double dip on the youth side of things. It also means that clubs who have recruited well and developed players don't get an opportunity for much return on these players and probably wont get a reasonable AFL concession (read draft pick) for such players when GWS contract them because they haven't yet built up good stats (B&F, games etc). I never said anything about a mockery (that was Robbie) but yes there are many things you could criticise over the AFL drafting policies, but overall it is not a bad system and one loop hole here or there is not a justification for another one Obviously, I'm biased here, I don't want to lose Scully, but I don't think it makes a lot of sense to allow GWS to raid another club's nursery. Of course in normal circumstances Tom could always reject a MFC contract renewal and take his risks in the Draft, though with GWS's expanded salary cap they would have the best chance of outbidding anyone Lets hope the rumour is a complete furphy, and if not that Tom values other aspects more highly than just money.
  17. No, only about 90+% I'd expect! Personally I don't think GWS should be able to approach uncontracted players under a certain age (say 24) There should be some protection for clubs with young developing players
  18. FCS the guys starting his 7th season with the club If thats not a list clogger I don't know what one is You are right about one thing, he always looks lost (Actually you are right about everything except your opening sentence). He's probably a really nice guy, but how long is long enough?
  19. Of course not, but the interchange judge has to ensure there is no skullduggery going on Anyway it wasn't supposed to be serious, nostradeemus
  20. Sheez WYL, The season hasn't started and you already have your hand on it B) Nothing like blind optimism eh?
  21. Will there be a home and a separate away version of the green and red vests. If not surely there would be a clash between the two sides. Possibly a light green for away and a dark green for home etc. Although knowing Anderson the away green and red will probably have to be predominately white. The bench will be a kaleidoscope of colour - I can't wait (not)
  22. You obviously didn't notice me! Hope you paid better attention to the players
  23. From someone whose parents were Irish, well said Tarzan16 As Ted Whitten would have said "Stick it up 'em, Jimmy"
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