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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. just out of curiosity, why the hell would the police contact the club? strange? if you had a similar accident in your private car on a Sun morning I can't imagine the police ringing your employer
  2. who said let idiots do what ever they want? i just said the punishment doesn't fit the "crime" he got three separate punishments (spread over 6 months) plus the shaming and naming in the press and YOU still aren't satisfied what are you going to do when someone really mucks up?
  3. So, that's the only way to change culture? really imaginative.
  4. glad we never took on Eade as coach he had absolutely no game plan they would have been better to go back to good old man-on-man footy and kick long sylvia was lucky he wasn't part of the shambles
  5. you are really blowing it up too much, seems you just wan't any excuse to get on a high horse and pontificate sure it was stupid, but it was out of season, and getting kicked off the IR team to represent your country would surely hurt what do you want? blood? nanny state
  6. Dunno where you've been shopping Jack but I've paid $5.99 at a few places including the supermarket
  7. I can't understand why it is not 1 (or 2) NAB cup games instead of a home and away game Seems weird he is part of the team for four weeks pf the NAB cup and then misses out I can't shake off the feeling that the team and supporters are being punished too 2 IR games $5000 and a NAB cup game would seem to be sufficient We really are the nanny-state sometimes
  8. is it 1st round of home/way season or 1st round of NAB cup?
  9. not saying anything (just musing) but 18% of $6M in commission is a big motivator as well as being a LOT of spondoollaks
  10. actually rpfc I can think of a few scenarios where Velocity/GWS may have made the suggestion bottom line is we don't know who instigated the nepotism but we do know who accepted it
  11. Unfortunately Fan I can see no evidence that Bails achieved anything as a legacy that any average afl coach could not have also In fact I believe he achieved less than expected I have never understood the arguments of those who were Bailey admirersj Sorry, just the way I see it
  12. Ask him how many quarters to win is his target and whether he expects the team to be competitive.
  13. Fill-up $cully just got his first recruit, Some dude from SA called Darren Jarman.
  14. ....but on condition his sister is hired as the Tiges full-time Pilates coach
  15. Old I understand your point and it has merit. The question (and I don't think you or I can answer it) is where do you draw the line. What is the optimum amount of welfare and is there room for Waylen (assuming his upside is good). So, accepting your caution but I have to hope the FD/Club know what they're doing, assuming they are even interested
  16. I'll pay that And good pickup DA on the double sunglasses.....could this be a clue to what really happened? .....to be continued no doubt
  17. I used to think the definition of lunacy was losing to Geelong by 31 goals ................changed my mind but
  18. 40,000 exactly somehow I think the club will buy the required number of 3-game memberships at the last minute to reach this milestone
  19. You are nothing if not tenacious rpfc but in contrast to your stand over HWL I am in NO way dismissing/minimising Col's behaviour I simply say wait for more details rather than embellish the few tidbits we have. That's not too much to ask is it? When I know more I'll be happy to cast judgement
  20. So you say he left the scene. What does this exactly mean? Do you know how long he did stay. Do you know if he checked if anyone was injured. Do you know if he rang a tow truck or one tuned up before he left. Saying someone "Left/fled the scene of an accident" is a statement that implies more than it actually states. If he did not stay around long enough to do the normal post accident stuff as any normal owner would do then I agree it would not reflect well on him, whether or not it was a legal obligation. Again there is just a lack of factual detail and an obvious desire of the press to exploit/sensationalise
  21. You don't know that that he 'couldn't' drive his own car. He could well have been under .05 but he was unsure, so he decided the safe option was to not drive. I'm sure players are instructed this way. If you had 4 or 5 beers on Sat night over say 4 hours and a meal, would you be confident that you would be under .05 at 6am on Sun? I suggest you couldn't be sure and the recommended safe option would be to not take the chance. Anyway this all conjecture, just hold your horses until you know a few facts.
  22. Calm down rpfc. Being possibly over .05 the next morning is not necessarily being drunk or an indication of excessive drinking the night before, and therefore not driving is a reasonable sensible precaution. We don't know how much he drunk. We don't know whether he had a sleep at his mates place, we don't know how long he hung around after the accident. We do know his mate can't drive, we do know the press is so short of stories they would jump at anything and we do know Col is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.. But....you seem to know all the facts. I'd prefer to wait until more facts are available and I certainly wouldn't believe the first flush in the Hun.
  23. Well unless they are going to build a carpark underneath and a roof above, I can't see how they are simulating conditions at Darklands If they really are doing that let them waste their money
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