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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Yeah I think it was his way of saying no more bruise-free footy. At least I hope so I also hope he is strong internally, in getting his team in the FD and standing up against the other parts of the club in the interests of the FD
  2. doesn't bother me at all i quite like it
  3. I think tagpoles turn into flogs
  4. strange then that he has never had a closer connection with the club
  5. Geez we've dodged a lot of bullets lately TS - overpriced, injury ridden pygmy who can't kick AC - cosy, old-mates-club mafia cultural mediocrity RL - treacherous, back-stabbing, two-timing narcissist loser DB - Mr Nice-Guy with no game plan who couldn't spell press if we continue to dodge bullets we'll be left with Toddy and Cale B) SMOFA
  6. it all started when he allowed the Judd/Visy rort of the payments system
  7. apparently he signed a heads of agreement last October
  8. true, true time to reactivate the great Barassi? (any role will do) and then there is the new fitness conditioning coach Tommy do-as-i-do Hafey?
  9. good catch, he could be the vibe assistant coach
  10. may as well chuck in Grant Thomas he could be the board to FD liason as he gets on well with everyone
  11. Heard from an impeccable sauce that is 98% sure MFC won't sign the Fev
  12. yeah, a bagful off coppers aimed at the back of his head he's a [censored]
  13. comparing steve and cale is a bit of a stretch i think sorry, couldn't help it B)
  14. sacrificed himself! sacrificed himself on the altar of the almighty dollar more likely (98% of players would have too)
  15. When this first came up didn't a poster who works at BOM/Westpac (or his wife or whatever) say it was a done deal and discussed internally at the bank? can't be bothered to trawl through the old threads
  16. By my reckoning you have room for 11 heads plus the LH emblem stuff Why not use all 11 spots
  17. Er, well played number er, um, ah, cough, - just what is your number old chap?
  18. If it does take 67 years I doubt I'll be around to celebrate it either
  19. It is determined by MFCs ladder place in the year it is activated (by whoever)
  20. Yes, I said previously that for a number of reasons we may have dodged a large bullet with the $cully affair I hope we use our new flexibility wisely
  21. these are all very noble words rhino, they could also be described as traditional defensive management spin One should never however be deterred from identifying and discussing a problem just because one doesn't have a "plausible and sensible solution". That is an old chestnut designed to deter debate. If you were to "moderate" your comments sometimes it might be more constructive
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