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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yeah, looks like they beat us by one miserable year although wikipedia has us as being created in 1859 (not 1858) but that is another argument i fear
  2. Ah-ha dd you really meant Sheffield fc not United nor Wednesday again from wikipedia
  3. Bit unfair. Crumbing forwards are paid to be selfish. They stand or fall on their scoring ability
  4. Lets stick to fooball clubs. The MCC is obviously a longer sporting club (continuous or otherwise) Can anyone name an older football club? School football clubs are probably older (Rugby, Melb Grammar, Geelong Grammar) but they aren't clubs in the true sense of a separate legal identity
  5. Not according to wikipedia - Sheffield United (1889) and not Sheffield Wednesday either (1867) Now cricket clubs, that was a different matter and preceded football clubs.
  6. daisycutter


    deenovo you need to expand on the above because just saying there is a compromise says nothing. By simply participating a player is compromising his health/welfare so the issue is not really compromising but the degree of compromising i.e. where the line is being drawn. Can you give more specific examples? How much of the issues are personality or status related. It strikes me that this (resignations) occurred very quickly after Missons appointment which could indicate past history or personality issues. I'm only speculating but the speed of the resignations has me puzzled.
  7. Great. It's not just me, I think lots of posters would benefit from such easy accessible lists But its really up to an administrator to put them on the server (your personal upload space wouldn't be big enough I dont think) and create a sticky Maybe an administrator could give your profile more upload space. That way you could easily maintain them Lets see if an admin picks up on this first
  8. we can only hope...................but its a bit hard to engender any enthusiasm at this stage btw - two of those guys are still on our list so show some respect
  9. DN9 this is just perfect for quick reference and so complete I tried with the editor 'paste from word' function and it looked ok in the editor but lost all formatting when posted This should absolutely be a sticky on the board Could an adminstrator save this word file on the server, make a sticky and link directly to it so it is easy to use? Would still rely on DN9 to update each year if he didn't mind......what do you think? ....OK by you?
  10. That looks great DN and nicely formatted too (pit forum editor didn't allow table functions) Will have a close look when I find time Thanks
  11. will have a check. its also missing a FS (Johnson) and some rookies and probably others haven't had time to cross check it thoroughly if anyone finds additions/corrections I'll add them to the orig
  12. If it works it will take a generation to get that emotional/traditional/tribal connection there will be a lot of money blown in a generation but (the but is for rpfc cos i know he loves 'em)
  13. We used to toughen up our feet before hand by regularly applying metho to our feet (thats metho NOT Meth)
  14. The AFL will do "whatever it takes" to keep this rust bucket afloat (with your money)
  15. For those wanting to negotiate a better deal with Foxtel read the following from the Whirlpool forum Foxtel - Bargaining Part 3 Some pretty amazing deals if you play the game
  16. Agreed, and it seems an issue that MFC has been deficient in with too many players.
  17. Hmmmm....I think he is so speculative that he will be a rookie selection
  18. New $50/month deal + $100 installation is not all its cracked up to be At the moment they have an online deal $50/month + free installation (catch is it ends 12th Nov) see
  19. The iQHD $10/month upgrade (gives better PVR + HiDef) also includes a $150 once-off upgrade charge according to here Anyone know if $50 package available via satellite
  20. Absolutely. US Collegiate sport is the same. Full stands and big TV audience Haven't studied any figures but with baseball teams playing so many games I'm surprised they seem to get good game attendances. At least they appear to. And. many of these games are midweek too (have to be, to fit in 160 games per team per season) It's always surprised me why Sydney-siders seem to be so passionate over League but don't attend games
  21. next time Sloonie pop down to Aldi at $4.99 B)
  22. LOL....are you suggesting the club should hire a 'profiler'?.......eat your heart out FBI
  23. Is it too late to get a new wife OD? .....just kidding
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