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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Nice piece anthony. I think most here would love to see Aaron back to his exciting skilled best....I know I would I think part of the angst shown to Aaron this year is as much a frustration of the whole year, the whole team and the lack of contribution from many senior players
  2. If you can get the price of bananas down to $2.99 you will have won me over
  3. Do you have to be so long-winded? Two words too many old dee.
  4. maybe that will be the job of one of the eight promised assistants? twitter assistant coach.
  5. maybe he was saying our poker machines are the non-predatory type? :wacko:
  6. Huh? supporters don't want to know what the media wants to know???? You've been listening to Sheedy too much. I just wouldn't want to be a coach with a twitter account after the Geelong game. As H_T said it might be different with a 20-2 win ratio
  7. as confucius says "'tis best to be not understood and keep your head than to be misunderstood and lose it"
  8. I went to school with a Ransom and he certainly isn't what he used to be.....and thank [your Deity] for that!
  9. H_T I don't think there is an "uproar" here. Maybe a little negativity, but its not really that big a deal, just a good talking point
  10. The topic was about a coach having a twitter account and just as an aside, when has lack of club access ever stopped the media. As we have clearly seen lately they will just make it up anyway, and if they do get info from clubs they will more than likely misrepresent it or quote it out of context. Sometimes making yourself too 'open' to the media can also leave yourself open to media-bashing and vendettas (Caro anyone?)
  11. last time I looked the MFC had a media department and a marketing department let the football department get on with winning a premiership
  12. Pleeez, spare me hardtack. You'll learn nothing - unless you like receiving spin and he'll only open himself to attack from every disaffected nuff-nuff supporter a most injudicious decision - I'd be surprised if it doesn't fade away
  13. Well done Andy. Your pocket must be feeling quite damp
  14. yep, he must be being sarcastic or has a very black sense of humour lol
  15. Its probably compensation for all those games Collingwood have to play in Melbourne poor dears don't get much opportunity to travel and see the country
  16. On second thoughts why don't we double our money and drop the lot on one (or more) of Redleg's geegees I've got this great formulae....can't fail, bought it on eBay the other day
  17. For all we know that is exactly just what the club has done and he is procrastinating over it......or on the other hand....??? We are just guessing.
  18. Surely with those volumes you could get a sizable discount.....say 130 desks at least?
  19. like a bad dose of gout I'm still struggling to recover from our annus horribillis recent events have only slightly ameliorated my condition....I need action not words, and for that I have to wait what seems like another eternity but it is only 6 months....sigh
  20. You mean we are about to enter the banana-window? Hooray, I'm getting excited
  21. ......as long as it doesn't get spent on desks! (or such-like)
  22. hahaha, tickled my fancy that did
  23. Fair enough GTW, but my comments re quality were more directed at Collingwood. They looked panicked, handballs were rushed and missing targets and I haven't seen Collingwood just throw the ball on the foot so much this year. Hawks applied the blowtorch and Collingwoods skills just fell apart (by their standards). At least thats how I saw it and I don't mean to take anything away from Hawthorn but this was not the Collingwood we've seen all this year. I can understand Clarko's frustration at the end of the game. And how stiff was Guerra giving the 50m - game deciding decision.
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