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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. What would you see in two weeks after coming off an end-of-season layoff? Sorry but that's bizarre
  2. WTF -"Kennett refused to confirm or deny the offer from highly placed influential supporters of Melbourne, " Don't let that get in the way of a good beat-up......dead-set drop-kick dick-head.
  3. Fair enough, Kent
  4. I'm optimistic too. What other choice is there? Each season is a new dawn, a new hope and (minor) miracles can occur So endeth the lesson, amen
  5. Sydney to Bulldogs was way over 25.....but lets not split hairs There is a bit of ambiguity here
  6. Read the OP.............................or did you think Barry Hall was 23
  7. So you're saying we won't get the job done, are you? .....just kidding you
  8. We need lots more juniors so as Costello said have one for Mum, one for Dad and one for the MFC That should do it Edit: Yes, agree about the need to get off to a reasonable start
  9. Apparently Cale was standing side-on and Misson didn't notice him
  10. Well the "English" are Anglo-Norman-Saxons after all
  11. Grandsons baby jumper just turned up today. Rapt Long sleeved, all sponsors logos, size 2, the real thing
  12. He's probably on holiday overseas with Juice and can't be contacted. LOL
  13. The 40,000 mark is quite do-able. Only requires 8.29% improvement c.f. last years 11% approx Depends on how much damage from last years performance lingers versus the optimism of all the recent injection of change
  14. But what I want to know is what Denham stands for? Actually I couldn't give a stuff, he's about as useless as a hair on a goat's chin
  15. Baby size or toddler size?
  16. Hey, Whoa. I said it was a minor pedantic point. Purely about the time aspect of a couple of minutes. I don't give a stuff (up to point) what they do in their spare time
  17. Wow they went quick! Sorry about that
  18. HEADS UP Its on again - this time for toddlers 5-15 here is link http://t.co/rjxyJtXm be quick
  19. Just a minor pedantic point, but people who tweet probably spend much more time reading others' tweets than writing their own, so its more than a few minutes.
  20. "Mitch the [censored]" - look out he's coming to get ya.
  21. Playing GWS will be like having another bye I'd expect clubs will rest key players and give their youngsters a run
  22. Except all credibility.............do you not think that 7 years was enough to form an opinion?.........if they need another 2 weeks we need new coaches!
  23. Lose to Geelong by 185 or less points
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