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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. What happened to the Mafia staff-car factory avatar WYL? Did you lose it in the upgrade? LOL
  2. Too simplistic, but a good dose of truth in it However the whole FD seemed to me to be dysfunctional regardless of who was most to blame, so an extensive clean-out of both Coach and Assistants seems to be the prudent way to go. What I like about Neeld is he seems to be a strong personality who will throw his weight about (or so I hear) judiciously. Time will tell...............
  3. Try walking up the visitors race at Port Melbourne!
  4. Nah, Sheedy has got eyes in the back of his head, so right is right and left is left..............
  5. You put up a very good case bean for walloping ALL the assistant coaches Seems the club agrees with you
  6. Like I said first time Sheedy is a has-been Hasn't pulled any rabbits out of hats for a long time and his recruiting of TS (if it was his idea) will be a monumental waste of (not his) money Thats not an attack on TS just an attack on mismanagement of funds and recruiting strategy
  7. If that was true (and not saying it is) why would you describe some sad old [censored] who is being vindictive and petulant as a "smart cookie"? Or don't you understand the meaning of "has-been"?
  8. GWS were smart. Why do you think they didn't let TS meet Sheedy until he signed up. He would have twigged Sheedy is mad
  9. Yeah, Greeny's getting his left and right foot swapped so we can try starting him on the other flank. Should also confuse the opposition for at least half the season.
  10. not if you're a bogan only kidding folks
  11. It is apparently a 6 week recovery injury, so despite plates he has a real risk of blindness (due to optic nerve injury) if he cops a blow on same spot In 6 weeks the inflammation and swelling would be reduced Again only what I've read
  12. Why? Midfield was one (if not the) of our biggest weaknesses. We got smashed.
  13. Andy, good job on banner. It now looks like there is more room on RHS (at least on my browser/resolution) How about a wideangle pic of our great MCG on the RHS. Sort of a bookend to Jimmy and Neelds
  14. And lets open it to suggestions from the public. Here's a couple for starters....... - Yellow circle with an 'S' inside - The superman logo
  15. .....and not to mention the bullet(s) we dodged
  16. DL, could we please have a "sarcasm" emoticon for the nuff-nuffs
  17. ML: Ok Ok thats a bit better boys, but forget the Robbo bit, it doesn't work and you're liable to break your nose. Now once more, buckle the knees, throw the hands forwards but this time thrust your pelvis forward violently as if someone has pushed you fair in the back. Remember I WAS the BEST.
  18. Yeah I figured that was what you really meant Robbie, no probs
  19. Geez Billy I reckon you would have been in big demand at school writing love letters for all your classmates I'm with OD on Wonna. He has his moments but a looong way off best 22 at this stage
  20. No no. The players are behind the 8-ball at the moment when it comes to accepting responsibility. Maybe after another year of learning under Neeld but not now. The players at the moment need to refocus themselves on becoming a proper selfless unit and keeping well away from any sniff of politics or power peddling
  21. Gotta disagree about Bailey HB. I remember being underwhelmed about Bailey and remaining so for 4 years. So far I like what I'm hearing about and from Neeld and I'm cautiously optimistic. A lot more reorganisation of the FD is still required so we wait and see but all-in-all it looks a promising start
  22. how do they get new posters on ology robbie? there is no ability to create new accounts.
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