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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. why not call it our "entitlement $$$" or our "dividend $$$" calling it our Charity $$$ is like calling it our "Bend-over and take-it $$$". Sometimes we act as our own worst enemy.
  2. BTW it's not all AFL charity. It's partly recompense for getting screwed over by the AFL with it's unfair fixturing resulting in a two-speed competition The AFL gets its greedy hand first on most of the money generated by the entertainment provided by the individual clubs I'm not saying we don't need an independent body but it's not very transparent and likes keeping many clubs on the drip feed in a disadvantaged position for complaining, so it would be wrong to simply call it charity
  3. and did you notice that I put a strict timetable around my comments....or did you miss that?
  4. Its a tough gig from the moment garry stepped in until now I can't think of one action he has performed which has raised critical comment. on the other hand we have seen a complete transformation and enhancement of the fd and other areas of the club garry said his role was going to be temporary and so it has ensued. he also achieved what he was requesitioned to do obviously the transformation could not have been all done by one person. many must have contributed but garry was the 'facilitator' or 'manager' and sometimes 'instigator' the fact that more money was made available was in part due to the demands of his solutions and his ability to sell these requirements internally i'm not a great hollywood fan normally but credit must be given without reserve for this particular rescue mission
  5. That's eloquently argued Bob. Not saying I totally agree but nevertheless a well constructed post Now we just need to see whether Sellar is up to the the job. The last 6 years says no but I'll be happy if he can change his spots (for old dee's sake)
  6. they say leopards don't lose their spots does that mean zebras lose their stripes? something to ponder
  7. Garry's role was a lot more than Football Director. I don't think you can just put a single label on it Best described as a temporary extra-ordinary role with special powers. Of course all his recommendations would have utimately had to have board approval
  8. Well given Healy hasn't got the time to liase with FD (hence Craig's new role) I doubt he would be a candidate for next president unless his personal/business situation changed drastically. P.S. I bet you are a closet Hun reader
  9. Big call Rhino. You must have read a later edition of the Hun than I did
  10. I don't find anything Telstra do is strange, just par-for-the-course
  11. I have this mental picture of all recruiting staff at all clubs busily downloading all their files to their home computers....lol
  12. My gut feeling is they will go for the incumbent for another year with dual young vice-captains (JG and JT probably)
  13. Fair enough stinga. Was just clarifying it as much for others who might just think having adsl2+ was good enough
  14. There is ADSL2+ and ADSL2+. Effective bandwidth can vary from <5mbs to the max of 24mbs depending on distance from xchange and line quality That's NOT taking into account server speed/capacity, backend network capacity/congestion and as you said whether the home interface is shared, It can also be greatly affected by what video format/compression rate(codec) it is converted to for broadband transmission by the server I'd like to see some recommended parameters first rather than broadbrush ADSL2 statements
  15. Out of curiosity, does anyone know the technical reason why this has to an Xbox rather than a PC, or is it just Telstra?
  16. Thanks Franky. Let us know what results you get if you give it a try-out.
  17. I gotta agree. Running at a steady pace in a straight line isn't going to stress a knee as much as match conditions
  18. OK. What effective broadband speed do you need for smooth video I'm on adsl2+ but I get nowhere near max bandwidth despite being close to exchange (plus I have to share with my wife most times) I've also found Telstra video to be problematic. I don't want start/stop, buffering issues
  19. and presumably you also have to have a Telstra ISP Broadband package
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