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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and spot-on Diesel summed it up nicely
  2. btw rangey are you sure it was MHSOBs and not UHSOBs?
  3. looks like I'll be missing out on Foxtel-AFL then and Foxtel will be missing out on some easy money - c'est la vie and offering a single only package like Foxtel Sports would not stress the worlds leading db software provider I'm sure (at least 35 years IT technical experience tells me) nobody's asking for individual channel selection, just the ability to select an existing package without the base and probably for a 6mth contract and at a reasonable price FFS this is the 21st century!
  4. not that complicated at all hardtack - haven't you heard of computers? the reasons are not ones of complexity - merely commercial monopoly and greed as diesel said why should I pay for something i don't want especially when it is the majority of the cost?
  5. Byron was amazing at only 178cm (5'10"). c.f. other shorties Davey (177) Maric (177) Jetta (180) Bennell (179)
  6. Just a guess, but I would think it depends on whether open or closed, but I think it would be best to stick to photos until clarified
  7. Yes and No I'd prefer to just say vastly different Liam already knew Aussie rules so his journey was all cultural/environmental (massively so) Sean and Jim had to adjust to a different game and to a smaller degree cultural/environment change
  8. Yep, that was Reg. He had a million one-liners
  9. brother of Max (Beau [repaire] and Mad Max I infamy) aka Skull
  10. It's too high off the ground to eat grass and its gotta be fed - Reg Fairchild (rip) circa 1970
  11. You don't look at the mantle piece when you stoke the fire - anon pragmatist apologies in advance to all -ists
  12. young whippersnappers like you aught to be taken out and flogged until you learn some respect by the way I don't remember a Ben Hur, what was his number?
  13. Who in their right mind would build a recreation centre next door to a multi waste disposal unit - anon, Anti-Creationist
  14. "I did not have sex with that woman"
  15. What the #$%^ was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima 1945
  16. why do you ask Two-Dogs?
  17. tell him he's dreaming
  18. and don't call me Shirley
  19. Yeah, even a $100 would still be stingy
  20. don't you mean parsimonious, hardtack?
  21. these Roy Morgan Research figures would indicate AFL clearly ahead Football Viewing Statistics
  22. I'm surprised, what is your sauce
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