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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Dom Tyson He’s really come on again. His running, his understanding of the game and where he positions himself – he’s become pretty close to an elite, first possession player. He’s very good around the ball and distributes it well. I think you’re going to see an incredible young player emerge in the next one to two years. Dom had an unfortunate setback just before Christmas, but he’s attacking his rehab in the same intensity as his pre-season. Bloody hell. This is a wrap.
  2. Not sure he'll ever be best 22, but I think he'll be an important role player in certain games against certain clubs. He has a bit of X factor about him. And he definitely goes in hard.
  3. Lewis has been the sweetest trade I can remember. An absolute steal. And that's in the context of some super good trades in recent times in the form of Vince, Hibberd and Garlett.
  4. Agree with this. Melksham is seriously underrated by many here.
  5. This was a good read. Don't agree with the analysis re: Essendon though (despite the entertainment value). I think their list is pretty good and they blooded some good players last year who may not otherwise have got a look in. They'll be very competitive IMO.
  6. In one season in which his form fluctuated from really good to poor. Paul Roos thinks he has a long term career at the Dees. In short, he doesn't agree with you. I reckon he knows a player when he sees one.
  7. I've not ever met the poster to whom I think you refer. BUT I enjoy his insights - I just don't take them to be as arrogant as I suspect you may. He's a true Demon and I'm grateful for the reports/insights. I find them to be quite informative.
  8. In this case, a lot from column A. Not much from column B. ?
  9. Agree with this first paragraph. Not the second. It's a 'valid' discussion on a footy forum and I, for one, am interested in other observations.
  10. Exactly. I think quality AFL teams need at least 10 B+ midfielders (and a few better than that) to succeed. According to some here though, we already have too many slowish, experienced, inside midfielders who have great vision and who can read the ball well, select the right option every time, and who can dispose the ball effectively with boring consistency, such that Trenners is superfluous to needs. I however trust in the football department, not the luminaries on this site. In fact, I suspect (/hope) Trengove still has some relevance to the modern game. At this footy club. Time will tell.
  11. Put your house on it Brendan. Life's all risk and reward. And the risk settings on this bet are sound. Just ask Jordan Lewis - he kinda took the same bet. He seems happy with his decision thus far.
  12. Stand corrected. He was definitely in the mix though.
  13. The thing many here seem to overlook with Trengove is that he is a natural footballer, a clever footballer. He uses his body well, he knows when and where to run, he reads the play well. He was pick 2 for a reason and he justified that selection early in his career, i.e. prior to being crippled with injury and his development being cruelled somewhat by Neeld. Scully was AA last year and I preferred Trengove to Scully as a player early in their respective careers. It's self evident that Trengove will need to regain AFL level mobility etc to make it, but he is a disciplined, aerobic beast and, above all, he is a natural footballer. He is able to float into the forward 50 and kick goals. He is a very strong mark. If he gets his body back to where it WAS previously, he'll surprise a few here. Fingers crossed - he could be the 'feel good' story of 2017. Finals for the Demons and Trengove firmly entrenched in the 22 and contributing significantly each week would be simply fantastic. C'mon Jack!
  14. Would probably have Harmes in for AVB. And Stretch in for dunno. And Vince in the midfield with Salem off half back.
  15. No way. I reckon Bernie has plenty of juice left in the tank. And he's absolutely part of this journey - he still has fire in the belly. Needs to go back on the ball though, especially against Geelong.
  16. Is Jones pulling Trenners' hair?
  17. I love Jack Grimes. Very proud that he played for this club. Very relieved he played 100 games for us.
  18. A lot of spice in this one McQueen. I reckon the footy department views Kent and Salem as best 22. I expect most others here do too.
  19. Milos looks like he'd be quite a handy back up ruckman.
  20. I just trust the football department on this stuff these days. They are absolutely competent now and know the worth of all of the players.
  21. Jayden Hunt symbolises the transformation of this club. Our recruiting team picked him from left field, albeit based on sound research and shrewd talent identification. Our conditioning staff then turned him into a super athletic player. And our development and coaching staff have now unlocked his potential. He is a gun. An excitement machine. And he looks to be a thoroughly decent individual too.
  22. I sat next to Kelvin Lawrence at a Debt Demolition Dinner several years ago. He was a lovely kid. There was a silent auction on all of the players' guernseys, the results of which were continually being updated on a big screen that everyone in the room could see. Every single player's guernsey was rapidly escalating in price. Except Kelvin's. His had not attracted one bid. He sat there silently, and gently, watching the progress of the auction. I thought he was going to cry. I turned to him. I said "hey mate - I've heard you're super quick. And talented. You going to play seniors some day?'. He shyly responded 'I really hope so'. I said 'well mate, I believe in you. Make it happen' - and I immediately took out the bidding machine and, with him watching, I put on a bid of 500 bucks for his guernsey. He was no longer last on the leaderboard. Not remotely. I winked at him. It was met with the biggest grin ever - it almost brought a tear to my eye. He never played a senior game for the club and was ultimately delisted. A lovely young fellow. The game at this level is brutal.
  23. Whilst I don't dispute what you are saying here, I trust Goodwin and Macca to get this stuff right. They have proven themselves to be great developers of younger players and, more relevantly, of a good club culture. If they think this is important for this group, I expect it is. I get your point though.
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