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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. No the current red v and blue on the hats etc... it would look good on the guernseys though, similar to how the pies have their logo.
  2. Like Thomo I have an interstate membership and there is not much point in getting a higher membership, until I win lotto and can fly every weekend to Melbourne to watch the footy But either next year or the year after I'll start paying for the guarantee grand final ticket on top of my membership. WHich is an extra bit of money for the club when we don't make it. But when they do I want to be there. Personally the low packages are fine was its gets members on the club registrar and encourages sponsors which is where the real money comes from. Given our improving attendance's (which on memory we always have a good avg crowd compared to a lot of clubs) the future looks very bright.
  3. Once again the Western Dees organised a dinner for the WA members and players. It was the largest attendance yet with over 300 people attending. At this rate we'll need to move venues next year as it was pretty full last night. As usual the players turned up and sat at different tables to chat with supporters. Woewodin was also in attendance which was great. There are now 700 western dee members registered. From Schwab twitter iPhone footage: http://www.mobypicture.com/user/CamSchwab/view/7015134 I didn't get to chat with as many players as previous years but it was still a great night. I won't go into great detail but list the main points i gleamed. Jamar - Caught Jamar early in the night and had a chat, really a good bloke. He's really enjoying his footy at the moment. - He feeling good about being the only ruck, but mentioned while in the past he could rest on the bench he's now going forward or staying on the field elsewhere. A bit change for him, but for all the old supporters its simply a case of back to the future. We had Jack Watts on our table and its the first time I have met him and he is a great young bloke. Currently sporting a nice black eye and some stitches from a training drill onThursday. Curtesy of Warnock. - He did mention he has only played 9 games but is starting to feel confident about being on the ground and knowing where to go in the game plan. He admitted he has gotten lost and we discussed the incident of him and miller in that game. According to the game plan he expects players to move to certain positions and sometimes they don't which he has to adjust to. - He also feels he getting used to the speed difference between Casey and the real game, Cheney also mentioned this to me. - He feels like he's about to have a great (break out) game soon. - As a junior he mainly played on the wing and sweeping across the back half of the square, he surprised that he hadn't been tried there at this time. - He is physically fit with no problems from the preseason and is looking forward to a proper preseason next year to be set for a good year. - He likes the idea of at least one Dee being inside 50 during games for out fast breaks from defence. - Brad Green thought that would be a good idea too Cheney - Didn't make the side but feels being the first emergency he is getting close to a regular game. - Like Watts mentioned the big speed difference between the two leagues, and honestly doesn't feel like he has a lot of time at AFL level to make decisions. - Otherwise we spoke if they noticed the ground on game day etc, once he's only the ground he only hears the players...the crowd only comes into it when he runs to the bench and hears the abuse! Sylvia - Great bloke and was great with the kids all night. - The down form before the toe became public was from the clot, it was something that was building up over a number of weeks and they couldn't locate the problem. Now that it has been identified and fixed he feels he's ready to finish the year with lots of momentum for next year. Like last week Scott West - Very popular for photos and autographs despite being and ex-bulldog - He's enjoying being at the Dees - Had a quick chat about the midfield group and training. He explained that they don't actually get as much time during training to do specific midfield work. As the players have a lot of programs on and they don't want to wear them out for game day. Cameron Schwab - We about debt demolition and he expects the supports to wipe it out with the help or corporate. - I asked him about not needing AFL money in the future and he pointed out that we deserve it for our crap draw but we are at a point where its just adding to our profit. - We'll be making a very nice profit, he gave me the figure but I'll leave it to the club to announce, but it has lots of zero's after it - He showed me the new emblem for the club and I'm looking forward to getting it on my shirt for next year as it will replace the red vee one we currently use. Looks fantastic. Once again I'll leave it to the club to announce, But it will be unique within the league and really separate us. - He spoke about the heritage of the club and how the individual heritage in every person that supports the club inside and out is what is important. - The club is in safe hands with this man at the helm. Dean Bailey - Didn't speak to him in person but he did answer questions for the crowd. - Most of it was the main points everyone knows. The point I found interesting was talking about responsibility. - Obviously he says the buck stops with him, but he did say they did take feedback and ideas from players. Some are great and will be incorporated into the game plan etc. He used the point of any decent business listen to their employees. There was more but they were the main points from my perspective. I'm sure some other demonlanders can add more to this summary. Now for a great game on Sunday. .
  4. I agree with all our choices. The only player I would consider over what we have would be Stephen Hill in 2008. We choose the right pick as both are very different players, but if Watts wasn't in the mix it would be Hill for me. I think Hill will be a star for the dockers. Plus he's from my local club here in Quinns
  5. Very sad to hear I hope he gets to his best next year. DT and SC drama as most had him. It's sad to say the bookies will be happy given the money on him.
  6. Hey all An interesting article on the impact of GC and GWS recruiting allowances for the next decade. We get a special mention as thee may overtake us with the volume of young talent they have amassed in a small block. Could be scary http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/draft-rules-will-hand-new-clubs-10-flags-on-a-plate/story-e6frf9jf-1225877193133
  7. "DemonsHQ Our loyal volunteers on the club phones just signed up our 33,000th member. Thanks to the crew, who signed up over 35 members tonight alone" A good day today...
  8. Maybe it will take off and they'll build a sealed air conditioned indoor stadium for the future. Maybe get one built with world cup money.
  9. interesting point in the article about the geelong "interstate" trip with Brad Miller. He lost 3.8kg during the Darwin game. Thats alot to make back in one week.
  10. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dees-debutant-shows-quality-footy-smarts-20100529-wmk5.html
  11. don't mind them resting but its going to kill my dreamteam this week!!
  12. The extended stint in the 2nd's most likely helped him gets some of his confidence back. As he is a confidence player. His drop in performance was matched with the teams decline. While I'll never argue he's a game breaker but maybe a player that plays well in a good team, without being expected to kick 4/5 every week. Also the hawthorn and even west coast (post judd/cousins) are good examples. If you don't have a good midfield that can deliver the ball well into the forward line regularly all your forwards look crap. I like her has come back with a good game and hope he backs it up in the coming weeks.
  13. lol I was thinking it a a command in context - to go and seize the night oh yeah, its too late and the heart is still racing after that game.
  14. nox : is night carpe is the infinit - so you are "to seize" Which is correct. So Carpe Nox - does exactly match "to sieze the night" Given there are never exact translations between english and grammar I would say that would work.
  15. Latin for rough translation: Ab - from abeterno - eternity (roughly) so: since the beginning of time. Its also masculine for those that care
  16. who bloody cares, a win is a win even if it was so stressful
  17. anyone got tv footage, are they tired? on the radio they seem tired with little run.
  18. I heard he was going to be out on Wednesday on some website..guess its just confirmed now.
  19. Something different: melbourne et watts optimus sunt
  20. its been a point of discussion for the last 15 years, since maybe Kouta from Carlton as the first true athlete footballer that I remember. I prefer a footballer over an athlete as they know where to get the footy and give it. When an athlete players tends to do well when they play in the backvline. As forwards they really seem to fail as they have no footy brain, just good at getting to a contest.
  21. Going well, except traded in Hughes in a downgrade fro cash and to earn some more money. If there a complaint line to DB for dropping hughes this week for dreamteam !!! teaches me right for trading on a Wednesday. I thought he was traveling okay. Otherwise sitting around 2000-2100. will lose my first game this week in my local comp. Playing the leader of the pack. AS of next week I'm starting to upgrade the boys. for example trangove to swan.
  22. Very funny facebook group: goes great with this thread.... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Richmond-VA/I-hate-it-when-Im-kicking-the-footy-around-and-Richmond-try-to-recruit-me/116177261751551
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