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Everything posted by Bystander

  1. I believe that training is at Casey Fields today but it's a closed session.
  2. I think the run of close wins is more than just luck. If you have won 6,7,8 close games it must make it easier to win the next. Belief. Also, sometimes in a team, apart from ability, there is a particular bond or ethos that gets you over the line. Whatever that magic sauce is, the Carlton 79,81,82 team had it. St Kilda don't. But, with the pies, whatever luck it was...I hope it has run out and they lose all the close ones ...and I hope every game is close for them in 23. They can draw against Geelong. Grundy BOG when they play Melbourne.
  3. Can someone tell me where training is on Friday.?
  4. Elon might have some ideas.
  5. When would you expect the first practice match to be ?
  6. I assuming he is referring to fencing panels, as you have at racetracks. So a leading horse might be 3 panels in front of the following horse.
  7. Thanks K C. Appreciate the Casey news.
  8. Hmmm....you can't tell her to enjoy her trip?
  9. Particularly unselfish player for a forward, in my view. I wish him well.
  10. We may have to go over her head...she seems to like the trappings of power. Last year she delayed a flight because passengers weren't allowed to board before her ladyship..she had got lost making her way from the freebies in the chairman's lounge to the gate. True . But I think Charles is gettable if we give Camilla the number 1 ticket.
  11. Bit of lateral thinking needed...get them out on the grog together on the eve of the carnival..punch up...arrested...abuse female police officer...sent home...should slide nicely
  12. Kane bloody Cornes. What a [censored].
  13. Chandler should be ready. Re Laurie, very hard to significantly increase pace.
  14. I don't really care...but apart from being offered apologies, the goalkeeper who threw the flare into the crowd, reportedly, seems to escape criticism or sanction. Strange.
  15. Not a Collingwood game ?
  16. Lot of contests for spots in 2023. ! There is going to be some quality at Casey as well
  17. Not a Collingwood game ?
  18. Interesting that 3 Casey players were named in the best in the grand final...Munro, White and Grey. Shame Ellison is going...good player and quality young man.
  19. Of course there is only real pressure for spots if lack of performance means demotion and performance at Casey earns promotion.!
  20. John from Epping is an [censored]. Lyons perhaps could have been more forceful. But no need to stereotype "Aussies" as beer swilling wastrels. Generally very fair people who have done quite a bit over the past 250 years. I'm over and out.
  21. Can you not see the hypocrisy in this ?
  22. You might like to re-think that post.
  23. I will be surprised if Laurie gets a senior game in 2023.
  24. Yes, and at 25 he is running out of time.
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