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Everything posted by Bystander

  1. I don't think it is the strongest comp in the country. I watched st Pat's Ballarat get beaten by st Bede's in the Herald Sun championship a couple of years ago. St Bede's had its first win...I enquired...st Bede's had 17 TAC cup ( nab ) players in its team. No scholarships players. I had a son at APS school at the time and nephews at 2 others. I found the aps teams to have a couple scholarship boys, some with talent and most would never make tac cup. I think that is why they duck Herald Sun playoff to find best school team. Just my opinion.
  2. Not well.
  3. That school comp is not a suitable barometer. Who was he playing on? Some kid making up numbers ?
  4. I hate being critical of umpires as it is such a hard game to umpire...but there were some remarkable free kicks Werribee's way in the last quarter...including the Steele one you mention. Your description is accurate. There were others. Jefferson is a worry...never seen a less imposing player. Woewodin has some class...but not quite ready yet, in my amateur opinion. Moniz-wakefield has ability but will need to do a lot more to warrant promotion. Sestan has some good attributes, but I think you can pick the absence of the usual pathway in his game...another year of professional coaching may fix. Ben Brown gave at least one goal away.
  5. Great game here at Werribee.
  6. Would be a shame if 2 players don't get a run at all.
  7. Do the emergencies not used go to Casey game at Werribee, which is starting at same time?
  8. I'm confused. I'm pretty certain he didn't play in the Melbourne or Casey premiership team.
  9. With both games starting at same time, does that mean there will be a couple of players stuck in no man's land ?
  10. Perhaps Gleeson and the AFL advocate could demonstrate what the hell they are talking about.
  11. Agree. But Woewodin showing improvement. Non listed players George Grey and perhaps Roan Steele showing more than Moniz.
  12. Not really. Plenty of flights on Saturday morning to get them to Casey on time. In the past they have been prepared to cut it pretty fine...but tomorrow wouldn't be a problem.
  13. Club statement seems to be saying it is temporary. ?
  14. He might as well have pulled the hawthorn players shorts off as he went past...same penalty. More importantly, I might be in trouble here as well. I was sitting near the boundary, shouted and flapped my arms at the hawthorn player. I'm hoping to get weeks rather than a fine if identified. Will be getting JVR to represent me. He spoke well recently.
  15. I think daisycutter has nailed it. What starts off as a pretty meat and potatoes tackle changes in .001 secs because Day elects to turn whilst being tackled. He can do that, but the loss of balance that results was the cause of the injury. Had Day stayed the course he was on...no problem. Day could have protected himself by handballing forward, or not getting caught. So, just another example of the difficulty the AFL has in tinkering with the Rules to try and reduce risk. This tackle would not have resulted in a problem if players didn't run so fast, tackle from an angle other than directly behind, change direction once tackled or swivel to handball back. Perhaps touch football? I don't think so. Another problem the AFL has is that after the jvr incident, it seems the rule needs to change. If the rule doesn't, the liability issue has worsened. The AFL helped create that problem. Presumably they have a QC looking at that problem. Hopefully not Gleeson. Play on.
  16. Very very harsh treatment to expect someone to leave the AFL. He/She would only be paid market rates, would not have a product that sells itself and basic competency would be expected.
  17. I will interpret that for you. The chairman, Gleeson, was completely wrong. But he is still a nice chap. In the penultimate paragraph of the above quote there is an important typographical error. "Whereby" should be "Where".
  18. No problem with the Rule. The problem is Gleeson decided he would wrongly add a bit in where the Rule was clear.
  19. I don't think having a lawyer/QC as chairman is helpful. You just need someone, preferably a former player, who is literate and fair. ( The rules here were simple and jvr's actions were within those rules ). We lawyers, on the other hand, have the capacity to distort plain words to get a result. This is more important than jvr missing a couple of games. If this decision stands there will be 20 plus players a week there on Tuesdays plus a radical change to the way the game is played. It would be interesting to hear how coaches are explaining this ruling to players today! Don't spoil if the opposing players head is near his outstretched arms? Arms are attached to shoulders upon which the noggin sits.
  20. Saw David Rhys Jones during the week...very nice bloke. Big nick, jezza, Rene kink there as well.
  21. I think it is called volenti non fit injuria....it's been a while
  22. Correct...JVR is also allowed to take into account the laws of physics and flight and nearly 20 years of catching balls.
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