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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I reckon he cost us a goal or two in the first quarter alone. His sights were off all day.
  2. What does everyone actually think about Luke Tapscott's year so far? I reckon he's been in our worst five players every weekso far, but he's just got this physicality about him whose value is really difficult to rate. Sam Blease is another guy whose value to the team extends beyond just his possessions. These two guys have qualities that are very rare on our list, and yet their actual performances have been relatively poor. They're both very difficult to judge. In fact, you can add Colin Sylvia to that list; he butchered the ball like nobody's business yesterday, and yet he exudes a kind of ball-bursting class that we just don't have. Thoughts?
  3. A leader is a man who leads; a captain is a man who tosses a coin every week. Nathan Jones is a leader. He needs no titles.
  4. I'm glad somebody around here gets it. This is the cycle we risk getting ourselves into if we don't stay the course.
  5. Ok then. I guess that might be alright. I just am not sure what it actually accomplishes.
  6. I disagree on both counts. He actually is involved in a lot of possession chains, which means he doesn't turn it over. And slow? I don't think that's true either. He's no Patrick Dangerfield, but he's also no Jack Trengove either.
  7. I'm surprised Walls hasn't called for Neeld to give Trengove a run in the ruck. Making Jones our captain (at the expense of Trengove) mid-season would be a terrible move. The only thing I could see us doing is appointing him our third co-captain while Grimes is injured. I'd back this move, but anything else would be moronic and possibly harmful to the culture of our club.
  8. How much does it cost to hire a professional pee cleaner. Is it a lot?
  9. Risk analyst? Ha! That's rich! The risk of Tappy getting Scotland high was next to nil. Time to look for another job, buddy!
  10. After rewatching the game, I thought James Strauss was actually quite good - especially in the first ten minutes or so. Anyone who can play well right from the start is welcome in this team. I think he should take the Jack Watts half-back role, and Watts should return to the forward line.
  11. As to we, unfortunately...
  12. Judd didn't get near it by himself. Dunn played well on him, but he was not anywhere near our best. I watch every game twice to figure out why our midfield is so bad, so I watch who's on who very closely. Let's be clear; Judd is not the Judd we remember. Dunn dun good, but he was not worthy of the six votes. Also, it's getting to the point now where Nathan Jones is actually overrated on this site. There's no way he should have three times as many votes as Jack Grimes and twice as many votes as Colin Garland. Those three should be about even, with daylight between them and the rest. Poor Jack Grimes
  13. If Jamar is fit, I'd play him and Spencer as rucks, and Gawn and Dawes as full-time forwards. In fact, Gawn is so good around the ground that we could even put him on a wing and let him follow the ball and provide a marking option on the high half-forward flank. Play Jamar as our main ruck, switching forward with Spencer.
  14. Agree on Pederson but Byrnes has been one of our better players this year.
  15. The season is only just one quarter over and there are forty players on our list; let's look at them before placing unfounded faith in kids we don't even have. I haven't even talked about young Hogan yet because we've been burned in the past by hoping that some kid is going to walk in and shake up a horribly dysfunctional organisation. Build from within, not from without.
  16. Let's not do this to ourselves. Looking to the draft is what got us into this position in the first place.
  17. The problem is he often gives a red hot crack with ball that other players have won. If he was getting a lot of his own ball that would be one thing, but when he's butchering the good work of others, it only compounds the frustration. For example, in the first quarter yesterday he ran straight into a Carlton player and was caught holding the ball. He could have just passed off to another player and created a scoring opportunity, but instead he bit off way more than he could chew. And that was not the only time he did something like that yesterday.
  18. He was actually great in his first two games back. I think he kicked two goals in each of those games, as well as having a few tackles and a number of contested possessions. The fact that he's quickly gone downhill speaks to how underdone he is as a result of his foot injury.
  19. Magner isn't going anywhere and Hannath is an unknown quantity.
  20. Maybe not in a straight line, but he's got a tuning circle that rivals Cyril Rioli. He's also tough as nails and runs both ways. Easily best 22, IMO
  21. That was the one in ten that actually comes off. Sylvia wasted so many opportunities today by trying to take on all comers. He's not superman, and he needs to realise that sometimes the best thing to do is the first thing to do.
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