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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Only teams with $'$ in them, so: Bri$bane E$$endon $t. Kilda $ydney We$t Coa$t Eagle$ We$tern Bulldog$
  2. Duh. Neeld supporters are saying we need to keep him because he hasn't had time yet. We can't point to anything much because there isn't yet anything much to point to.
  3. We can't do that because we don't know he's the one for us. Let's just wait out the season.
  4. So let me get this straight: Bailey = Good Bailey-era Schwab = Bad Neeld = Bad Neeld-era Schwab = Good Is that about the gist of it? Bailey was the man who built his house on sand. Things looked nice, but a few bad storms washed us all away. Neeld is the man who builds his house on stone. The hardest part comes first, but after that I think you'll find things will come easier - no matter who is coach by then.
  5. That entitles him to a call up and a couple of weeks in the big leagues, but nothing more.
  6. I don't think even the most strident Neeld supporters would say he's made no mistakes (or even that he's made no significant mistakes). I think where a lot of us are coming from is that to switch to another coach in the near future would undo some of the things we've put in place over the last 18 months. Until we can see that those initiatives haven't worked, we need to see them through. I've always thought that next year is Neeld's litmus test. If he doesn't make significant steps in 2014, I'd get him out as soon as possible. But until then, there's just no earthly way of knowing which direction we are rowing.
  7. Because creating a culture where our future isn't just given a red carpet ride is very important.
  8. Dare I say say it.....my dark side says we [censored] Gold Coast and we don't give Neeld credit because it's "just Gold Coast."
  9. I'll take it. It's been a while since I've had a good bird.
  10. That's a pretty severe rap and if true would certainly make me question Mark Neeld. Having said that it isn't necessarily the opinion of those who remain at the club; as long as Neeld has buy-in from them then there's nothing to worry about.
  11. Whatever he said, asking someone who left the club what he thinks of the way it was run is almost never going to elicit a 100% glowing appraisal. That said, I would also love to hear what Riv said.
  12. Six goals, 12 tackles, 24 possessions and a partridge in a pear tree would be nice.
  13. I think a lot of it has to do with confidence. Confidence in the game plan, confidence in your skills, confidence in your team-mates, and confidence that you can win no matter what. The other thing I notice is that while I reckon we can now match these teams' intensity for short bursts, our skills are nowhere near good enough to take advantage of the ball we win. That is now our major problem.
  14. So you put up an ad for your own blog? Why not just post the damn thing on this website? Usually when people link to other websites, they are linking to the Herald Sun or the Age or a reputable news outlet, not their own blogs.
  15. People give Sellar a lot of crap, but I actually think he's a fairly competent defender. His marking sucks for a big man, but otherwise he's pretty decent depth in that area.
  16. Uh . . . question. Who the hell is this guy and why should we care what he thinks?
  17. Pessimism is a wonderful human trait Old Dee. May you never be unpleasantly surprised through the coming years.
  18. If Spencer was doing the things Jamar does every week, you'd be hailing him as the second coming. The fact that Jamar has been around for so long make us judge him more harshly. Until Spence actually overtakes Jamar in output, I'd stick with the latter. For now I think his biggest failing is that when he loses a tap-out, he loses it convincingly; he cost us a couple of goals on the weekend by allowing Warnock to tap it straight down the throat of guys like Marc Murphy. I see Spencer's speed and potential, but Jamar is certainly ahead of him still.
  19. Wow. Great odds for us, I'd say. Isn't it funny that Demonlanders are now using betting odds to slag on the club. Any excuse to be pessimistic, I guess.
  20. It's pretty silly, that's for sure. Hey Neeldy! Ever heard of giving a player a run at it? Because he can defend like nobody's business.
  21. You won't find a bigger Neville Jetta fan than me, but it's probably good that a guy who hasn't played any football for three weeks isn't just given a spot. Still, I wish we'd just play him anyway.
  22. If you're so keen to tell us what's NOT wrong with him, then why don't you tell us what IS wrong with him?
  23. If Blease couldn't get a run against Carlton's mosquito fleet, I don't think he'll be in contention this week either.
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