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Everything posted by Chook

  1. On the plus side, it'll be good to see Colin Sylvia reach his potential.
  2. Chris Dawes is clearly the way to go. Leadership on and off the field, though his injury record this year admittedly puts some doubt over his ability to translate those skills into any kind of tangible team improvement.
  3. Mine is an Optus network, and it's running slow too. Explain that, Mr Science!
  4. Blue going in, red coming out. That's normal Frawls.
  5. Future senior coach...and that's after winning a couple of Premierships as Melbourne's captain. Good investment? You betcha!
  6. Whenever I hear this guy's commentary on the TAC Cup games or on up and coming youngsters, I can't help but think of a pedophile leering at a bunch of underage boys. It's gross conflict of interest.
  7. I thought this was going to be another bs thread about how nobody in the AFL gives us any credit and blah blah blah. This is only marginally better. Oh, sorry. Was that a disrespectful thing to say?
  8. Anyone who has an hour and a half spare, I highly recommend you listen to (at least) the last Breaking Bad podcast. It's basically a huge monologue by the show's creator. It's extremely interesting, and gives a great insight into the what-ifs and whyfores of the show. Highly recommended. The link is http://www.amctv.com/shows/breaking-bad/insider-podcast-season-5
  9. Unless Jesse Hogan belongs to a different universe than ours, this statement is impossible.
  10. Getting a pick three for Colin Sylvia would be like saying "Okay. I'd like a redo thanks." After ten years of nothing, I guess I'll take that offer.
  11. I just watched the Breaking Bad finale. I think they nailed it pretty well.
  12. What is this "leader of men" crap that people always go on about? Are we worried about getting a "leader of women" instead?
  13. I agree. Just as with the Tom Scully situation, I'd trade 1 for 2 any day. I think a team with deep class is more useful than one with a shallow elite group. Not only that, but with the uncertain nature of draft picks the ability to turn over a larger number of players is very helpful.
  14. I'd definitely take Fyfe for Clark.
  15. Breaking Bad finale time tomorrow. Badass! And those podcasts are great. I've listened to all of them, and they provide so much interesting info about the show.
  16. Cross is a delisted free agent. They don't count, right?
  17. You're surprised the most important skill in the game finally gets the attention it deserves? Okay then.
  18. How is it possibly considered a big innovation to have a goal-kicking coach? Isn't the "point" of the game to kick accurately?
  19. I'd love to pick it up. I don't have a dog, but I'd put it out front with a red and blue Beagle lying on top.
  20. Perhaps the AFL adds a subsidy that would multiply the club's offer by that club's average finishing position over the last x number of years. A club that finished an average of 18th over the last 5 years would be able to pay an equivalent of 1.8 times whatever they're offering. A club that won the premiership would receive no subsidy at all (1.0 times their offer).
  21. Did she have an Indian accent?
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