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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. You may take your shots but at we lost today because of a pathetic 25 mins over the HT break. 20 min mark of the 2nd - PA 40 - Melb 28 Then PA kicked 7.7 to one behind until we kicked our next in the 17th minute of the third. 89 - 29 and we were cooked. We kicked one more goal than them from that point on. A young team will go missing for periods and they did for 25 mins. Positives: We broke even in tackles, clearances, and had our most Inside 50s for the year (46). Meesen had 22 hitouts and was the main reason we held our own in the middle. Bennell is becoming an AFL player very quickly. Miller (should have had 4) and Bate (could have had 4) are tireless and selfless (to a fault, sometimes). Morton is an elite athlete that does not stop running, learning from Bruce who can't kick straight but is our Forest Gump ("I just felt like running"). Jones is picking better targets by hand and foot. McLean drifted in and out but had 8 tackles and 6 clearances. Dunn had 12 touches and 5 clearances. He showed something today. Batram destroyed Ebert something fierce (He still can't kick though). Martin and Frawley continue to impress. Lessen the workload and they will beat their opponent and provide rebound. There are caveats and addendums to all these statements but remove the "25 mins from hell" next week and we will be competitive. We are improving. If anyone remembers last year as vividly as I do you have to agree... We are improving. (Just to prove I am not polyanna: Johnson is now the 4th ruckman at this club, Sylvia should watch how hard Bate runs and works if he wants to stay in the side, all mids need to work on kicking to space for our forwards, and our mids/defensive runners tense up to devastating effect when challenged - They need to run as hard as Bruce, Morton, and Davey do.)
  2. I do not want the senior coach to do a skit in front of the press. You just don't like the guy. That's fine, but his demeanour at press conference is meaningless to me and every right minded person on this site.
  3. rpfc


    When you are as young and raw as we are, you have to be process driven; break even in contested possies, clearances, and tackles. If they do that I'll be happy. They have more polish and will probably win but it will augur well when we have more developed bodies and a forward line.
  4. Older players take longer for muscle tears: Paul Wheatley – Calf – Test, Matthew Whelan – Calf – 1-2 weeks, Russell Robertson – Achilles – Test Pre-existing condition: Jack Grimes – Back – 3 Weeks Broken bones are hardly something staff can prevent, only catch before they become worse (in the case of stress fractures): Daniel Bell – Broken Thumb – 3 weeks, Mark Jamar – Foot – 6 weeks, Colin Garland - Foot - Season A bloke doing an ankle: James Strauss – Ankle – 1 week Poor management: Austin Wonaeamirri – Hamstring – 3 weeks (was brought back too early and reinjured at training) Read into my groups what you will, but sometimes you just have bad luck.
  5. Maric should become a goal-scoring midfielder in the mould of Ablett. Not saying he will be as good, but he can be bloody important to our tilt. Because nothing is as valuable as goal-scoring mids.
  6. I think he can play CHF the way CHF is played these days. I'd prefer to see him do what Richo does on a wing. Basically play as a link from defence to the HF line, or read the play a kick ahead and get on the end of it. Richo is an artist at that. This is counterintuitive but he will kick more goals on a wing than he would at CHF.
  7. In terms of vision and poise - yes. But at 196cm I see him more as a Pavlich/Riewoldt style of CHF or Wing Forward if you are Malcolm Blight. Just as a side note - Does anyone remember Blight's first commentary effort for Channel 10 a few years ago? Sydney - Brisbane, and he hadn't seen a game in three years and had no idea about the rule changes with 'chopping arms' and 'holding the footy if you drag it in.' It was bloody funny listening to him get confused and angry at all the decisions. Hilarious.
  8. Right now Aaron is our best player and he is a leader. Not just to Bennell, Jetta, Jurrah, and Wonaeamirri but to all the younger players who want to become elite runners and kicks of the footy. He is slight, but no-one can deny he doesn't give for the team: one percenters, constant pressure, gut running, always willing to be an option etc. He is quiet, but I grow weary of leaders that strut around and yell and don't get you anywhere. The youngest group in the league would get a lot out of following Aaron Davey. IMO if McLean and Moloney continue to have trouble staying on the park and in form, Aaron Davey and Jared Rivers would be the next in line.
  9. I don't know. I guess that's why Bailey is playing them... All those players you mentioned at one time had fledgling careers that required patience. BTW, this time last year we had a percentage of 37 so we less crap than 12 months ago...
  10. I think you mean 'henny penny,' pollyanna is a reference of positivity and optimism. Guys, we wanted kids, we got the kids. The need time, we need patience and some here need to cool their jets. And 're draft molan,' who isn't going to make it, or who isn't worth playing from that team that makes it the worst team since 1979? This is advice for all out there: You don't have to post all your thoughts, you can pick and choose.
  11. That comment is below you H. And petjud - Can you type properly? It is so bloody hard to read. It's like how BB59 used to write. And petjud - You can rant with the best of them... You make a couple of good points though, there has been a lot of misdirected blame around Demonland of late...
  12. He is finding his feet and doing well in his fledgling career as a tall backman. Why would anyone want to 'throw him aound' at this stage of his development is beyond me. He is learning the game as a defender and he is doing well, let him stay there. And mo64, we are a long way from U/19 Ammos. He might become a ute later on, but let the bloke concentrate and nail a possie in the 22.
  13. If the AFL pull their finger out over the Salary Cap then it will squeeze better players out to be picked up by GC17 and WS18... They are not thinking this Sgt Schulz attitude they have toward 'outside the cap' payments through...
  14. I hope we post didn't send the wrong signal - I think McLean can be a great player. But in the way that Lenny Hayes or Adam Simpson are great players. Unfortunately those clubs have Dal Santo and Harvey ahead of them so McLean is burdened as our best midfielder and asked to do things he can't do. He's not quick, he can't break the lines, and he can't make a dynamic play. And he is getting used to playing AFL still after his injury. 88 mins and 80 minutes respectively this year are not the ideal amount of time our best midfielder should be on the ground. You can compare it to Morton's average of 106 mins, McDonald - 96 mins, Moloney - 96 mins, Bruce - 106 mins, Batram 101 mins, Green - 112 mins, and Jones - 92 mins. He should be pushing 100 mins at his fittest.
  15. Talk about rose-coloured glasses?!? Wouldn't get a game. He'd get 20 playing on and off for their VFL side. He has a long way to go... If recent adequate performances is the start then that's great.
  16. Well done to Aaron. He is a leader and has been a great servant of the club so far and our most exciting player. Let's hope he plays a hundred more.
  17. McLean is not a dynamic midfielder in the mould of Judd, Ablett, or Cooney. He is an honest goer that needs to accumulate possessions over the 120 minutes to have a great effect. His vision, ability around stoppages, and bullet like kicks can have a devastating effect over the course of a game. But, unless he gets 5 clearances in a quarter, he is never going to break a game open like those three I mentioned above do. And at the moment he is being nursed back into AFL; he played 80 mins on Saturday.
  18. He's missed about 35 games in 2007 and 2008. That's why. Let him play a few games before saddling him up.
  19. Half-decent in my eyes... But that isn't saying alot; my jeans don't have holes in them and my T-shirts don't have tourist destinations in the US that I have never been to on them... I guess the jokes on us considering it is a shirt that we would wear for only a year and we are willing to fork out $60 for one we think is half-decent. Yes, that means i'm going to buy it... Fashionable and footy don't go together in my eyes.
  20. Then it's a good thing he is a tagger. Some people are getting caught up in the icing, we have to be concerned about the cake - Our midfield went missing for a half on Saturday and it killed us. Let's worry about Batram's ability to deliver the footy over 35 metres when we win the contested footy, the clearances, and the tackle count.
  21. Who gives a flying about Baliey's charisma. He is not there to crack jokes with Mark Stevens. And the bloke is highly respected by the few people in the football world I know - I don't know where the amateur comment comes from. As for the word competitive... Last year at this time we were beaten by 104 and 95 points and had a percentage of 37...
  22. I agree. And to be perfectly honest, the game plan was executed magnifciently in the first quarter and then we froze up in the second half and also lost the contested possies, the clearances, and the tackle count. There are so many threads bemoaning, or explaining and championing, the game plan and the forward line. The midfield has been awful for three quarters out of 8 this year and it has cost us.
  23. Tell the midfield not to fail miserably and then have a go at Bate. BTW, his first half was great, he and Miller were presenting and the midfield delivering. All this Bate-bashing is like blaming the fawcett when you don't pay your water bill. 79 Inside 50s over two games is miserable. Half decent teams would be pushing 100.
  24. Outside the first 45 mins, the midfield was awful but they weren't because they are one dimensional - they were awful because they didn't even excel in their dimension. Now, I don't believe we are as slow as some think but I agree that our midfield is centred around winning contested footy, clearances, and the tackle count. Moloney, McLean, McDonald, Jones, Batram and, to a lesser extent, Bruce and Green, all have assets that should see them, when in form, give us first use of the footy, and winning in dispute contests. Right now they are not in that sort of form. Added to this is the fact that only Bruce and Green are running hard to provide an option, and with Moloney are taking the game on when challenged. The rest return to their shell they were in last year.
  25. Swearing was deleted, mate. And with good reason, apologies to whichever moderator wiped my com-post. Just can't stand trolls like Old Xaverian. GG - You can remain arrogant and self-righteous... If you remain on 'ology...
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