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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I think he could use a few games like Newton had on Sat. Can be a very good HFF, but with the awful service and his lack of a second effort it was a really bad day for him.
  2. Bate really could have kicked a couple but agree that his second efforts were particulary non-existent today. Dunn would be struggling to get a contract for next year. Bell in the same boat. They are both ok in all positions but good in none. Maric showed little but 'yo-yo-ing' youth should not be the go for us this year. PJ and Meese were beaten easily, although Meesen is more of a competitor when the ball hits the ground - he had 3 clearances. Big trip next weekend and runners are required at Subi. Out: Dunn, Bate In: Jetta, McNamara Or possibly Newton, Cheney, Bail, or Grimes. Whelan might need another couple of games. At least we have options, and they're young.
  3. That is arguable considering Newtons' fledgling career, but the fairness of opportunity always falls on the side of those who put the work in. Miller is a shredded man-mountain who runs all day and is a leader of men. Newton is not toned, after 5 pre-seasons, and has had problems with application and attitude.
  4. No. The AFL/VFL did it right in 1996 - Its centenary year. After being formed in 1897. Casey scorp is right. BTW, Jack - good idea. With enough PR I reckon it could catch on...
  5. I think you only saw the very selective clip that was shown by Fox and The Footy Show; the extended clip shows Morton not running away from Lade but running to meet the next passage of play. And Morton doesn't sh!t his pants, he looks very comfortable with the ball. Stick to your original argument - that Palmer is a more accurate kick. That may be true but Morton has vision, a HUGE tank, a raking (if inconsistent) kick, and a few inches on Palmer. They are neck and neck right now (major injuries aside) but the club didn't draft him to be the best player in his second year, he drafted him to be the best player in his 5th year. And being a wingman at 193cm - he looks like he could be a very special player.
  6. Bate has glacial speed. Keeping him in our midfield with McLean, Junior, and Moloney was untenable. Better as a HFF with someone minding him.
  7. IMO Bate's form has been up and down but he is a better footy player than Newton. And his form didn't warrant selection ahead of Bate.
  8. Warnock and Garland showed me to be an awful judge of unseen talent, so I will wait to put lines through Newton, McNamara, and Meesen. Wheatley, Whelan, and Bell may fall to the march with youth. And Robertson and McDonald would be close too. Serial underperformers like PJ, Sylvia, and Dunn would be the next weakest.
  9. rpfc

    Scott West

    We seem to have improved our handballing, I don't know if this is the doing of West but he was one of the best handballers and clearance players of his time.
  10. You got that bit right... I'm arrogant?! You're the one playing a pointless game of semantical 'gotcha'. Anyone can make a judgement about anyone, even me as you have done, just don't expect anyone to take it seriously.
  11. If they take more note of an article or an extended passage on FC or MMM (or whatever radio station he's on now), than a 4 second statement before a segue into another topic prompted by the FC producer. And anyone can judge him as a journo from what I mentioned above. But, if you do not know the guy, you cannot adequately judge him. It won't stop people from doing it though.
  12. I just thought I would give Rusty the benefit of the doubt in terms of the wording. I don't need to explain the different meanings of the words as you are obviously a well educated individual. Your patronising tone aside, I agree with you that Szondy, Gardner, and all the other maligned Presidents are not deserving of the treatment they get from many supporters of this club. They gave their time and that is to recognised, they also didn't deliver, and that is, unfortunately, the most recognised thing about them.
  13. From what is written and said by the person. I only hope that they do not read, equally, into the 'throwaway line' of Garrys' that set off this little two-and-fro between you and I.
  14. You're more than welcome. And that Rusty, what a scoundrel, blaming Gardner for not bringing in former players? That's abstruse. There are many other things that are more important that were neglected by previous boards. Strange to pick on Gardner for something like that. Anyway, to each their own...
  15. No, but if you do, then judge away... If you think you have satisfactorily gleaned them, then judge away... I just don't believe many here have satisfactorily gleaned those they judge.
  16. The most disappointing thing about this thread is, with the amount of free time the palyers have, they will probably read the innane thoughts in this thread. If you guys are blowing up because of Morton, brace yourself for when we are 4 and 18 at the end of the year and everyone is still bagging the club and our players. Long road ahead, enjoy the development of players like Morton, that is what I'm going to do.
  17. If you are not in a position to know these things, or satisfactorily glean them, then you shouldn't be judging them. You can judge Garry as a journo, Michael Newton as a footy player, Jimmy Stynes as a President, but that's it. Unless you know them personally, then go to town.
  18. It's a saying... Every time Gardner is mentioned you ask for a 'please explain' of sorts from the poster. You can't stop biting...
  19. It is a comment that could have applied to 'any other game' that was as poor as the game on Sunday. Any other game that didn't involve the team that he was a star player for. I don't think Eddie is a particulary good example as he doesn't give comment on the game; he used to host a show that never got close to talking about footy and, also, Millionaire. I judge people on their passions, on their beliefs, on their compulsions, on who they constantly stand up for, on who they constantly defend, on who they lay blame, on who they think is blameless, etc.
  20. Fish can choose not to bite, HSOG. This thread is questioning the intentions of former players and that doesn't sit right with me. But say what you will. I mean, former players are fair game and former boards and former Presidents.
  21. You don't have to wonder: Jimmy is more passionate about the club. He became President... But that doesn't mean Garry Lyon doesn't love the club. He is trying to be impartial and I think people read it, rightly or wrongly, as indifference. I wouldn't judge anyone on their throwaway lines...
  22. You question it because he is a wingman and you want him dropped. Our best midfielders have been in this order: Davey, Bruce, Morton, Moloney, McLean, and Jones. It is in that order (and I love the way Moloney goes about his footy) because of the work the first 3 do off the ball to run to space and move from one end to the other to help their teammates. As long as he is selflessly running himself into the ground for the benefit of his team he will one of the first names picked by the match committee.
  23. He is 19 and cannot go a few minutes without getting a touch. Makes bad decisions from time to time, can be caught out of position, but drop him? He is going to have to play a lot worse than he has so far. Oh, and BTW, don't question this kids workrate. He runs a marathon every match, end-to-end stuff. There is nothing wrong with the workrate of Cale Morton. (I reiterate that because there are a few that throw workrate around like a buzz word they have no understanding of.)
  24. Right now, Newton would be more productive than Watts at CHF. I hope everyone prepares themselves for next year - Watts will play on a wing and sometimes drift into the forward line. Anyone here who thinks we can plonk him in the square and kick it on his head are kidding themselves and creating unnecessary pressure on the kid and the team.
  25. His workrate is fine, runs himself to exhaustion. Bate will be a good HFF in a good team, that is why we should keep persisiting with him.
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