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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. That looks like a good balanced team. Not too big in the fwd line, but when your talent isn't big, why go big?
  2. Cricket sucks. Just played in 33 degree heat and it was awful - 60 0vers in the field, and came off feeling we lost even though we won the week before and I got a decent score. That's a 2-Day game for you. Dehydration and awful smelling bag of expensive crap - that's all you get from cricket.
  3. If Jones isn't in the 22 - who is going to get the clearances? Brock had glacial movement and missed targets but he averaged over 5 clearances a game from memory. Scully and Trengove won't be at the bottom of the packs in 2010, and nor should they have that burden.
  4. I would let BP trust his eye on each pick. But with Affirmative Action for taller players...
  5. I don't know a great deal about the draft. I know Rohan is not 196cm though. Mark Stevens is just an awful journalist. With him, Robinson, and Anderson, there is such a low bar for thought at the Hun.
  6. Alright, now we're talking! And moving? Soon? I Want To Get Out Of The Junction.
  7. Don't bother about it, HSOG. This is one of the worst threads I have ever seen on Land. Some of our worst work, really.
  8. Looks great. I have no idea what I am looking at but it looks great.
  9. BB59 and I are rarely on the same page we agree in this thread - why is there such a love of teams that couldn't go deep into September? I don't like going to the G in September knowing my team cannot win the whole effing thing. It is deflating. I repeat - the only time I thought we could win a flag was August 2004, and that hope was dashed inside of a month. Why would we want that? Daniher did a good job with what he had but now we have more than ever and that is thanks, in part, to Bailey and Co.
  10. Blease, Strauss, and Bennell are going to have to train their arses off to make Rd 1.
  11. You did. A little later than others. Cough...Post #5...cough. But until he puts some body on his bones he will predominantly play as a wingman, hopefully a damaging wingman.
  12. I looked through and bumped the thread I was refering to - it's on the Footy board.
  13. Bump. This is for CB, who wanted to know my opinion of the gameplan. All comments welcome. I have it on post #97 and a few have quoted it before it and after it. Have a read through the thread - are we more optimistic, or less? Should we be either?
  14. You are getting tiresome.
  15. Had a go at describing it in a thread a few months ago. Can't be stuffed at the minute, but if someone wants to find that thread it would save me from caring.
  16. Flag in 2014 - Why do you want to relive history so desparately? The Daniher Era Was So Competitive In Finals. And Bring Back Robbo, are classic songs loved by those who don't want to move on, and would prefer to cling to a bygone era. And Hughes is our mature rookie if the last list lodgement is to be believed.
  17. I wen to the NM game in 98 knowing we couldn't win, I went to the GF in 00 knowing we couldn't win, I went to the Semi against Adelaide in 02 knowing we couldn't win (changed at 3qtr time but the rest is painful history), I missed the awful loss to Ess in 04 after a pathetic fall from 1st after Rd 18, I went to the Elim against Geel in 05 knowing we couldn't win, and I watched the semi against Freo in 06 knowing we couldn't win. So 2004 was the year that I was expecting to do something and I was disappointed to learn it wouldn't happen in August of that year. Other than that we have never been close to the only thing I give a sh!t about - a flag. Daniher did well with the resources he had but he never had the ruthlessness that Bailey has shown. It's a ruthlessness I didn't see coming, but was pleasantly surprised by. I'm not going to bother with the rest, FI2014. Suffice it to say, Bailey's gameplan is not what you described.
  18. I have said a few times - Sylvia, Bate, Green, Bruce, Grimes, and 'McDonald/Bennell' will run through the middle from the forward line or back line. I think that Davey, Moloney, Morton, Jones, Sylvia, Bate, Green, Bruce, Grimes, Scully, Trengove, and one of McDonald and Bennell are enough legs to run through the middle. That's 12 players rotating through all areas of the ground and the bench. Leaving 10 spots for two rucks, 4 set forwards (Watts, Wonna, Jurrah, and one of Miller/Petterd), and 4 set defenders (Frawley, Rivers, Warnock, and Garland). I think it's a decent compromise. I also didn't want to see blatant poor balancing of a team to fit in as many mids as possible ie. 1 ruckman, Blease on a HFF, Davey in a FP, etc Note: Davey in a FP is disengenous because he will spend more time in the midfield than in a pocket so it is not a balanced 22.
  19. You must be only a third of the way through the season... 2008 was a great year for Garland. And while our hearts have grown fonder since 08 - Garland was a revelation and would easily be in our best 22. I hope he gets a decent PS in and 2010 is another opportunity for the kid. By the way, not being as good a defender as Frawley is nothing to be embarrassed about. And welcome.
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