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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Isn't it amazing progress that we have graduated from willing the senior coach to move aside to criticising our vastly improved kick-in routine... 6 weeks is an effing eternity.
  2. If that is the crux of your point than we agree. And you are Captain Obvious... "Whenver there is a need to say something inherent or implicit to a conversation - there will be Captain Obvious!" I love you, WYL. But jeez...
  3. If anything, Grimes is too good a decision maker and kick. He will look, as Davey does and TJ did, at delivering passes that are needle threading and opposition breaking and not what the mere mortal kicks in the AFL attempt. Grimes was steady and balanced and played a great game on Friday night, if he makes a mistake he more the makes up for it when his other forward thrusts charge through the opposition.
  4. What a pathetic mindset! Positives from a game...that we lost?! Can I applaud grimes' run from defence? Can I amaze at Scullys' last quarter? Can I be proud that the four highest contested possesion winners were 20, 19, 18, and 18? Can I be happy with that 'progress'? No, because I want my kids to learn to walk before they can crawl. Because I am an anal parent who doesn't like telling them what they are doing right as they grow up, and only point out what small mistakes they made along the way.
  5. I sometimes find you a little tiresome WYL. Of course losses are not the desired result for a group of competitive youngsters, but that game could have, and probably should have, gone the other way. We aregetting better and narrow losses are part of the journey that we started in 2008. Get real and let the kids screw up, they'll learn and get better.
  6. Pink? Meh. We have been wearing burnt orange and purple for 5 years anyway...
  7. He's quick in a straight line. It's just the turning he has trouble with...
  8. I'm much more concerned with exposure to the AFL of our young talent and consistent application rather than wins. We are not a chance to win the flag this year, so development of our youngsters should be the priority - if that leads to wins (it is at the moment) then so be it.
  9. Thanks, Nasher. And I wouldn't worry about it. I still got my, incredibly self involved, point across. Get to the game and watch 22 blokes run around playing the way they have been told to play for two years. But with confidence and application. And better handballing ability...
  10. MFC fans hate Etihad. And they should. Awful place...
  11. Sylvinator is right, well argued. However, Scott is just trying to stir a little something-something so more than 20k turn up on Sat.
  12. Nah, I've missed about 4 episodes due to girlfriend issues (spending time with her, spending money on her, etc) so instead of being 'lost' I am just going to buy the DVD when it comes out. Better make sense though...
  13. Garland, Frawley, and Warnock are making it hard for Rivers... And I love Jared Rivers. Maybe Future Garland to do what Bruce does now, and there is a Future Rivers...
  14. I hate the way you pander to MFC officials, in this case - Scott West... Tee hee.
  15. When I have a horn sitting right there, why not toot it? I feel for the hornless...
  16. That wasn't my quote, genie-ess. It was from G'brough Demon. It is just hard to see due to the format change that Land has gone through in the interim. And I would like to think that I have bumped these threads not to point out I was right, but to point out how many of you were wrong. If no-one ever tells you 'you're wrong' how do you ever change and evolve? But, again, my ego loves this crap.
  17. I'm bumping this again. Yes, to stroke my own ego, but also to point out how quickly things change. But mainly ego.
  18. Isn't it amazing what a little confidence and application does to a gameplan...
  19. It'll be on FTA but Ainslie Footy Club will have a few Dees fans watching. Cnr of Wakefield and Limestone.
  20. And one more thing - you play how you think you should play to win a flag. Landers last year, and the year before, bemoaned our 'gameplan' or perceived lack thereof, and thought that Bailey should base a plan around the players he had rather than mould the playing group around the plan. AoB is right about our recruiting, but it isn't just that - it is changing how the players already at the club behave on the field. Many thought that if we weren't using Moloney's long kick in our plan than he would become superfluous, but instead he has lowered his eyes, worked on his clearance work and handballing and become an A grade midfielder (so far in 2010). Frawley has tamed his kicking, the backs have increased their boldness and confidence, the forwards have prioritised pressure, and the midfield has finally learnt how to handball. Go and watch Rd 1, 2008 for a few minutes and compare our handballing then to now. It's a lesson in sticking to your beliefs and not cowering because of a bad two hours every week when your players don't, or can't, do what you tell them to do.
  21. Honestly, some of you have issues. Or maybe you're just very good MFC supporters. We lose by 50 points and Bailey has no gameplan we cry, we win by 50 points and Bailey just tells them to run, and therefore, we still have no gameplan. We move into the corridor off half back and share (our handballing improved out of sight) until we hit up a 30 metre target outside 50 or continue to share and go over the top of the opposition zone. I saw it last year, hell, I could dig up something from 2008, I really want to toot my own horn here... The point is - if you can't see a gameplan then you were one of the majority/plurality that thought we didn't have one and you're too arrogant to admit you were wrong, are wrong, and are being stubbornly ignorant of facts hitting you in the face.
  22. If we get thrashed by Brisbane I will be down but it won't lessen the fact that we have improved on last year, WHILE GETTING YOUNGER. I am so sick of these 'goal post moving fans' who simply want to be the sane one in the asylum who 'expects more than the rest of you' and are 'not as easily impressed.' Oh, yeah. You guys are amazing how you can point out that we still turn the ball over and that we hurt us against a team that hasn't lost a game. Melbourne supporters... If I didn't love you guys, I'd hate you guys. Just enjoy the ride, you goram clogs.
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