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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. In the immortal words of Jon Bon Jovi... “Lord we got to keep the faith.” Or was it “we’re halfway there, living on a prayer”???! ?❤️?
  2. Thanks for the tip. Was worth the $2:20 for what’s gonna end up lining my chook coop.
  3. Something’s not right with the world today. There’s something amiss. Oh, I know, I didn’t wake this morning to a new Collingwood scandal. ? I guess we’ll just have relish in what we’ve already got. Drink it in, fellow Deeeez-ers.
  4. Same with the face mask. I bought one at the G on Sunday. For starters, it’s black, not blue. And like you said of the backpacks, it’s like they’ve just slapped our logo on thereby quadrupling the price. And, it’s way too big, one size fits all, my arze. End of whinge. ? ❤️?
  5. That’s integrity right there. Even the Carlton thugs behind me were acknowledging it.
  6. Thank you for that. It’s actually an amusing read. ?
  7. I’m so glad to read this about Essendon. I hate them with every fibre of my being. I hate them with unrivalled/unbridled red hot passion. I hate them to a degree that’s off the charts, next level, boss level. I hate them more than I’ve ever hated anyone/anything. I hate them so much that it sometimes scares even me. Somebody slap me. ? Cheers, I feel so much better now. ❤️?
  8. For mine, Salem. One word: CONSISTENCY.
  9. Well, Essendon would be nicer. But hells, I’ll happily take Collingwood as a close second. ❤️?
  10. Coz that’s what you wanna see in your newest board member. Especially when you’re already in all sorts.
  11. According to Bruce seems every player deserves to kick the winning goal. ?
  12. My butcher said similar to me (you know your team is doing well when your butcher, with whom you’ve barely spoken, other than “two kilos of mince please” smack talks about your team). I says, “Uhm, Dees fans don’t RENT chalets, they OWN them.” He replied, “ Well three less of them own their chalets now. They had to sell them. That’s how you could afford Petracca.” Unrelated: does anyone know if murdering a Collingwood supporter can result in acquittal on the grounds of justifiable homicide? Asking for a friend. ?
  13. It’s been said many times that being spoiled for choice is a “nice problem to have.” Nonetheless, it is a problem.
  14. A root canal of magpies? A syringe of bombers? A meth pipe of eagles? A frontal lobotomy of Demonlanders?
  15. I feel for your friend. I also feel sick every morning of game day. I can’t eat, I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m a bundle of nerves. It’s only once the siren’s gone and we’ve won that I feel human again.
  16. Lemme guess... you’re a member of N.A.D. (National Dyslexics Association). ?
  17. Sure! Not because she’s a woman, but because she is a great coach who happens to be a woman.
  18. Very similar article. This one is a great read, too.
  19. There was a fantastic double-page article/interview published in the Sunday Age on 21 July 2019 titled “The Ides of May.” Reading this at the time is what sold me on him. Idk how to find old articles such as this one but if anyone else does I highly recommend it. ❤️?
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