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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. It’s as old as the hills, targeting someone’s Achilles heel, if you will. No matter the body part, dirty opposition players will find a way.
  2. Same here. I also seem to end up surrounded by the most obnoxious opposition supporters.
  3. I was hoping that they actually had got it right and we could be convinced by them and we could move on. But this is infinitely worse.
  4. Wow! That’s blatant favouritism right there.
  5. All good coz even Adelaidians bag Adelaide. Case in point: I had to do hotel quarantine in Adelaide last year coz Melbz wasn’t taking in OS flights. On my last day as I left the hotel I told one of the cops guarding the door that I had eight hours to kill before my flight and since I’d never been in Adelaide I asked him if he could suggest what places of interest I should visit etc. He said, “yeah no worries, I can do that. But what are you gonna do for the other seven and a half hours?” ?
  6. I’m half-expecting some clown on here to chime in with, “even if Viney’s foot did drop off he’d still play better than most of our boys did on the weekend,” or similar. Critiquing is one thing. But brutal, scathing no-holds-barred attacks are totally undue. And NOT cool.
  7. Port have scored only a behind for the entire first quarter. That’s what happens when you turn up to play in your pyjamas. ?
  8. I call last night a “circuit breaker.” ?❤️?
  9. While usually loath to blame a loss on umpires, this is an exception. The umpires are human, we get that. But throw in a crowd that have honed booing to the point that it’s an art form and the result can be (and was) gutting.
  10. Just to lighten the mood... My eldest son lives in Poland, has zero interest in footy, but despite the 8/10 hour time difference, he stays abreast of Dees matches coz he knows how passionate I am. Last night this was our text exchange... ?
  11. How do you know I’m not? Does dead on the inside count?
  12. And now the infighting is gonna start. Boy, Dees fans turn on each other in a heartbeat. There’s gonna be ppl snapping at each other, and bagging the team mercilessly is something else I just can’t abide by. So I’m just gonna excuse myself now. ‘Night all. ❤️?I’m sorry but I needed to say that. Probs should’ve said it in a nicer way. I think I need to lie down for a bit. Or maybe a stiff drink. Or maybe both. ?
  13. Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. I’m literally gutted. So your suggestion is a great one. But personally I’m gonna need a little more than an hour. ? I wish I could be angry. Being disappointed is so much harder.
  14. Three and a half minutes remaining. Gonna feel like three and a half weeks.
  15. I’ve never wanted anyone to be right about anything more than I want you to be right about this.
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