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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. She said the ball’s been touched by “many sweaty men,” with such disdain! Who did she expect to be on show?! She’s not talking about a ballet performance. ?‍♂️
  2. I know right? I’m sure one day in the future I’ll be lying on a prison psychiatrist’s couch saying something like, “but I had to kill him, doc, he was an Essendon supporter...” And sadly, getting off scot free on the grounds of justifiable homicide isn’t gonna happen. It will never. Otherwise there’d be no Essendon supporters alive. ?
  3. Essendon got a B! How can this be accurate??? Maybe it is but my all-encompassing red-hot hate for them tends to cloud my judgement. Even so, a B?!?!
  4. Okaaay. ? And this is the answer to your question, “...what’s Fonzie like?”
  5. I don’t know what numbers they’ll wear but I do know that Jye’s surname is an editor’s (or whomever thinks up the headlines) delight: after a great performance... DEEE-CLASSY!!! etc.
  6. Hey, I’d be lucky to inhale every 200gm let alone dental ablutions. Looks like I’m gonna have to jump ship and join the filth. I could be their new president. Surely I couldn’t do a worse job than the incumbent.
  7. Then what’ll I do once this week ends? I’m in it for the long haul.
  8. With all due respect old dee, a lack of commitment is not the only thing that may be what’s stopping a person from signing up for membership. There may be a lack, but of something other than commitment.
  9. So much so he almost lost his voice. Post-match interview, he sounded hoarse. Accurate comparison to Luke Hodge. When he was mic-ed up during a match couple of years back it was so impressive to hear his constant encouragement/instructions/strategies etc.
  10. Yeah, coz doesn’t every club make every decision based on what’s good for the game???? Give me a break. ?
  11. You don’t think on Collingwood or Essendon or Richmond fan forums this is being done? Yeah, you’re probably right; they’d likely be making puns out of the periodic table or the complete works of Dostoevsky or.... sorry, I can’t keep a straight face ?
  12. Noooo! Not nearly enough rangas have won the BL. Adam Cooney was the most recent?
  13. I’m sure they’ll close this thread Sondheim soon. ?
  14. You mean your reasons for detesting the other clubs is part of your thesis? Make room on the Honours Roll... here comes QD!!! I’m procrastinating (successfully, too). Supposed to be working but got a bad case of the CBFs.
  15. You’re right. I clean forgot that there’s footy fans out there who wanna hear BT bang on for 10 minutes about the fact that it’s the first time in VFL/AFL history that two opposing players in the same match both have the initials O.F. (Ollie Florent and Orazio Fantasia). It took him 20 seconds to say that. He spent the remaining nine minutes and 40 seconds saying “Orazio FANNN-TAAAAAYYYY-ZEEEEYYAAA” over and over and over again. Meanwhile the game continued, uncommentated. ?
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