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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I love this!!!! I’ve not seen this before. In my household we all call coffee covfefe. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to send this pic to every single person I know and some that I don’t know.
  2. Uhm, no it’s not. Also you once pulled me up for using non-words, remember? So what’s the go with “flabbergastation” ???? I can think of another word beginning with F that applies to this puzzle. Yep, starts with F and ends with K and it’s not firetruck. 😉
  3. I hear you, Nev. And while I did refer to this as a guessing game, I seriously would like to know to whom prejudicial comments were made. Because if I’ve been guilty of this I’d like to be told so as I can address it. But I can’t even begin to think of atonement when I don’t know to whom and in which way I’ve erred.
  4. So refreshing to hear someone so honest. None of the usual banal answers. And really well-spoken, too.
  5. This is starting to feel like one of @Demonstone’s dastardly discombobulating puzzles. Only, not as much fun. The Friday the 13th version, maybe. All I’ve got is the Jake Bowey thread but that can’t be it coz nobody was bagging him. They merely mentioned his red hair. My other “guess” is the Dean Margetts is retiring thread. But that can’t be it either. That’s not an example of prejudice in the true meaning of the word. It’s merely bagging someone who many feel is not doing a good job. So yeah, I am and shall remain 100% none the wiser.
  6. All good, Macca. If you’d rather not specify, so be it. That’s your prerogative.
  7. I honestly don’t know which thread you’re talking about. If that’s a result of me not seeing the harm in any type of prejudice, then I especially need to be told.
  8. To whom do you refer, Macca? And in case you’re gonna say it doesn’t matter who it is, it does matter. I mean, was this white man being vilified for being white? Don’t forget: Martin Bryant is white, but there’s no one jumping to his defence.
  9. She’ll clean up at the 2032 Brizzie Olympics!
  10. Maybe not so much down as shifted. There’s been a dramatic rise in some crime categories, domestic violence being an example of such.
  11. Pity you couldn’t toss in a word beginning with S and another beginning with F. Would’ve been a fitting (two-word) acronym. 😉
  12. Good question. It beggars belief that this could be allowed to happen. I mean, you risk being hanged, drawn and quartered should you dare to bring 26 cigarettes into Australia, the limit being 25.* But bring a deadly disease from one state to another? No wukkas. * I know this is not an accurate comparison but I may or may not have been caught with 80 cigarettes once and I’m clearly still bitter about it. 😆
  13. Are you staying in Aus for a while, DF?
  14. WalkingCivilWar wonders why all of the sudden Youngwilliam is speaking in third person. 😁
  15. Yeah, but that’s them. We might not be as lucky next time it happens. And it will happen. There’s no shortage of selfish idiots who will do this without a moment’s thought.
  16. I was wondering the same thing. How did they “sneak” onto a plane? Who is policing this process? The consequences are huge given they both tested positive having been on a plane for hours with all the other passengers and the crew members.
  17. Well, Stiff Arm won’t see this since I believe he has me on ignore but if anyone else is interested… my 16yo son is in Year 10, and while it appears that the Australian History curriculum now incorporates a level of Indigenous Culture study, it’s still not as comprehensive as it could/should be. Interestingly enough, currently in his Sociology studies they are covering racism, and in particular racism and the AFL. Just a couple of days ago he told me his class watched an awesome documentary (online schooling) and he said to me, “have you heard of a guy named Adam Goodes?” (Bless his lil heart😊) The doco he’d just watched was The Final Quarter and it was followed up with in-depth discussion, teacher and students. I was delighted to hear that. It’s no doubt a step in the right direction.
  18. But geez, they’d look adorable running out in their little red and blue onesies.
  19. Zero nominations in 2020 to five nominations in 2021. That’s no mean feat! ❤️💙
  20. FWIW, I find it very funny 😆 Especially the thought of 5000 sadsacks at Kardinia Park. Geelong isn’t even interstate. 😂
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