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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. This is getting boring. JK. Winning is never boring. GO THE MIGHTY DEES
  2. I may or may not be crying right now. ❤️?
  3. Hey @DemonOX Hope you’re enjoying the match. Well, 3rd quarter anyways. ? Thinking of you, buddy.
  4. Okaaay. Cheers for the suggestion. Apologies for inconveniencing you. No offence taken, so long as you aren’t singling me out. I trust you’ll be giving this very advice to every single forum member who’s ever dared to stray off-topic (?) Cool. And as for me “trimming my bio/interests,” really? Really dude? Again, I trust you’ll be checking everyone’s profile and conducting word counts lest anyone else causes you to “trawl down through air space.”
  5. Awesome! Thank you ? And thanks for not thinking I’m an idi*t for not understanding it. Well, you may’ve thought that, so thanks for not letting on. ? ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  6. So, St. Kilda have to play five current top 8 sides again and Swans have to play zero. Is that right?
  7. So, St. Kilda have to play five current top 8 sides again and Swans have to play zero. Is that right?
  8. I’m trying hard to understand this, but to no avail. If anyone can spare a minute at some point to explain it, I’d be grateful. If not, you’re all dead to me. JK. ?Thanks, in anticipation.
  9. The boys will get a win for you, DemonOX. If not, I’m sure they’ll still do you proud. So sorry for your loss. ?❤️
  10. Clayton’s note to self: fend off with my left arm and not, I repeat, NOT my right.
  11. Further on that Trent Rivers article, and this is a serious question, what does Baum mean by “D” when he says...
  12. Even if you were referring to the rivers, the apostrophe shouldn’t be there. Soz, if @demonstoneis a pedant, then consider me a ball-breaker. You can take the girl outta proofreading but you can’t take, etc. ?
  13. Let’s just say I do. Why would a relative named Yolanda be the one who’ll know the answer?
  14. This is a great article. I especially like that Trent lives with Luke Jackson in the home of Mr and Mrs Brayshaw, Gus and his brothers, ‘not Gus’ and ‘also not Gus.’ What a household that’d be. ?
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